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Nigerian Woman Ruth Abu Steals Ghana-Based Girlfriend’s House Money & Varnished

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Oct 29, 2013 – Nigerian Woman Ruth Abu Steals Ghana-Based Girlfriend’s House Money & Varnished

This is a painful one-sided story of a Ghanaian lady named Jessica Shalom who was once based in Nigeria before relocating to Ghana.

To cut a very long story short, she offered to help a Nigerian lady named Ruth Abu in Ghana. One thing led to the other, Jessica accused Ruth of stealing her house money.

Read the letter Jessica sent across to Stella few hours ago below:

Am Jessica Shalom Torkornoo from Ghana. A friend from Nigeria introduced your blog to me. She asked me to send my story to you that you will be kind to help me out.

I schooled and grew up in Nigeria. My family relocated to Ghana in 2006. I am a fashion designer with my own company, JESSICATORKS CLOTHING. Early this year, i placed an advert on my page for workers, tailors and a personal assistance to be specific. Then i got a message from an old school mate of mine, Ruth Abu.(Christ the King International School, Gbagada) that she wants to work in the fashion industry and working with me will be a privilege so i offered to help.

She came to Ghana in may 2013 and stayed in a guest house for two weeks. After which she tried looking for a permanent accommodation due to mounting bills at the guest house, but she had no money. As a result she had to resort to sleeping in my shop awaiting money her boyfriend was supposed to send her for rent. I was very unhappy about it so i spoke with my parent about it. This paved way for her to enjoy the safety and comfort of sharing my room with me,including feeding, just for a couple of weeks. This turned into months and gradual became acceptable, automatically making her a part of my family.

Jessica in blue and Ruth in white

In September, i decided to rent a place for myself and some other worker of mine, including Ruth. This was part of my expansion drive for my company and workers in general, who might have problems. We finally got a place big enough for all of us. We made a part payment. The day we where going to make the final payment, we noticed there was a problem with the house which we did not notice at first. There was hence a refund of the initial payment, which was to be used to secure a more suitable place. This task was left to Ruth to execute.

She finally got a new place. Payment was on the 15/10/2013. But i could not make it because i hard another appointment. Unfortunately, she could not make the payment that day.

Only for me to ask for the money on 16/10/2013 . 7, 200 Ghana cedis in total and 5000 was missing out of the money. We tried searching for the money in the house but there was no luck. All her actions and the story of how the money got missing became very suspicious.

I Insisted i needed the money to secure the house so i don’t loose it. Then she offered to help in getting the money. That she called her mother to transfer the money. We waited till the day she promised the transfer will be done,which was 18/10/2013. Nothing happened. Then asked for Monday to do the transfer which should have been 21/102013. Only for use to go church on Sunday, 20/10/2013, she told me she was going to buy chewing gum. we have not seen Ruth Abu till date leaving her bag in the church with me. When i got home and opened her bag, she hard her cloth and everything you can think of for a trip. It done on me she hard run away with my money leaving all her cloth in my room. I tried getting all her document to see if i can get through to her parents, i realised all her documents were gone as well. Please, i just need your platform to help in locating her.

I considered her a sister. Came calling for my help here in Ghana, i didn’t hesitate. I gave her a job and accommodation till she decided to disappear with thousands of money intended for the expansion of the company i put years of sacrifices and sweat in.
This are my contacts if any body has any information that could help in locating her help. +233 0206710122. 0269612757. you can find me on facebook as Jessica shalom torks.

Please i have attached photos of Ruth Abu . Age, 26.
i know you will want to get the facts of this story straight before you put it on your platform. Please contact me if you have any questions. God bless you.

Since this is a one-sided story, it will make less sense to judge Ruth until we hear her own side of the story.

We are imploring Ruth Abu to speak up on time before this case turns legal.



  1. Onome

    October 28, 2013 at 11:41 PM

    Sorry Jessica I don’t believe your story PERIOD
    let Ruth come out to defend herself bcos i use to have a Ghanaian girlfriend who almost got me in trouble

  2. tawa kalitu

    October 28, 2013 at 11:56 PM

    I sense these ladies are fighting over a man mark my words

  3. don

    October 29, 2013 at 12:20 AM

    DIS CAN B TRUE !!!!!

