Crime News
Nigeria Must Arrest Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir In Abuja – Human Rights Watch Group
July 13, 2013 – Nigeria Must Arrest Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir In Abuja – Human Rights Watch Group
Human Rights Watch on Saturday urged Nigeria to arrest Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir if he attends an African AIDS summit scheduled for Abuja, the Nigerian capital next week.
The arrest should be made, if the Nigerian government fails to stop al-Bashir from staying away at the conference, HRW said.
Nigeria is a member of the International Criminal Court which has charged Bashir with war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity over the conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region.
Khartoum confirmed that Bashir has been invited to the Nigerian capital, which is hosting an African Union HIV/AIDS summit that opens Monday.
“I understand that there is (an) invitation,” to visit Abuja, Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Abubakr Al-Siddiq told AFP.
“The visit will take place soon,” he added, without specifying whether Bashir planned to attend the AU summit.
Nigerian officials were not available to comment on the invitation or Bashir’s possible attendance.
Associate director of the International Justice Programme at Human Rights Watch, Elise Keppler, told AFP the prospective visit marks “a real test of Nigeria’s commitment to the ICC.”
Since The Hague-based court issued the indictments against Bashir in 2009, his visits, or proposed travel, to ICC member states have sparked repeated controversy.
Some court members, including Chad, Djibouti and Kenya have allowed such visits, but others like Botswana, South Africa and Uganda have ensured that Bashir stay away.
A number of states “have found a way out of this problem and Nigeria should do the same,” Keppler told AFP.
If Bashir in fact visits, Nigeria “should arrest the ICC fugitive,” she added.
Countries that have signed on to the world’s only permanent court for war crimes and crimes against humanity have a legal obligation to arrest any indicted suspect found within their territory.
A number of African leaders, including some at the African Union, have charged that the Bashir arrest warrant has hampered efforts to conduct continental diplomacy.
[Sources: AFP, PM]

Book of Life
July 13, 2013 at 6:51 PM
God pass him (Omar Al-bashir) or whatever he call himself nah, to hell wit any wicked president in d world
Akuwax in Barotseland / Zambia
July 14, 2013 at 7:28 AM
The fool is an idiot I full agree with plans of arresting this dunderhead, he has troubled so much that we can’t even concentrate on other, but listen to his stupidity dictatorship manners. this fool was he born or he was vomited. Al- Bashir my dog.
July 15, 2013 at 11:18 AM
Let him be arrested!!
July 15, 2013 at 11:32 AM
I’m Buay kapduel in south Sudan i would like to comments on this issue if the icc fugitive has been arrested let him be detained for genocide of humanity
July 15, 2013 at 1:01 PM
I’m Buay kapduel in juba south.i would like to post my comment that let this fugitive be taken to icc as demanded by international criminal court group, he is fit to be asked, that human killer
buay kapduel buol
August 11, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Why don’t you arrest him?,what hindered that killer from being arrest?do you how many people he killed ?