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Jilted Tipper Driver Crushes Woman’ Leg In Asaba Delta State..Bloodbath As Man Attacks Ex-Girlfriend

tipper driver crushes woman leg

January 27, 2017 – Truck Driver Crushes Woman’s Leg In Asaba Delta State: Bloodbath As Jilted Lover Attacks Ex-Girlfriend

See photos from the scene of a brutal attack carried out by a tipper driver in Asaba Delta state today.

The beautiful woman just opened her shop but while sweeping the front section of her beauty shop, a tipper driver intentionally ran into her before zooming off.

The scene of the bizarre incident was an eyesore as many wondered why a man could do such to an innocent woman.

The lady who is currently receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Center in Asaba reportedly confessed that the man who attacked her was her ex.

Chai!! what a wicked world!!!



  1. Murano

    January 27, 2017 at 7:30 PM

    wicked and jealous man…


    January 27, 2017 at 7:39 PM


  3. fifelomo

    January 27, 2017 at 8:04 PM

    Hmmm, the heart of man is wicked. Madam, kpele get well soon.

  4. Uzoma

    January 27, 2017 at 9:26 PM

    This man should not go free. No matter what the problem is between them he should not have attempted to kill her. Will the police do their job to arrest and prosecute this evil man? that the woman you are dating dumped you should not be the reason to harm her after all there are many women around. She dumped him for a reason.

  5. Alexunique Legendary

    January 28, 2017 at 2:09 PM

    Sorry ooooh,

  6. Ulunnaya Okere

    January 29, 2017 at 1:14 AM

    This is preposterous. This tipper driver is a nincompoop and worse than Satan. He is such a wicked, awful, conniving, spiteful and a jealous man. Simply put, you are a virus. How on earth can a man treat an ex-girl friend this way? I can not comprehend it. What sort of “If I can’t have you, nobody can” is this? After all, there are many fish in the ocean, all you can do is look for another woman that will accept your proposal. PERIOD. Not running over an ex girl friend with your tipper. In fact, this is a wilful act and he MUST be punished for rendering this young woman disabled and in a state of despair otherwise, he will do it again to another innocent woman. You render this woman disabled for live simply because she did not want to remain in the relationship which is the normal thing to do if a relationship turns sour. Definitely though, she must have had her reasons for wanting out. In fact, judging from his behaviour he is indeed a MONSTER. How dare you chastise this beautiful woman when you are such travesty?

    However if she survive this ordeal, she may never be the same again physically, mentally and financially only because she had had you as a lover. Meanwhile before you saw her she was an independent self-reliant hard working beautiful lady, striving in her business in other to make ends meet and you devilish man came into her life and destroyed her future. Keep in mind Mr tipper driver that whatever you sow, THAT YOU SHALL REAP. That’s the law of karma.

    Finally, may I use this opportunity to plead to the Authority in ASABA Delta State to PLEASE make sure that this MONSTER tipper driver did not go free to harm another woman. He must be reprimanded and forced to pay for his evil deed. Young lady, I wish you a very speedy recovery and GOD’S guidance. You will be okay just always call upon our OMNIPOTENT FATHER and HE will come to your rescue ok. Be strong. Thank you. PEACE.

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