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London Based C&S Founder Rev. Esther Ajayi Accused Of Duping Nigerians & Praying For Fraudsters

rev mother esther ajayi dupe nigerians

September 20, 2016 – London Based White Garment Church Founder Iya Adura, Reverend Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi Accused Of Duping Nigerians & Praying For Fraudsters

Open Letter To Love Of Christ Generation Church Founder, Mrs Esther Ajayi Aka Iya Adura By Chinenye Uyo

‘The End Time is very imminent’.

Many are being deceived. Because of the vulnerability of people who can’t study the Bible and see the secret of the Devil.

And millions of people are falling victims of these cunning people who call themselves ministers of God, But they are ministers of satan.

The woman who calls herself iya Adura- Ester Ajayi, please ask her what happened to her husband after they both duped Nigerians in London UK of unaccountable amount of money.

The husband has stroke, and she cannot present her husband to the people, instead she changed the story and kept it secret. All she is doing is selling lies to Nigerians here in London.

Again, how can a church found within 9 months have almost 800 members of congregation within that very short period of time!. This is alarming, and any true person who is really seeking salvation should ask that question. But people who are after the things of the world will not bother.

rev mother esther ajayi praying fraudsters

Do you want to tell me it is the Holy Spirit of God doing this diabolic magic going on in your church.

God Almighty is not cheap and the Holy Spirit does not stay where evil spirit dwells.

Stop being deceived by this Evil woman. She too knows she is not using the Power of God Almighty.

1) I was highly amazed when I heard the interview of this gospel musician – Bisi Alawiye Aluko- on Naija FM in London calling Esther Ajayi her Spiritual Mother. A highly gifted lady now falls another victim and relies on somebody who uses evil power to track people down.

2) I was highly disappointed again to see a highly spiritually guided man of God, baba Rev ADELAKUN AYEWA at that woman’s church singing.

What is really happening to these true men of God, have they lost the Holy Spirit of God as well ???????

How do we allow the devil to take the glory of God away from us with the deceit of money.

The woman’s church -love of Christ generation, 412 Clapham Road, London SW4 is okay for other musicians like AYEFELE, LANRE TERIBA Atorise, Funmi Aragbaye, Opelope Anointing, these people only sing for money – worldly wealth.

Mama BOLA ARE will never be a part to this kind of jamboree where evil spirit dwells.

How can somebody who is praying for Drug Dealers and Fraudsters (419) will say she is working for God.

People, please you need to wake up. Don’t let these evil people take you to hell with them because of what you want to eat.

I am not talking about Mike Murdock, but about the so called thief who calls herself Iya Adura. I don’t know anything about Mike Murdock, but I know birds of the same feather flock together.

People, be very careful.





About the author: Article Submitted By Chinenye Uyo

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of



  1. comeandmarry

    September 20, 2016 at 3:47 AM

    its been long i came on here.
    na today.

    all pastors and prophetess are huge scams globally.
    under how many months..800
    i perceive ogunmeh at work
    we all know say c n s.all white garment churches use ogunmeh
    we are in end time phase 2.
    phase 3 is jesus coming
    phase 4…dose who ddnt rapture.

    buhari is part of end time leaders
    lucifer is already at the center
    massive suffering nationwide
    bloodshed nationwide
    666 mark of the beast ti take over

    • Vivienne

      October 11, 2017 at 3:22 PM

      Where you there when times were bad for her and she was going to the mountain begging God for divine acceleration? Ore, let me educate you, it’s called Divine Acceleration not ogun dudu.

    • Tobi

      October 14, 2018 at 9:40 AM

      You shall see what you seek brother or sister
      Shey bii nah you know say C&S nah scam abi nah Ogunme dem dey use abi

    • Susan Olugbusi-Coker

      April 2, 2019 at 7:53 AM

      Please let us be cautious the way we talk. Sorry, I am not trying to be personal, If there’s a black sheep in your family does it mean that your entire family members are bad? No. That is the issue here, I am a born C&S for over 50 decades now we have them in all churches it is because C&S wears uniform so they are easily traced. I agree we have black sheeps in the white uniform churches, we all don’t practice the so called evil magic. ESOCS is Orimolade’s if you discover such in ESOCS report to our appropriate channels and such a Band will be openly punished.


