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how to make your life less stressful

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

How To Make Your Life Less Stressful: 17 Easy Ways!

how to make your life less stressful

How To Take Life Less Seriously (17 Easy Ways)

By Tess Marshall

Are you feeling stressed, worried and fearful? If so, it’s time to do something about it. You have the power to make the choices that can take your life from a place of difficulty and heaviness to a place of lightness and ease.

You have the power to be present and create the life that you love. There will always be trying times. Yet, most of the time, we can be free from turmoil and stress. We can be happy and free.

1. Stop spending money you don’t have. If you can’t stop, get help at Debtor’s Anonymous. It’s the only way to freedom.

2. Take control of your time. Get up an hour earlier. Shut off distractions. Delegate what you can. Do more of what you love to do and less of what you don’t enjoy.

3. Have fun. I picked up my granddaughter at the airport this morning. She used to visit us four times a year. Now, she attends college and this is her first visit in 14 months. My fun meter is running.

4. Journal daily. Write down what you are grateful for. Write down what you are tempted to project onto others. Write down your issues. Surrender.

5. Live simply. Give up overindulgence in anything. Rush less, breathe more. Do less, relax more. Expect less, share more. Complain less, listen more. You get the drift.

6. Eat real food. Learn to associate fresh fruits, vegetables and water with health. Learn to associate, fried foods, fatty foods and sugar with dis-ease. Juice. My green juice tastes like I’m eating a garden! Reprogram your mind in order to improve your health. If not now, when?

7. Turn “I have to” into “I get to”. Catch yourself when you say things like, “I have to study.” “I have to pick up the kids.” “I have to visit my family.” Instead use, “I get to.” “I get to study.” “I get to pick up the kids.” “I get to visit my family.” These few words take you from feeling dread and obligation to feeling privileged and grateful. Amazingly simple!

8. Stop judging others. We don’t know what is right for someone else. My lessons are mine and your lessons are unique to you. Look for the light and perfection in the people who push your buttons. Everyone is worthy of acceptance exactly as they are in this moment. Acceptance brings unity and joy.

9. Be willing to change. Not out of correction but out of preference and desire. We often want our lives to be different but we aren’t willing to do what it takes. My friend, Jacob Glass, says to take penguin steps. That’s it. If you want to live with ease, take a small step forward every day. All real change is slow.

10. Stop beating yourself up. Forgive yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Think well of yourself. Find three things to congratulate yourself for every day.

11. Be generous. Neal Donald Walsch says, “When you feel lack it’s necessary to give what you have and want more of to a person who has less.” I dare you to try that! Practice giving without strings attached. Give anonymously.

12. Free your mind from the past. Forgive yourself and forgive others.

13. Live a life of no regrets. Do what you need to do. Stop doing what’s unnecessary. Learn to listen to your intuition or your internal guide when you need answers to difficult questions.

14. Be courageous, be bold. Stand for something. Speak your truth. Take a risk. This is your life. Make good use of your time. If you’re not stretching, you’re not growing. It’s difficult to live in a comfort zone at all times.

15. Have integrity. Do the right thing, especially when nobody is looking. The stronger your fear, the closer you are to your truth. Live your truth. Walk your talk.

16. Get off the pity pot. It stinks! Be of service. Find one person to help every day. Give a smile, give an hour of your time and give a helping hand.

17. Take action. Reread this article and choose one step. Begin today. It’s one thing to read this information. In order to make your life light and easy you have to take action.

[About the author: Tess Marshall is the author of the BoldLife, a motivation blog that has changed the life of many all over the world]



  1. James Kuno

    January 30, 2019 at 2:27 AM

    Very good point, article well accepted

  2. Rosy

    January 30, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    Nice one, at least this will help those who feel that working every minutes means they’re hardworking

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