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“Nuella Njubigbo Snatched My Husband, She Crashed My Marriage” – Tchidi Chikere’s Wife Spits Fire

nuella njubigbo husband snatcher

March 28, 2014 – “Nuella Njubigbo Is A Husband Snatcher, She Crashed My Marriage” – Tchidi Chikere’s Wife Spits Fire

Just this morning, broke the exclusive pre-wedding gist of Nollywood actress Nuella Njubigbo and how she allegedly crashed the marriage of Nollywood movie director Tchidi Chikere and another actress Sophia Chikere… If you missed it, read details here.

The scandal-ridden Nollywood actress even confirmed what NaijaGists reported by saying she dated the movie producer while he was still married to his wife, Sophia Chikere.

All this while, Sophia has kept mum but in this latest report, she debunked Nuella’s claim that she didn’t ruin her marriage.

Read what Sophia said about Nuella below:

 ” I swear with my life, my children’s life and everything I have that Nuella started dating my husband before he left the marriage. But because I respect my husband a lot, the father of my three boys, I have kept calm and won’t talk and comment because there is no need to wash your dirty linen in public. Tchidi is a wonderful husband and father and will always be.”

“But if Nuella opened her mouth and said that she wasn’t dating my husband before he left the marriage, if she’s lying let her not see anything good in life and if I’m lying let me not see anything good in life.”

“This question is for Nuella. Nuella since you broke my marriage, have I called you? Have I looked for you? No! After what you did, you still have the right to lie and say you were not in the picture? You want to deceive the public? But you can’t deceive God. You put what God has joined together asunder and made my children cry to bed every night.

“I keep calm and you have the audacity to say that you weren’t dating my husband when we were together? Let the wrath of God be your portion. Now that you have taken my hubby and you are getting married to him like I heard, are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Let the Almighty God fight for me and judge you.

“Let vengeance be of God who knows everything and sees everything. My God is able and he’s not asleep. He sees. He knows. And he feels what I feel. He is the Lord who cares for me and my kids.

“As for my husband, he is a wonderful father and I will never ever disrespect him,” she concluded.

OMG Sophia is still hurting… Did you read her statement…. and made my children cry to bed every night….

Heya! Nuella Njubigbo must have done a lot of damage to that family.

But wait a minute…. what is wrong with these Nollywood ladies…. must they snatch someone else’ husband.

As beautiful as Nuella is, why can’t she find her own husband.

Madam Sophia please take heart ooooo God will fight for you.

Meanwhile, Nuella Njubigbo and Tchidi Chikere are getting married this weekend.



  1. Morrin Philips

    March 28, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    i am not a Nigerian but I do like her movie please leave her husband for her nuella. I have great respect 4 u. This route u’re going is not it

  2. abigail

    March 28, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    What goes around comes around so be ready Nuella.

  3. beekay

    March 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    This girl have no idea how painful its for your children to be asking you for their and you have nothing to say that will console them, all I can hear from this husband’s snatcher is lost lost and lost, No wonder why people dont trusteach other anymore… my love pls take heart the Lord will see you through just continue to hold on to him.

  4. Omosewa

    March 28, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    Nuella u have no shame whatsoever why must u make sophie’s children fatherly
    are u that desperate

  5. chidima

    March 28, 2014 at 6:56 PM

    Nuella or wht so ever u call yourself let me tell u, u jst bought a ticket to ur early grave n so shall it b 4 u Nuella as u prepare 4 dis marriage u will cry @ last cos u hv decided to put asunder on wht God has join together n may u never knw d peace of God in ur life n in ur marriage bcos u hv made dis innocent woman to cry n her to cry Nuella u will cry 4 d rest of ur life I shall never b well with in dis marriage n God will punish u evil woman 4 destroying another persons home may ur home b destroy don’t worry very soon dat baba dat gave u dat juju will disappoint u n so shall it b sorrow will b ur portion evill Nuella AMEN

    • Iyke B.

      March 28, 2014 at 8:32 PM

      @Chidimma, u dey vex oooo. Well’ all dis our noolywood actors and actresses re bad. Even one among dem is better.

    • Rachael

      March 12, 2015 at 5:36 PM

      You’re right dear

      • obiye

        November 3, 2016 at 9:17 PM

        God will punish u nuella, and trust me dat marriage of urs is not going to last in Jesus name,AMEN

  6. Esther

    March 28, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    I dont know why some ladies derive pleasure in snatching another woman’s husband,im still wondering why some men are so stupid,you leaving your 3 children for a prostitute,who had slept with different rich men to acquire wealth,wonder shall never end,happy married life.

  7. chidima

    March 28, 2014 at 7:03 PM

    Nuella or wht so ever u call yourself let me tell u, u jst bought a ticket to ur early grave n so shall it b 4 u Nuella as u prepare 4 dis marriage u will cry @ last cos u hv decided to put asunder on wht God has join together n may u never knw d peace of God in ur life n in ur marriage bcos u hv made dis innocent woman to cry n her to cry Nuella u will cry 4 d rest of ur life It shall never b well u with in dis marriage n God will punish u evil woman 4 destroying another persons home may ur home b destroy don’t worry very soon dat baba dat gave u dat juju will disappoint u n so shall it b sorrow will b ur portion evill Nuella AMEN

    • cadau

      March 28, 2014 at 9:40 PM

      It takes two to tango woman. Why are you not blaming the man who knew what he had at home and still decided to cheat?. it is always typical to blame the woman.

    • cadau

      March 28, 2014 at 9:53 PM

      Look at someone using the name of God in vain. what is this heavy curse for? are you God? if God is to punish everyone who snash another person’s husband in naija, they will be no women left in naija. particularly the second/third wives will die out. I understand that this may have happened to you too if one is to read in between the lines. but take heart.