        September 24, 2019 at 10:12 AM

        Yes o Iyami atata @ Mother Susan Olugbusi Coker. ESOCS MY CHURCH MY PRIDE. The writer does not understand what she was saying. I guess she wrote it as at when she was depressed. She had forgotten Matt 7 V 1. I dont know if God has ever revealed to u your eternal home for once you will never open your mouth abusing any church you will forever be silent and be praying for your own eternal rest.
        Secondly, U might not understand what ESOCS means. It is ETERNAL SACRED ORDER OF CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM anywhere in the world, wherever i go i go with my garment to worship God in the beauty of His holiness.
        Lastly, My dear sister my little word of advise is (Lk 10:3), U can read the whole chapter and understand ur OWN calling not another person calling. I remain my humble-self. OMOEMI4CHRIST

    • Olayinka Olabisi

      July 29, 2019 at 6:54 AM

      Are you the Secretary to God? Everyone of us will account for our stewardship before God so leave her alone. Thanks.


        September 24, 2019 at 10:12 AM

        God bless u sister

  2. red

    September 20, 2016 at 4:00 AM

    Season of yansh opening .
    Am not a fan of white garment churches, but I can see bitterness, hate and envy here.
    Take it easy.Those that worship there were not forced with a gun to their head and they’re not minors .
    Just let the will of God prevail. From the look of things, God is now interested in those that use his name for selfish gain and is exposing them one after the other.
    This is not your battle dear. No go wound yourself biko.

    • Keeping it real

      September 20, 2016 at 2:36 PM

      @red you’re on point.
      Says,duping Nigerians, praying for fraudsters, using chams & 800 members within a month. #Just too complicated

      • CHINEYE

        September 20, 2016 at 10:55 PM

        Its really complicated.
        You don’t know how these people operate.


          September 24, 2019 at 10:16 AM

          Can u tell me how they operate bcos i was born and brought up there and by the special grace of the almighty God which i serve i am still in the church, so tell me what i dont know.

      • red

        September 21, 2016 at 7:02 AM

        Thanks Real

    • Temmie

      September 17, 2018 at 3:52 AM

      You too get sense, thank you

  3. fifelomo

    September 20, 2016 at 5:20 AM

    I am speechless.

  4. Bench

    September 20, 2016 at 7:21 AM

    Comeandmarry make you no try me o. Are you think say is only you wey can writing poem? I have many poem weyris much o. I sabi to write pass away you sef. See one here

    Fake pastor is speak in tong
    Pipul are biliv am.
    Na something wey dey long
    Weyris not disiv am.
    But he is disiv pipul with fake speaking in tong
    Sherima sinta zulezuuu yagayaga aya grobong

    Na prayer be that
    It is make their belle fat
    they never chop since yesterday
    But their belle is fulling today
    Wetin is cause am?

    I am a haver of many poems but Wole Soyinka is not want make pipul read my poem. Is jelosy. Why is he jelosying to me if no be say my poems is gooder pass away every poems for Nigeria. Nonsens. Disteny can be delay, but can not be dinarl. I must be wetin I have create I am be.

    • Kunle

      March 30, 2017 at 2:25 AM

      You are really deluded Grandiose delusion

  5. Tee

    September 20, 2016 at 8:06 AM

    I hope this writer has enough evidence and funds, this ‘open letter’ borders on defamation. it is well know that 99% of churches in Nigeria are all supporting criminality either knowing or otherwise. From collecting money from looters of our commonwealth or from armed robbers and kidnappers. The churches are mainly a business front for these so called pastors/prophetess to amass wealth.
    I hope the writer has good legal team just in case!


      September 20, 2016 at 10:59 PM

      these fraudsters are very smart,
      they only operate under thee name of God using their charms to manoeuvre people.
      Anybody that has ever fallen victim will understand straight away what I am talking off.
      How painful it is to be duped with this kind of strategy. THE NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY.

      • Lanre

        July 30, 2018 at 8:10 AM

        I don’t why many people in this work are so unfair that if you see anyone progressing you will create a bad story about that person, even if they are doing it do your own too


      September 21, 2016 at 11:28 PM

      This is not a legal matter but spiritual.
      These messengers of satan only use the name of God to dupe vulnerable people.
      But people find it difficult to believe they are sent by satan.
      They used diabolic powers to manipulate people.
      May God protect us from them.


      • angel

        November 27, 2018 at 3:36 PM

        By praying for Jerusalem it shall be well with you. Why not pray for the Salvation of souls and revelation by the Holy Spirit? If you say it’s a spiritual battle, then leave unto continue praying and keep quiet. All I denote from your letter is hate and envy. If you don’t draw sinners close how do you want to preach repentance? Be wise

  6. Endure

    September 20, 2016 at 9:21 AM

    Well,with all I’ve read here,I would have concluded that the informant in the person of CHENENYE UYO leave such matter of false prophets and false religion to God.

    Religion is a matter of choice. The kind of denomination that pleases you may not intrigue me. People seek for salvation wherever they can find it.

