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ISIS Jihadists Behead Another American Journalist Steven Sotloff Over US Airstrike

isis beheads american journalist

Sept 2nd, 2014 – Islamic State, ISIS Jihadists Behead Another American Journalist Steven Sotloff Over US Airstrike

Islamic extremists in Syria have brutally murdered yet another American Journalist few days after they beheaded James Foley.

Steven Sotloff, a 31-year-old freelance Journalist who was kidnapped last year has been murdered by the heartless animals in human skin.

This latest beheading followed a serious warning message ISIS sent to US over its airstrikes on them.

The suspected British rapper, Abdel Majed Abdel Barry aka Jihadi John who beheaded James Foley was the same man who killed Steven few hours ago.

Despite her non-stop appeal to them, Sotloff’s mum, Shirley was shocked to hear the news of the brutal murder of her son few hours ago.

She has been crying non-stop since, blaming the US for allowing the Islamic extremists to behead her son.

The deceased was kidnapped in Syria last August.

Steven’s mum, Shirley

Why do these Islamic extremists take joy in beheading human beings???? I don’t get it.

This is the highest evil in man’s history.

May Steven’s soul rest in perfect peace (amen)



  1. Amara Adokiye

    September 2, 2014 at 11:17 PM

    I want to assume they are sacrificing the head and the blood to an unknown god. Americans in syria should flee now

  2. T

    September 3, 2014 at 2:10 AM

    After all the pleads From his mother.
    Arise o God and let out enemies be scattered

  3. da game behind da game

    September 3, 2014 at 3:34 PM

    ISIS are financed by the west and american government but in Syria, they are called moderate terrorist whereas in Iraq they are known as ISIS (what a Joke). May the soul of the young man beheaded yesterday rest in peace. However, beheading and other gruesome evil acts are carried out by the Boko Haram daily but hardly do the international propaganda news channels broadcast such news. The west and american government should stop meddling in sovereign countries internal affairs and promote peace. Rather than using the divide and rule evil, colonial and slavery confusion tactic in other to sell arms and bomb sovereign countries with intention of controlling and stealing there natural resources. Thereby installing a puppet regime and forcing IMF loan on the country with gigantic interest as well as distributing their genetic modify foods as Aid and at the same time using the children as genetic modify foods lab rats.

  4. hate islam

    September 3, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    islam is terminal disease

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