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Nigerian Pilgrim Caught On CCTV Camera Stealing From Holy Place, Harami Arrested In Makkah Saudi

nigerian pilgrim stealing holy place arrested

September 11, 2017 – Nigerian Hajj Pilgrim Caught On CCTV Camera Stealing From Sacred Place, Harami Arrested In Mecca Saudi Arabia

A pilgrim from Nigeria has been arrested in Saudi Arabia for allegedly stealing an item from a sacred ground.

The Hajj pilgrim whose name is yet to be mentioned was caught on a CCTV camera stealing an unidentified item from a sacred place called Harami in Makkah Saudi Arabia on Sunday.

He has been taken to a yet to be identified location by security operatives securing the place.

Nigerian Ambassador to Saudi, Sani Yunusa who warned others to desist from picking things from the Holy Place said the arrested pilgrim is yet to be traced.

Here is what Yunusa told the Voice of America;



  1. DB

    September 11, 2017 at 3:17 PM

    Thats a very brave thing to do after throwing 21stones at d devil….now it is his turn to stone u back..If the Nigerian embaassy ever find u, then no be Saudi u go…… omo Nigeria daadaa!

  2. J. B. Hunter

    September 11, 2017 at 4:21 PM

    UNholy people with UNholy intentions going to an equally UNholy place and committed an UNholy crime.
    Should face an UNholy consequences.

    That‘s what you get when somebody is being sponsored with stolen money by the Govt to go on a baseless pilgrimage.

    Usless wasters of our hard earned economic facilities.

    I take a stroll…

    • SuperAbove

      September 11, 2017 at 11:05 PM

      You seems to hate Muslims with passion. In every religion there are good and bad people and this kind of thing cloud happen in any religion. Pls stop the hate lets spread love we can only win people(souls) through love and not through force and hate.


  3. Amanda

    September 11, 2017 at 4:50 PM

    “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”.

    I know nothing about picking stuff up n the ground in Makkah to be considered theft. But it sound funny to me that someone bends down to pick something is considered stealing?. Looks like this story is incomplete.

    What i do know according to islamic Law, is that, once you put on “Haram” (physically known as white cloth) and ready for hajj rituals, you not supposed to do anything haram(forbidden). You not supposed to kill even a fly even if it bites you. You know supposed to kill snake or anything. If you do, you must fast for a number of prescribed days. If you are unable to fast you must feed the poor or slaughter a sheep. The process is called “fidya”.

    That said, it is haram to steal whether during hajj or not. But this alleged criminal should be given excuses until accurate info is found. He might be picking up something that dropped from him. He might be picking up his/her cell phone. If there seems to be rule regarding not picking up anything from the floor, he/she should have known that bcus prospective Al-haj and Alhaja are tutored before embarking on this spiritual journey.

    • Keep it real

      September 11, 2017 at 7:51 PM

      Immediately I saw HOLY PLACE & SAUDI on the headlines i quickly went straight to the comments section LOOKING FOR AMANDA and here is AMANDA right here.
      Islam defense minister lol
      just love your courage.
      Stay blessed AMANDA!

    • Fatmata

      September 12, 2017 at 8:49 AM

      Hmmmm, so when you kill a fly, you should slaughter a sleep to appease Allah. Meaning killing another, or is it that the fly’s life is more important than the sheep’s. I take a stroll

  4. Jilo

    September 12, 2017 at 5:38 PM

    Trust Amanda she will defend her religion to the last drop of her blood.

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