  4. red

    October 29, 2013 at 1:31 AM

    Jessica if this is how it all came down sorry about that,since you grew in Nigeria and Ruth is your childhood friend that means you know where to look for her in Nigeria,and she told her mom about the money & asked for transfer which means her people are aware of the issue why not contact them and make arrangement to visit them for the issue.the only thing that is not clear to me is why will Ruth who can’t afford to pay for her accommodate put a call to her mom to pay for a missing money and still can’t pay for hers before the money got lost in the first place.anywhere anything is possible you never can tell.I wish you the best in your business.

  5. D Hunter

    October 29, 2013 at 5:56 AM

    A gud frnd is dat special pers who stands by u in tym of stresses, dffclties, pains n confusion. Hurting such a fellow is lk biting d finger dat fed u.

  6. Emefu teddie

    October 29, 2013 at 9:50 AM

    I don’t believe the story. 5,000 cedis? Is it up to N50,000? Hmmmmm; put her pic on the social network doesn’t make sense at all just tryin to tarnish her image.

  7. Oluwadunni

    October 29, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    One,I v checked your FBK page,nothing to prove you to be a fashion designer as you claimed.just a normal chic,that dresses in a normal chic clothes,that’s all.what also baffles me is the fact that,your friend’s picture is not among your FBK pictures,not even one,and you claimed you guys we’re close.Don’t you guys go for outings stall,to make you snap and gladly post the pics?Girl,is just 3things here,is either you guys planned this,to get financial breakthrough from govt,or you tiring to tarnish the poor girl’s image,bcos of best reason known to you,or finally,you trying to seek unnecessary notice want show off,you want to promote your business thro this means.come to think of it,why the numbers,why FBK profile.if we all v info for you,we can always get thro to u,thro this means.why wld a ghanian girl think she can play smart on Nigerians.ur ghana no reach quarter of Lagos.Try other means dear,your not smart enough.Naija gist,I beg you guys shelf beware of 419s,I v gone thro her FBK,stout no single picture of Abu.she must be lying.pls make sure she pay for this,if fount GUILTY.Thanks

    • maame ama

      October 29, 2013 at 10:51 PM

      “ur Ghana no reach quarter of Lagos”?foolish fool,go back to school and learn,kwasia,gimigimi.over populated fools

  8. sunday

    October 29, 2013 at 2:51 PM

    Am confused pls, she said 7,200 Ghana sedis, & again 5000
    Do u mean #5000 Or #50,000? Or how much is sedis to Naira

    • pericles

      October 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM

      instead of u addressing e issue u r here making
      statement which are not worthy. this is not Ghana vrs
      naija again. if you care to know 5000 cedes =361,750 naira
      so stop saying that how much is cedes to naira

  9. pericles

    October 29, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    instead of u addressing e issue u r here making statement which are not worthy. this is not Ghana vrs naija again. if you care to know 5000 cedes =361,750 so stop saying that how much is cedes to naira

  10. maame ama

    October 29, 2013 at 10:41 PM

    7,200 Ghana cedis is almost equivalent to 3,800 dollars which is a huge sum of money.the fact dat Ruth is a Nigerian does not necessarily mean u shud defend u guys think Jessica is stupid enough to give out her personal details just to destroy Ruth’s image?The woman is desperate because 5,000 Ghana cedis is no joke….u people should stop hating and help her find Ruth!

  11. red

    October 30, 2013 at 4:41 AM

    WHAT!!! that’s much money to lose,sorry Jessica.I don’t pray for that.why on earth will you trust anybody with much amount my dear and she is not your blood sister.I think you need more than this media to help you.

  12. Ada Adams

    November 20, 2013 at 8:13 AM

    This jessica character is a bloody liar…….. she does stuff like this all d time……..her boyfrend broke up with her and she did d same thing 2 him, called him a fraud star and dat he stole from her….. pls ignore her pls….. she is a lonatic……

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