    There are those whose mental disposition is only base on acquiring wealth and solving their mountainous problem through some fastest diabolic means,hence,such ones no matter how in depth and bible base your teaching would be to inform them about the impending danger,they will never consent or be receptive to your warning advice. That freedom of associating with any religion of your choice is there in life.

    Where I would have pause and totally accept your warning to people is where you made reference to REV. ESTHER praying for drug dealers and fraudsters as well as duping many.

    If this woman has duped you or your family member or a known person to you and you have the evidence to prove it,then you have every full right to expose such a criminal prophet to the world. Anything aside from this,I will advice you to leave the matter of false prophet and false religion to God and mind your business.

    To be honest when I read this story above,what came to my mind was another rival pastor begrudging this woman. If not,why would he be announcing and asking that “HOW CAN A CHRCH FOUND WITHIN 9 MONTHS HAVE ALMOST 800 MEMBERS OF CONGRIGATION WITHIN THAT VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME? The fact is,it is very much possible to have even more than that within the space of those months he mentioned.

    So @CHINENYE stop your rivalry and hate and face your own church if you have any and with time yours will also grow.


      September 20, 2016 at 11:01 PM

      I am not a church finder.
      The pains of the dupe, and the diabolic juju she used to manoeuvre me always makes me not to be happy.
      because its very painful

      • mamasolo

        October 20, 2017 at 4:03 PM

        What you say is true I have proof of her juju. She is a bad woman and all should BEWARE her church and her claims. @Chinenye can i speak with u?


        January 27, 2019 at 1:37 PM

        Na we for u!! Which person u be self! Holier than thou! I pray I find u in heaven?? Have u ever taking ur time to pray for her? fast for her? God can deliver her if u know she does all of these things u have stated? Abi u dey join her do am. The time u come here to show fake notice me or I die? U would have use it to win souls for the kingdom. Pls,pray more and ask God to help u know how and where to expose ur so called revelations.

  7. Tope

    September 20, 2016 at 9:29 AM

    According to MATTHEW 7-1-5. Do not judge others.

  8. Igbo Frnd

    September 20, 2016 at 10:08 AM

    Please DO Not judge….

    It is what you believe or who you believe that will safe U.

    This article has not said anything dat the Prophetess has done wrong….

    I see bad belle everywhere!!!

  9. Truce

    September 20, 2016 at 10:54 AM

    Let God be the judge.

    • genadz

      November 6, 2016 at 4:17 PM

      Like seriously if i an opurtuned to see this writer i would have tell u that”it because ur family have not for once gather a million naira that y u wrote this or because u are are idle” because what u wrote here is total rubbish i will use this word ‘ continue discriminating while she increase”whether u like it or not she is geting richer and u are getting poorer


  10. Tendy

    September 20, 2016 at 11:06 AM

    People attending d church ain’t forced to do so, and even after some people see this post, it still doesn’t stop them from attending. Only God judges, there’s nothing we can do


      September 21, 2016 at 11:23 PM

      This comment is very sensitive and very sensible.
      God bless you.
      its only God that can save us from these agents of Satan in sheep clothing.

      • Chris Kiwamu, Esq.

        December 7, 2018 at 11:04 PM

        Even after your serious de-marketing effort here, anytime I’m in London, I must visit her church!!! It is really disgusting what hatchet-job you are doing here. Were you forced to her church, to be duped? People should work quietly in their corners, to influence this world positively. There is so much negativity already. Enough of it please. Who in his sane mind can controvert philanthropy? May God forgive you!

  11. Igbo Frnd

    September 20, 2016 at 11:49 AM

    I did not see my comment!!! Naija Gists

    Wetin hapen……?

  12. sola olaniyi

    September 20, 2016 at 2:25 PM

    nice comment@red

    • red

      September 21, 2016 at 7:01 AM

      Thanks dear

  13. Jilo

    September 20, 2016 at 3:55 PM

    I don’t really know the type of God that these white garment churches are worshipping? they are always like that. Cult of religion. I have seen some people going to these white garment churches making a prayer request for selling drugs or engage in credit card fraud. They will go there and request for a prayer before they embark on their mission. Then the Shepard and the Elders of that church will go on prayer to let the business come out successful and not to be caught by the law enforcement agency. In some cases they put the drug in front of the alter for blessing, that is why most of them after being caught are always disappointed because they have relied so much on their leader for prayer.

