Entertainment News
Monique Slams Netflix For Racism And Sexism As Company Offers Her $0.5M For Comedy Show
January 19, 2018 – Mo’nique Slams Netflix For Racism And Sexism As Company Offers Her $500,000 For Comedy Show, While Chris Rock Got $20million
American comedian Monique has called for boycott of Netflix after the company offered her $500,00 for a comedian special.
The video streaming company crossed the line when Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle got $20million each for the same show . Amy Schumer was also offered $11million by Netflix to feature in the same comedy show.
In a video released by Monique late last night, she confronted the firm to find out why she was offered way less for the same comedy show only to be given an unsatisfactory response.
Sadly when Amy Schumer contacted Netflix to demand for more money, she got $2million added to her fee while nothing was done for Monique.
She is now accusing the company of racism and gender bias.
Hear her in the video below