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Top Nigerian Celebrity Cultists: Entertainers Who Are Rumoured Cult Members

Nigerian Celebrity Cultists

Top Nigerian Celebrity Cultists: Top Entertainers Who Are Rumoured Cult Members

Cultism in Nigeria is viewed by many as a quick way to access power and influence. We have many of our youth clamoring for a spot in these groups and most often than not, what they get to see, is not what they were originally promised.

Most members of cult groups hardly ever come out plainly to say they are members of one confraternity or the other. The popular thing done  by cultists is to discreetly fly their brands, colors and make use of slangs peculiar to them. Because they do these things quite subtly most times, it is sometimes hardly noticeable to the average observer.

An alarming number of Nigerian celebrities have been rumored to belong to famous cults in and out of Nigeria. Various cult groups are said to have influential members occupying relevant positions in Nigeria. Although, hardly anyone of them have out rightly confessed to being members of cults. But then as mentioned earlier, cult members hardly ever do.

Below are some well-known celebrities who people have at one point or the other asked and wondered if they are indeed part of a confraternity.

  1. Tuface
  2. Davido
  3. Wizkid
  4. Paul and Peter Okoye
  5. And many more.

In our upcoming articles, we will take these celebrities one by one and explained to you their rumour cult groups.

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