    I don’t undestand why these people are behaving the way they are behaving because of money. They use supernatural power and power of darkness to attract worshippers. They are engross with worldly materials that they don’t even scare about the wrath of God. They know they are serving two masters Mammon and evalasting God. All that is happening now has been predicted in the scripture that in the end time many fake prophets will rise up, they will be calling my name, healing in my name yet they are fake. These fake people always hide behind religion to perpetrate their evil act. Folks, why can’t we shun this miracle thing huand make direct prayer to our God. If you truly make your prayer and support it with fasting, God will answer your prayer even in a way that you least expected. There is nothing like miracle in the church. If any church invites you to come and worship with its people that miracle will happen, do not listen because that is a lie.

    Again I’m going to say this, if you are looking for a miracle that means you are making yourself vulnerable to the fraudsters. What God will do, he will never reveal it to any human being. I’m not saying there is no genuine miracle from God. At times God’s perform miracles in our life’s that we human being attestifying that this is a miracle from God. I have witnessed a case of a lady back in the 80’s who accompany her friend to the America Embassy, they gave her VISA while her friends who had all necessary documents was refused VISA. This was what I known as a miracle not a staged one. She was least expect it at that time.

    • Peters. Mosebolatan

      August 3, 2019 at 7:24 PM

      Jilo may the almighty lord forgive you


        September 24, 2019 at 10:33 AM

        AMEN becos she know not what she’s saying.

        Please Jilo. What is the name of your church and what position are you holding in your church?

  14. betty

    September 20, 2016 at 4:14 PM

    let God be the judge fake or no fake everyone has a question to answer someday.


      September 24, 2019 at 10:34 AM

      Yes o. We would all be accountable for all our actions both secret and open.

  15. Bola

    September 20, 2016 at 5:19 PM

    1st all these are big lies. The church doesn’t even have up to100 members. How can she be duping Nigeria’s when she has turn more than 60,000 people to millionaires in that and twice a year she takes 50 people to Jerusalem and pays for their air flights, food and hotel. Stop these lies.


      September 20, 2016 at 11:04 PM

      I guess Bola is either a family member. you can support her on that ground.
      But if you are supporting her on the ground of being a church member, then you are under her bondage


      September 20, 2016 at 11:08 PM

      But i know you are not one of her children because I know her 4 children.
      2 boys who married 2 births citizens for the purpose of stay, and the sham marriage failed.
      ! girl has been deputed to nigeria when she took fake documents to school to collect student loan.
      The youngest of the children a girl is sill with the woman.
      The husband had stroke and being sent to nigeria.

      • Mariam

        March 14, 2017 at 3:39 PM

        Chinyere do you have proof that she is using diabolical or juju or that fact that you are surprise of her growth. Listen to yourself chinyere and by the way who are you to judgeyone. I smell the handwork of people who are envious of Esther Ajayi”s progress in life. Keep your opinion to yourself cos God sees the heart of everyone and it’s your faith in God that really matters. If she is winning souls for God then that’s of paramount importance to God’ ‘s Kingdom. Don’t say what you can’t proof else you will see yourself in the court of law for defamation of character. Be warned and get a life instead of bickeriýng about people’s progress and success in life.
        Chinyere now I can see you have been paid to discredit this prophetess. Take my advice go get a life, every human being has got a story to tell in life. As she increases and develops from glory to glory, you still where you are in penury on the fence. You speak evil of a woman God has elevated cos you know you can never attain such height and level in life. Let God be the judge. keep ur opinion to yourself and tell those who paid you to discredit her that no weapon fashioned against her shall prosper cos God dwells in her irrespective of what you think. Even Jesus Christmas was crucified upon all he did for his people. So pls go look for something good to do with ur life Chinyere.

      • AmenWolf

        April 27, 2017 at 11:53 AM


        Its obvious you are out for defamation and to malign this woman of God. Perhaps you have asked her for financial support since you are too lazy to work and she turned you down hence your backbiting under fake name? Anyway you can easily be fished out so that you can face the music at the appropriate time. You are already cursed anyway.

  16. THOM

    September 20, 2016 at 8:55 PM

    If na bad you sabi do go ahead with it , if na good also go ahead one must surely pay one day.


    September 20, 2016 at 10:54 PM

    Some people comment that “has the writer got a prove to show her duping”
    What a very good question !
    If these so called spiritualists say they saw a vision for you, do you see the vision for yourself ? NO !
    When they ask you to pay to do deliverance, do they ask you to pay the money into certain account ? NO !
    They always want everything to be off record for it not to be traceable.

    One miss Bola commented that she sends people to Jerusalem, and that she is a good person !
    I guess Bola is either her family, or worse still, Bola is under her bondage !
    The writer of this message is not a “JOKER” but for the people to be warned and not to fall victim.
    She duped me and my friend thousands upon thousands for deliverance from the attack of enemies from Nigeria not knowing she works for the Satan that is really tormenting us.
    I give all glory to God that God released me out of her bondage.
    She collected all the money I worked for a whole 15 years of my hard work in London to the last penny when I eventually met with a servant of God on bus who knows me from no Adam to give me a message that a spirit was telling him that somebody is duping me.
    I didn’t first believed the message until after fasting and praying for 3 days when I started regaining my senses.

