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“I’ve Slept With Nigerian Senators & Pastors” – Openly Gay Kenny Brandmuse Slams Hypocritical Homosexuals

kenny brandmuse slept nigerian senator pastors

“I’ve Slept With Nigerian Senators & Pastors” – Openly Gay Nigerian Kenny Brandmuse Slams Hypocritical Homosexuals In Nigeria

Openly gay US-based Nigerian brand expert Kehinde Bademosi aka Kenny Brandmuse has come after hypocritical gay men in Nigeria.

He told Sunday Scoop that he has slept with high profile gays in Nigeria.

Kenny revealed this while talking about the hypocrisy surrounding homosexualism in the country.

His words:

“The elephant in the room is denial. We pretend these things are not here. We blame it on the devil or white people. I once slept with a Nigerian Senator, and I’m not surprised he will be the first to put his hands up voting in favour of the same sex marriage prohibition act. While in Nigeria, I had sex with church ministers who would come in the open to preach against homosexuality as though it was the reason why Nigeria never had constant electricity. The hypocrisy is deafening. We didn’t learn about same-sex relationships from western countries. Some of my first same-sex encounters were mostly with people who didn’t speak English at all or ever set their feet in a Western school environment. Gay people are not the only ones who need to come out. We all need to look into our lives and be upfront with ourselves. Am I living my authentic life or am I living it to please families and friends? To come out is to confront shame and limitations to live our most authentic life.”

Sharing his opinion on Bobrisky, the US-based writer said,

“In our days as young gay Nigerians, it was Denrele Edun. All that Bobrisky is doing now, Denrele did and even more. Just that there were no social media. To me, Bobrisky and Denrele are powerful provocateurs and gender-bending individuals who continue to use the power of the media to project a side of us we often hide away from. They don’t have to be gay. If they say they are not gay, then they are not. Gender presentation or identity is not equal to sexual orientation. There are famous drag queens here in America who are not gay.”

Brandmuse who is HIV positive left his wife and mother of his children few years ago.



  1. Mon

    September 16, 2018 at 6:35 AM

    There is male in every female,man in every woman and vice versa, but when you choose to misrepresent who you are created to be, physically,spiritually and otherwise,then you have a problem, my point is gays are sick people,either from birth or some learn it (infected), but until they admit they are abnormal, which is hard as government,especially western keep on encouraging them,they will remain as idiots.

    • Duru James

      September 16, 2018 at 6:54 AM

      I agree with everything u said @ Mon. This fargot is just making up da stories. He is a piece of shit. let him go and commit suicide.
      What else is left with an HIV carrier

      • fifelomo

        September 17, 2018 at 10:22 PM

        I quite agree with you Ogbeni Mon.

  2. Flavour

    September 16, 2018 at 9:14 AM

    Oga clap for your self and congrats
    Men choosing and promoting evil
    God save our generation please

  3. Danti

    September 16, 2018 at 7:01 PM

    This kind of move is well documented by the Bible, the devil will use reverse Psychology to confuse the weak. Not every senator that go against homosexuality is hypocrate, what is bad, is bad. The world that we live in today is rotten, peoples with moral decadence will have unashamed boldness.

  4. uchenna o

    September 17, 2018 at 9:51 AM

    I will say it again and again, Gay is a spiritual thing that needed to be attended spiritually, all this claiming to be a normal life is a lie, Western World and Human right supporting gay is rubbish, what God condemns in the past is still abomination in his sight in this present generation, no amount of education, civilization, culture etc that made it to be right. Go for deliverance like others did and became normal again. The word of God has not change. Evil is evil, abomination is abomination. thank you.

  5. Ezionyinye .s.

    September 17, 2018 at 7:02 PM

    It is high time the world come together to say no to this shameful and abominable act that is going viral in the world today, this is a capital sin in the sight of the lord.

  6. Jilo

    September 17, 2018 at 7:27 PM

    Some people are not gay but because they want to discover the curiosity about being gay then they pushed themselves into such act which I termed as “COPYCAT” Most of our young folks are just stereotyping the idea of Western World otherwise why some men will come out shamelessly that they are gay as if it is something to be proud of because it is an accepted idea in America does not make it right. As soon as America invents something, they want to go by western idea. How could an able body man enjoy sleeping with the same sex but fails to enjoy sex with his wife? that really shows he is mentally sick. Some people are sick without knowing they are sick such is the one above Gbadamosi who changed his name to become Brandmuse.

    • Dammy

      September 17, 2018 at 7:44 PM

      On point at Jiloh , the guy is a confused

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