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Nigerian Police Force To Charge Dead Policeman Who Killed 3 In Ketu Lagos

npf to charge dead policeman

December 28, 2015 – Nigerian Police Force To Charge Dead Policeman Who Killed 3 In Ketu Lagos

Stephen James attached to Mopol 22, Lagos State police command who shot self after killing three persons will face orderly room trial even in death.

The trigger happy police Sergeant shot dead two brothers and one other at Paulson Hotels Anibaba Street, Ketu after a drink­ing spree.

The state Commis­sioner of Police, Mr. Fatai Owoseni told Daily Sun that the policeman in­volved would face orderly room trial after which he would be officially dis­missed.

Owoseni who described the policeman’s action as embarrassing and callous said: “We would try him even in death and dismiss him for his actions. We want to use this medium to sympathise with the fami­lies of the deceased and we apologise for the irrational actions of the policeman who also took his own life.

James, on Saturday shot dead three male customers before killing himself at a hotel in the Ketu area of the State.

It was gathered that among the deceased were twin brothers identified as Taiwo and Kehinde Oyesunle and their friend, simply identified as Jeje. The twins were said to be the only children of their mother.

The tragic incident; which took place outside the premises of Paulson Hotel at about 4:20pm, threw the entire neighbor­hood and its environs into confusion with passers-by and residents running for safety.

According to eyewit­nesses, trouble started when the police Ser­geant with Force number 217884, threatened to shoot customers if they failed to buy him an alco­holic drink.

The policeman, who was said to be a chronic smoker of Indian hemp, however, felt offended af­ter the victims, Taiwo, Ke­hinde and Jeje cautioned him.

The eyewitnesses said the policeman ambushed and killed the three young men, who were in their early 30s, as they stepped outside the hotel premises where they had gone to celebrate Jeje’s birthday.

It was gathered that when he realised the grav­ity of his action, James shot himself in the chest.

An angry mob, which later gathered at the scene of the tragedy, attempted to burn down the hotel and destroy properties within its premises.

Irate mob threw bottles and stones at the hotel as lodgers ran out of their rooms with their luggage and fled the scene.

The hotel was said to be completely deserted by staff and guests few hours after the incident.

The youths also wanted to burn the body of the po­liceman, but policemen, who later got to the scene, calmed them down.

Policemen led by the Divisional Police Officer of the Ketu Police Sta­tion arrived at the scene at about 5.30 pm to carry the body away.

Lagos State police spokesman, Mr. Joe Of­for told Daily Sun that the killer policeman’s Berret, Shoes etc. would be tried in a police orderly room arrangement where sen­tence would be passed.

[Reported By Daily Sun]

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  1. Mae

    December 28, 2015 at 3:54 AM

    They said “police is your friend”,I wonder which kind friend they are… I’ll forever dislikes them…

  2. Big Daddy

    December 28, 2015 at 6:40 AM

    That a true word “Police is your Friend”and Bail is Free” but civilian paid for their wages still they kill civilian like chicken, humiliate, abuse, tortured innocent people, Hmmmmmmmmmmm……… Police is never your friend, Bail is always free but not in Nigeria

  3. Jilo

    December 28, 2015 at 4:27 PM

    We need to pass crime reform bill that will make it tougher for any capital offender to either get death sentencing or spend the rest of his natural life behind bars. The rate of unjust killing in Nigeria is alarming. Nigeria has turned into lawless Country where the oppressors intimidate the weaker people. This Mobile police officer assume since he was holding a gun he can bully the innocent people. That is wrong. In the first place he is not suppose to be in the hotel drinking beer while on duty. It will be difficult for this Country to forge ahead if we have people like this representing the government. In order to prevent future occurrence, our legislators need to go back to work to secure people’s safety even their own safety. The easiest way to get out of this mess is to strengthen our law and enforce that law otherwise, we will be living in non functioning society.

  4. Olamide martins daramola

    January 6, 2016 at 11:17 PM

    Rest in peace my best friend jeje.i can’t believe this can happines to you because you are very gentle guy………………….. All ketu guys love you.but god love you must jeje

  5. Olamide martins daramola

    January 6, 2016 at 11:24 PM

    I can’t believe this can happened to jeje.jeje is a very gentle and nice guy.i don’t thinks dead too him ten years to this time………………….. All ketu mi12 guys love you but god love you must jeje…………………..

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