    Those that comment that she is okey to carry on, it is just a warning for other people not to fall victims.
    They are group of 419 in sheep clothing, but you will not believe until something tragic happens to you from these kind of people. You realise how painful it is to be duped of all you worked for with fake prophesy.

    When did she arrive in the country that she is talking of millions in the account ?
    You don’t even make comment about the stroke situation of her husband who she eventually sent to Nigeria so that people will not know their game.



    • Amanda

      September 21, 2016 at 9:26 AM

      This post made me really laugh..both the poster and the infomat needs help. 1st the posted need to investigate before posting stories, be quick to listen but slow to write/post. And the infomat..hmmm you need the TRINITY (God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit in case you don’t know the meaning of TRINITY)in your sad hateful life. All you reading this post and concluding it is real and commenting rubbish needs God’s intervention in your brain. Do you really believe all what you read without seeking the truth 1st? My advice is you all now know the name and address of the church..why dont you visit it and you will know the deal. You will see all her 4 kids there(including one the write said has been deported) Chinenye please receive God’s love and fear in Jesus’s name, because I can really tell you have been sent to write all this because from what you have written so far it shows you don’t even know this Iya probably haven’t met with her before. Poster if this is what you feed on may God help you, before you post about a churchin, mosque, man/woman of God in general find the truth 1st. You don’t know the true anointed of God. Please be careful.

      • CHINEYE

        September 21, 2016 at 11:17 PM

        Where is the husband, if you are chanced to see the 3rd child find her way back to the UK.
        I think the husband too should be with her here in London.
        Amanda, your idea and thought is very ok in flesh manner, but you don’t know the whole story. But my prayer for you is not to fall into her trap.
        You will then know what they call evil spirit.
        Good day.


  18. Eagle

    September 21, 2016 at 4:34 PM

    The writer has no evidence to back up her claim. I must admit that we are at the end time. The church need prayers.


    September 21, 2016 at 11:20 PM



  20. Mama ibeji

    September 27, 2016 at 8:12 AM

    Why do you engaged yourself in this sinful act?? Chinneye….I don’t think u r godly? How much have she duped you or your family? Are u into drug trafficking? Am sure your glory is negotiable that’s why you went to this level of blackmailing. IYA Adura will not reply to all your ranting ungenuin gist. Have u been to canaan land (papa Oyedepo church)? Have u been to redeemed church( papa Adeboye church)? Are they not blessed? Yet people talk about them? These are men of God in Nigeria with different private jets,Am not surprised about your character assassination because if it work well for you…you will remain where you are!!!! Do u know the kind of family u came from? Do u know your mother is diabolical? Tell the whole world what your mother did to your father? You have a lot of dirty linens in your achive. share your story of how you almost escaped jail? Let think of it….has she not affected ur life positively? You are full of greed and inquisitive how this great woman of God is blessed. You said the husband has stroke ???? Can a man with such ailment minister for 2hours in a programme ( Excel 2016 on Orientals Lagos)? Can he lectures for hours in Bible college? Who are you? Who sabi you for media world? Uncle seye kehinde wey be ur papa for this job sef can’t write such about IYA Adura…or he has been bought with money too? Linda ikeji too has been bribe? Stepping on toes will not take u anywhere!!!

  21. Special Apst. Olatunde O. Jaiyeola

    October 7, 2016 at 7:25 PM

    If this woman of God is dupping or had dupped otherwise. Since the publication of your article, Why has no one comes out to authenticate your foolish story.I bet you if you are in the position of her wealth, Hmmmm.I remain my comment. She is devoted to elevate the name of JESUS CHRIST. Your story is absorb, nonsense full of rubbish. I’ve met her and she is totally devoted. Rev.Mothet E. Ajadi knows people will talk/gist. She is unshakeable. Jesus is her pillar. God will keep on to uphold her. STOP YOUR NONSENSE.

  22. Adam

    March 23, 2017 at 2:39 PM

    Please keep quiet …. she is a true prophetess of God , get close to her and you will know who she is Humble , respectful, funny, friendly and prayerful with the love of music . Please leave her alone at least she is not a ritualist like what is going on day by day in Nigeria….. you too go and dup people and be rich

  23. Kay Soyemi Esq.

    April 1, 2017 at 1:37 AM

    Don’t know who the writer is, but I know Iya Adura.

