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New Zealand mosque attacker shooter name


New Zealand Mosque Shooting: The Muslim Martyrs & White-Supremacist Terrorist

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New Zealand Mosque Shooting: The Muslim Martyrs & White-Supremacist Terrorist

By Olubode Idris

The hearts of Muslims all over the world ache at the heinous attack on Al Noor and Linwood mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, last Friday. In the video that went viral, Harrison Tarrant, 28, loaded his car with semi-automatic weapon; headed for the mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, strapped a camera to his head, and began shooting at anyone who came into his line of vision in the mosques.

In one fell swoop, Tarrant killed more than 40 worshipers at the Al Noor mosque, about seven kilometres away and no fewer than 10 at the Christchurch’s Linwood mosque. Altogether, 50 people were killed, and several others wounded. Many of those killed gave themselves as shield to save others.

For all those killed in the attack, our consolation is that they will earn the ultimate reward in paradise. Just as we can correctly say those who gave out themselves as shield to save others are heroes, all that died in the mosque attack have been martyred.

In Islam, martyrdom is one of the great ambitions of a true believer. Before anybody gets any funny ideas into his head, let me explain that martyrdom does not include suicide or anything related to it.

This is because taking your own life in the first place is an unforgiveable sin. Killing others who have not waged a war against you is also a massive sin. These 50 Muslims have been martyred and abundant rewards await them.

But why so much hate against Muslims around the world in spite of the peace and love they share with others except some few deviants who may not pass as Muslims? Harrison Tarrant though pulled the trigger of his modern weapon alone; he is certainly not alone in his hatred of anything called Islam.

Those who failed to call the killer by its proper name – a terrorist, but rather paint it as white supremacist, are not only showing a jaundiced prejudice but a horrific hate against Islam.

It is this same ideology that motivated a right wing extremist who killed 77 people in Norway in 2011 that has spread around the globe. The white supremacists have proven to be no less dangerous than the ISIS or the Boko Haram insurgents.

New Zealand mosque attacker shooter name

They maim, cause grief and anguish to people, and their actions result to mass murder. In fact, white nationalists are racists and bigots impelled by fervid and chronic intolerance. What else does ISIS do that is not a stock in trade of the so-called white nationalist supremacists? Absolutely nothing! It is those who have ugly dislikes for different races, cultures, and religion give a narrative of violent ideology to justify their white supremacy.

If not, why should anyone claim he is a supreme being to other person? It is not unexpected that President Trump, against the backdrop of his Travel ban policy on Muslims to the United States, and his wall project against immigrants, yet, it is stupefying that at this time of monumental grief, Mr. Trump, on that same day, commenting on the development said he does not regard white nationalism as a problem.

Eighty to 90 per cent of the victims of New Zealand Mosque attack were immigrants. Although he has come under severe criticism by his countrymen, but his message to the world will not help to reduce the trend.

If an Abdullah anywhere in the world kills one person, he gets his second name from the bigots as Islamic terrorist but when a white man kills in the name of racial or religious discrimination, he becomes a white supremacist and a world leader will not have any problem with such appellation.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve and are all same. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another before the Creator except by piety and righteousness. In March 2017, Khalid Masood, 52, killed four people on Westminster Bridge when he mowed pedestrians down and also stabbed a police officer who was on duty in front of parliament.

He was immediately tagged a Muslim terrorist. But now, Harrison Tarrant is an “an angelic boy,” (described by a section of UK media); nothing but a gunman, and above all a white nationalist supremacist (by the United States).

Terrorism, no matter the shape, and no matter the nation, must be collectively rejected and condemned the same way we condemn others. While President Trump said he has no problem with white supremacist ideology, New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern and her Australian counterpart, Scott Morrison did not only describe the horrific incident as terrorist attacks, they have also vowed to treat it so.

The dangerous side of the message of Mr. Trump is that racism at the top of society can create a permissive environment for extremism. As we continue to grieve and try to come to grips with this barbaric atrocity, it is imperative that Muslims all over the world pray for the repose of the souls of those martyred.

No doubt, the implications of the massacre for the families affected and the broader Muslim community will last a very long time and so, we beseech Allah to grant their families the serenity to bear the loss. It is indeed trying times for the Muslims and we must not relent in our daily prayer for them.

If the intention is to stop the spread of Islam, or make the Muslims objects of hate, the sinister motive failed from conception, it will not shake the faith of the Muslims, it will rather embolden them more than ever before.