    I am not a member of this Church, but I can testify to her philanthropy and character, as a person who has visited this same church 5 times in the last 3 months.

    Yes, 5 times in 3 months because I’ve not been religiously brainwashed and generally a religious sceptic who believes more in one to one with God.

    Iya Adura comes strongly across as a generous giver and we know God loves generous givers.

    I have also personally benefited from her charity financially and this took place at me second visit to the church. Now I have to wonder how someone who is out to dupe me is giving me charity without being a member of her church?????

    I note, interestingly, that this same writer was defending Iya Adura on another forum not too long ago, so what changed?

    Without wanting to judge anyone, the whole story appear entirely based on conjectures and unsubstantiated malice.

    Each to his own sha.

    When the writer has something more meaningful or concrete to back these allegations, the UK is a law abiding country, he/she act within the confines of the law.

  24. Kay Soyemi Esq.

    April 1, 2017 at 1:41 AM

    Just to remove doubts, the charity I referred to in my above comment was entirely unsolicited and unexpected.

    It came about because Iya Adura had decided to “gift” people who came to Church on time that day. It was my first visit and I simply walked in because I don’t like being late.

    My name was taken down alongside other early comers and it was on my next visit that the gift was given to me.

  25. Ayo Babalola

    April 5, 2017 at 12:59 AM

    Hello everyone. I live in U.K. And I attend the LoC. @chineye, this story shows you are under real attack and pressure. pls how much did she collect from you and your friend. I can guarantee you Iya Adura will double it in your account within minutes. Trust me on this. Seeing is believing. You can watch our church programme live on Facebook. We are doing something serious for God. No time for time wasters.

  26. Chika

    May 3, 2017 at 9:19 AM

    All of you ramping, it’s a shame you don’t know the foundation of her church.
    When the whole truth is unearthed, then you will be regretting all your comments, and pray to be loosen out of her bond age.

    You can see that many diabolic churches have been exposed.
    God knows who is serving Him in truth.
    Becareful so that you too will not be punished along with her.
    When did you come to this country.
    Less than 15 years, and she had gone that far to the extent of dashing everybody money, and taking 60 people to Jerusalem every year.
    You people writing rubbish in support of this so called iya aura of a woman are just putting yourself under the same curse with her.
    Anyway, you are been bonded with the love of money because that is what satan use’s to bond people like you.

    A so called fake aladura like her had been arrested in Lagos nigeria who duped a woman a lot of money with close to 3 or 4 houses.
    Esther abimbola ajayi’s case will soon be exposed.
    God is still oN the throne.

    You need to know the tRuth of every matter before taking a side.

    Beware !
    Beware !
    And beware !

    Do not receive the anger of God on your head.

    Most of you don’t know this woman. You don’t know the power she is using.

    • Safe n Truthful

      June 12, 2017 at 9:00 PM

      god will bless you oooo
      like Chineye why are you lying have you been to the church before ….and the only reason why she is so rich is because of her prayers and if you read the bible you will see that god has preformed many miracles. but all i have to say sa i that you should not be saying such things about such an innocent woman. please if you want to write something do not make it be full of lies

  27. Esin

    August 5, 2017 at 11:25 PM

    Gbogbo eniti o ko oro yi jade koni ri ba ti se ko ni ri ona gbegba ilara lo ma pa yin danu haha e y lara e bere lowo ori am not her church member but let anyone comes out and says this woman has collected money from them if so shame on you why dont you people like good things in life koni daafun yio am not her church member i go to anther church but she is fantastic you critising her what of Ashimolowo and others ori tin buru lorun yin ina a papo mo ara a san yin pa awon ota olorun MOTHER ESTHER KEEP IT UP GOD IS WITH YOU YOU WILL NEVER FALL BUT YOU ENEMY WILL FALL BEFORE YOU.

  28. Tosin

    September 8, 2017 at 11:03 AM

    Its a lie
    I lives in uk (london)
    Iya adura did not do such
    I know her so much.
    She help people who need her help
    So stop tarnishing her image pls.

  29. Mama Ibeta

    September 8, 2017 at 9:28 PM

    Please you need to stop this is not true please stop

  30. Ajagbe Anuoluwapo

    November 22, 2017 at 3:30 PM

    When people noticed the glory of God in someone’s they are ready to blackmail and tarnished the glory of God but thanks be to God upon our mother’s life.Mummy God will continue to renew your strength ijn

  31. lanre

    December 20, 2017 at 5:07 AM

    hello everyone, have known this woman and husband for about 22 years, i mean where she lives, kids, business, family, calling not surprise but encourage that she is still doing the great work of giving, even now in a global way. for your consumption..she had money then and i believe through her humanitarian gestures God has open the gate of His Treasury to this Woman of Faith..if God trust her this much..who are you to say otherwise..or why don’t u go to media, tell them u hav N10m to spend for the needy…lets c how many people will turn-up and will b willing to worship wit u for as long as 6 – 12 months..if you think she is doing it d wrong way, i encourage u start urs..u don’t need God’s NGO will name is Lanre..i have regards and compliment of the season

  32. Pearl Toluwa

    December 23, 2017 at 10:11 PM

    Undoubtedly ,iya adura is an Anointed Woman of God.Those behind this blackmail and jealousy will soon be exposed as God liveth.This very woman has touched so many lives and changed DESTINIES for the Best.She deserves better treatment .My daughter,a 13 years old girl described this woman A jewel naaa Treasure based on what her friends that attend the church told her and decided to worship there 3 Sunday’s ,to come back and said Daddy,She is woman of God-writing a book on her Rev Esther Ajayi-A Chosen Vessel!Be careful pls the way you judge or accuse men/women of God

  33. nita

    April 13, 2018 at 10:38 PM

    Chinenye, did God send u on this mission…. Nwanne u cant fight for God. Jili nwayor ooo. I feel sorry for u. U have a big challenge but dnt know.

  34. Gaga

    April 18, 2018 at 11:39 PM

    Father forgive them all for they know not what they are doing.


    No one has authority to judge others!

  35. Arokoyo israel dayo

    October 15, 2018 at 6:29 AM

    Everybody should mindful of his or her business you are not anybody’s God face your own God will judge every person according to their work on earth why are you condemned this woman live her and her God face your own calling and your ministry what God gave you to trade with on earth is not condemned one another not back biting not hatred but love to another neighbour if you see one falling pray for him or her for God to restore her why condemned her it is well with us

  36. Adebayo Abiodun

    October 22, 2018 at 11:40 AM

    Why can’t you just look for something else to do instead of saying this nonsense, even if she is duping people who are you to judge her? Please leave our Esther alone we love her maami I pray your name ring and sound more than this haters be warned……

  37. Hon Dipo Okeyomi

    December 8, 2018 at 12:25 PM

    I love you the Mother of Seraph! Rev Esther Abimbola Ajayi

  38. ayodele

    January 4, 2019 at 3:21 PM

    well as far as am concern,this is not issue we all should be talking about,GOD sees everyone of us,and the word of GOD,clearly says,i am coming and my rewards is with me,to pay each an everyone of us,according to individuals deeds,pls stop condemning anybody,most expecially GOD servant,keep off,GOD knows better than u and I,

  39. Emmanuel Adeoluwa

    February 11, 2019 at 1:19 PM

    All i know is that the Almighty God will truly judge everyone, and will soon reward the feeble-minded man that wrote and post this stupid article. You wanna become famous? that is why you decided to hook up a wrong story.
    and even Idiots that are posting some stupid comments in here, they never knew the story of the woman and still say rubbishes here. Its well.
    So you are now doubting the true Living God the one who can do exceedingly, who can miraculously change ones story in a blink of an eye. This woman you are talking about suffered alot before God answered her and it was only when her time would come that her glory now glitters.
    i know you peoples problem you havent seen a white garment member as rich as this before. God has shown you how mighty He is. Just pray your own time of glory come soon instead of hooking up a false news.

  40. mrs omowunmi ogunbiyi

    February 28, 2019 at 11:35 PM

    anybody who insult dis woman he or she will never see ***** in jesus name….though i never see her but i see how she bless people so any one one dat says rubbish about her let God judge.mama temitoto i know one day u will bless me too …..Enemies u never see anything

  41. Ogunyebi Temitope Samuel

    March 4, 2019 at 11:04 PM

    You are stupid don’t want to use that word but please pardon how can you say she is evil….who is holy before God…this woman has really tried who among the so Called men of God can bless has what she had done…you better get sense…mama God will bless you abundantly more than your own imagination…I need your help o and as you do God will bless you more than your imagination…. Ogunyebi Temitope Samuel first bank 3093416628 n God w
    Will bless you ma