Muslims have been by far the most victimised group by terrorism especially in the post-9/11 era, but Islam will continue to thrive even in the face of persecution.



  1. Blessing Onuh

    March 21, 2019 at 10:37 PM

    Stop Mr Man, Muslim terrorists have killed more people in the world than you can ever think of.
    If you want to die a cheap death, go to Boko Haram territory in Lake Chad and see if u will make it alive.
    Your religion is promoting bloodshed.
    This new Zealand shooter is a mafia and Satanists that is why he carried out the attack . NO doubt he is a terrorist

  2. Darlington Iyke

    March 21, 2019 at 10:38 PM

    The are no martyrs stop giving them false hope.

  3. omolabake Agunbiade

    March 22, 2019 at 12:27 AM

    I wonder ooo …Christian’s have been persecuted more than Muslims in the world and when Christian’s are killed none of the alfas or imam says anything to condem the killing. after the recent attack on Muslims at new Zealand a lot of Christian’s stood up and condem that killing which Muslims don’t ever do. Pls don’t get me wrong am not in support of the killing am just saying Muslims leaders need to condem the killing of Christians by Muslims too

  4. iron bar

    March 22, 2019 at 1:44 AM

    The writer is still living in fools paradise and driving home sentiments to drive home to attract some sympathy.yes,the killer is caught and he massacred lots of people..hope he will be prosecuted and hung.
    extremists kill rampantly if not daily in naija,some are reported and others are not.fulani herdsmen nko has been on killing spree since the inception of this administration.pls go and see down and preach to those brainwashed fools before they corrupts the good ones.

  5. Amanda

    March 22, 2019 at 2:34 AM

    The first 3 commenters need to be investigated and arrested. for material support for terrorist. You are inciting violence. In your ideology, these muslims did nothing wrong, praying in thier houses of worship and got killed by a lunatic christian terrorist, are guilty by default?. You are incredible.

    • iron bar

      March 22, 2019 at 11:41 AM

      Bi****ed mean mindset under a phony christian female name..we know u will jump out from your comfort zone to lash out..yes..terrorist attacks from extremist is far more than global natural disasters..keep fooling yourself

    • omolabake Agunbiade

      March 22, 2019 at 7:49 PM

      Still waiting for your arrest warrant woman!

      • omolabake Agunbiade

        March 22, 2019 at 7:51 PM

        Your name is Amina you disguise under Amanda.who are you afraid of?

    • Teetee

      March 23, 2019 at 2:48 PM

      @Amanda or whatever you call yourself, you are a big ****l. Can you remember the number of Christians that were killed inside church? You never heard that? You are a f**l. People like you are the one causing this nonsense.
      I will never support killing of people regardless of their religion. Let there be freedom

  6. Mon

    March 22, 2019 at 3:07 AM

    Those who created all these religions are the ones promoting the killings, when we start differentiating evil from good without mentioning religion,then there will be hope for mankind.

    The most dangerous secret war going on is between races (black vs white), they are making it whites man World.

  7. Chris

    March 22, 2019 at 5:42 AM

    Is***m is terrorism in its entirety.

  8. Bimbo

    March 22, 2019 at 8:18 PM

    Is**m is shit

  9. Amanda

    March 23, 2019 at 2:41 AM

    See how christians left comments. Another time you all gonna start talking how loving christianity is.You start talking about love love love how Jesus says to love your enemies. But you showed zero love to your enemies here.

    I never at some point supported crime committed against non-muslims anytime there are reports about “muslim terrorists attacks”.

    So much christian love

  10. D Hunter

    March 23, 2019 at 5:14 PM

    I dont get it and I dont know if many people on this platform would understand also.

    How could someone who should go by the name, Aisha, Hassana, Useina or Amina instead, chose to answer Amanda, (A Christian name) BUT would not hesitate to come out to defend all islamic extremism?

    I take a stroll…

    • Amanda

      March 24, 2019 at 2:35 AM

      You no go kill person ??

      Amanda “a Christian name”????

      Any name that looks or sounds English is christian name. You are incredible. Amanda is classical Latin word which means “to be loved”. There is no trace of Amanda in the Bible.

      You guys are ******. Your propaganda that Christianity is about love is ***** ??

      Come to Western world. There are reverts Muslims who retained their Western names

  11. Fifelomo

    March 25, 2019 at 6:23 AM

    Amanda but why?

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