  42. Prophet Micha

    March 19, 2019 at 7:46 PM

    uhmmnnn…..Oh Lord please help your Church, evil is prevailing and unrighteousness is gaining ground. Indeed your second coming is closer here than ever.
    Lord! let your Church realise that we are in the end time and that a lot of unthinkable atrocities will abound in this season. Father! Please release the captives under the spell of ignorance and delusion, not knowing the tactics and cunning craftiness of the devil and his cohorts, his end time agents of falsehood and destruction.
    Lord! please open the eyes of your true Church, that they might NOT be deceived by acts of kindness and widely publicised phylantropy which are simply a cover up to gain acceptance and followership.
    From my 25years of ministry experience, and as a prophet, I can tell you categorically to be wary of people like Esther Ajayi.
    1. The motives of their widely publicised phylantropic activities is simply validation, fame and more followership.
    2. Their close association with publicly accepted “Men of God” is again for the purpose of validation, so when you see them in close association with such great men of God you believe in the authenticity of their ministry.
    3. I can tell you as a matter of fact that the hula balu would not last, soon the rot behind the scene would be exposed.
    4. Even when the rot is exposed followership for them would still continue…men are agents of choice they choose who they follow irrespective of…

    • Prophet Micha

      March 19, 2019 at 7:51 PM

      ..let him that has an ear, hear…

    • Adeleye

      July 25, 2019 at 4:42 PM

      Father lord,we pray that you will please remove the chaff away from the wheat and take away the lifes of false prophet as elijah kill the false prophet in the bible.
      Rev. Mother esther ajayi is a woman who have actually walk with the holy spirit of God to a certain stage and she has gone through many dealings of God before she attain those riches from God,that is the main reason why she is spending her life and the money God gave to her after his financial dealings with her to serve God.
      She is a woman that has some much love,
      She is a woman that her life reflect the nature of Holy Spirit which shows that the spirit of God dwells in her.
      So every one that come against her without enquiring the Holy Ghost should actually know that some powerful demons and principalities has taken o ver the place of God in them through their carelessness and lack of intimacy wit God,you know demons work in a very cunning n strategic way.
      I want to be like her,to be obedient to God till i attain those kind of greatness.

  43. Mike

    May 3, 2019 at 6:21 PM

    I can see a lot of frustrated and unsuccessful people vomenting here. How could you just concluded that someone is using diabolical power bcs you ve not been breakthrough in your ministration for 25year, you call yourself a prophet and you are judging without a prove, woe on to you.
    If you are a believer of the word if not world, why not just fast and pray for a clear revelation about the accused person. I’m not suppriced, Jesus was accused same way, and he told all the believer that people like you will do more to them.
    The more you dedicated yourself to God the more God will response to your requests. He is not man but God.
    He is not a man.

  44. Victor

    May 10, 2019 at 12:13 PM

    This post is disappointing and unscriptural. Peter preached for less than one hour and 3000 people were saved. In just one day! No diabolical power.
    And, this post is diminishing the reputation of singers like we Ayefele and co that you mentioned. Are you God that knows those that are singing for wealth or God?
    Even Jesus dined with the sinners. Am not surprised, there were Pharisees like you then who condemned Him.
    Please note, I don’t know this woman, and I just heard about her for the first time today, but this post…. Is not the GOSPEL, not scriptural…and it sounds that the writer is a religious person

  45. Funmitan

    June 3, 2019 at 3:45 AM

    Everyone is free to their opinion, you are not God. Let God prove if she is fake or original….my only advice is that, watch what you say or do so it would not be used against you…..

  46. Korode shedrach

    August 4, 2019 at 5:41 PM

    Let God judge pls and I hope you are not lying ma bicus if u are actually lying hmm the result will be curse God can even do more than what is manifesting in mummy Esther ajayi’s Life i don’t know y people always think that much blessing is from devil and y is that those people she defrauded did not arrest her she’s popularly known in London ma be careful on what you say

  47. Emmanuel Abiodun

    October 2, 2019 at 3:03 AM

    You better wake up from slumbering,cos its seems like you don’t know what u re saying,stop abusing the anointed person of God,Rev’d Mother Ester Ajayi a.k.a iya adura.I pray for her may she live long in Jesus name(Amen)

  48. Alexander Osinubi

    December 27, 2019 at 8:09 PM

    May The Almighty God forgive you that condemn the woman of God !!!.
    Rev Esther Abimbola Ajayi is a philanthropy that help and feed people in need. She has helped a lot of people I know and also myself in danger. The woman pay many hospital bills, send poor children to school, support people in UK detention centres, feeding the poor and many more. She is a philanthropist that support and blessed people of all tribes, colour and languages. I wish to start mentioning the names of well known and unpopular people the GREAT woman has helped in UK (Where I based) and also in Nigeria. I will advise that people should be careful of what they say to safe from the wrath of The Almighty God. Psalm 105:15 and 1 Chronicles 16:22 say: Touch not my anointing and do my prophet no harm…so Please find out the truth to safe yourself from the wrath of God. Rev Esther Abimbola Ajayi have no tax evasion case in UK and She is woman of God. My sincere advise!!!.

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