    • onyiluv

      March 29, 2014 at 2:10 PM

      Hmmmm,chidimma,easy naa,pls let’s try n hear from oda side too b4 crucifying her

  8. Ego

    March 28, 2014 at 7:03 PM

    If ur hubby is urs den he will surely com bk to u. Dnt mine we men. He will soon get tired of her. U jst kip calm n take care of ur kids,bt mak sure u tell dem all dat is hapnin

  9. Maiza Timba

    March 28, 2014 at 7:04 PM

    celebrity life full of shit

  10. usher

    March 28, 2014 at 7:04 PM

    chei! Dis guy get eye for fine women die… Nuella and d original wife which one be d finest? Think Sophia is, cuz she looks more prety and geniune.

  11. Mercy Shadrack

    March 28, 2014 at 7:05 PM

    Y does the ex wife have to let the whole world know that she is so bitter? She should learn to let it go

  12. Joy Chukwu

    March 28, 2014 at 7:05 PM

    Hold on to God,ur husbby wil come back s u Mrs Sopia dts my advice

  13. Esther Onukwo

    March 28, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Dat is men for u,most of them can not control there are feelings and what they saw, as for Sophia just keep on praying our God is not asleep,as for Nuella she just want to answer married woman,God in heaven will never allow you to ripe where she did not sow

  14. Adaora

    March 28, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    Ur hussy is to b blamed, y did he leave u? Guess nuella didn’t charm him

    • Dave Olami

      March 28, 2014 at 7:07 PM

      what if she charmed him? Or are u saying its nt possible? What does she want in the sweet life of those married couple?! Put urself in that woman’s shoes

      • cadau

        March 28, 2014 at 9:48 PM

        Can anything happen in naija without someone mentioning charms. what has charms got to do with this. Even the Nuella will be back to naija gist pretty soon explaining why the marriage broke down. what goes around turns around. A man who can simply discard his wife and 3 children by the way side is not a good man anyway. Nuella can have him for 12 months. next switch off the lights

  15. Ebony

    March 28, 2014 at 7:41 PM

    if I’m u I run for my dear life bcuz d God of children is ever mean and heartless when it comes to tears of children. My dear Sophia take heart men have always be like dat break heart & picking up people like was drop today and dat make feel ur pain. God is Good

  16. iron bar

    March 28, 2014 at 7:55 PM

    I don’t gv a damn about nolly wood that bent on copying foreign celebrity figures.they snatch wives and husband at will,appear nude or semi nude.display of wealth even when no one cares.mercy j alledgedly did the same thing..shame

  17. Akpabio

    March 28, 2014 at 8:35 PM

    Nuella ..its a Shame that you could snatch your collegue’s Husband upon all the men in this country .. You are a bloody illitrate !
    Beauty without brain is vain ..
    Tchidi is not a responsible man. Nuella,you are a bitch

  18. don casey

    March 28, 2014 at 10:11 PM

    I wonder why this man will leave his lovely wife after 3 kids still look as beautiful as angel to this ashawo nollywood. U blind Tchidi abi na wetin, between your wife and that thief nuella who fine pass I swear u blind.

  19. Charity Ulunnaya

    March 29, 2014 at 1:40 AM

    I really find this story very amazing that most comments seems to channel their blames to Nuella alone, but what about Tchidi himself? We all know that it takes two to tango. Tchidi knows he is married with three children and I assume these children must be very, very young and as such need their father very desperately for financial and moral supports in all aspect of their lives now, yet, he has the heart to leave them and their mother for another woman called Nuella. But why so though? People, please try and remember that there always are two sides to every story. Now, the first question I should ask is:- Why did Tchidi decide to abandon his first marriage with three children for a second marriage? Secondly, it is obvious that he was not happy in his first marriage but, why not? Nobody knows the answers except these people concerned.

    Finally, the advice that I can render to Tchidi is, please, no matter what you do, you MUST NOT neglect your CHILDREN and their MOTHER, as one adage says ” a bird in hand worths two in the bush.” Remember, a new COOKING POT, eventually with time, became an old COOKING POT. PEACE.

    • onyiluv

      March 29, 2014 at 2:37 PM

      Welldone peace,my own question is dis,why did sophia run out of her husband house?wen she found out dat her hubby is dating another lady why didn’t she report it to God den?dey say d only way to marrital battle is going on ur knees,so what happened to her faith den,ok maybe she didn’t know God exist or dear friends,no one knows what really happened coz we haven’t heard from d other sides.i still remember one rumour years back dat flirts with other single nollywood Actresses,and u know in every rumour there’s an Atom of truth

  20. Tumbo

    March 29, 2014 at 3:20 AM

    I thought my cry would never end.Three yrs ago,i was exactly where Sophia is.An igbo man walked out on me a a day before i had a c section.God bless mama G.she told me i was going to have a baby girl and she named my daughter the day before i had her.I told him the way he rejected my baby,God would reject him too.his reason for leaving was that i was not an igbo. I never fought him,but i handed him over to God.i used to cry with my new born in my hands.i never believed that people could be that wicked.He carried all the worldly things we worked for to Aba.
    Today that is in the past because i met good man from Akwa ibom and treats my daughter like a princess.He has never even out of anger asked me who is the father of my daughter,never ever.Not all Nigerians are bad and not all men are wicked.
    Sophia God will restore you.let God fight for you.You will one day sing a new song.
    If he is meant to be your husband,God will clean him and bring him back to you.If he is not meant to be your,You will sing a new song from God.Shalom.

  21. Bose

    March 29, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    What goes around comes around. I have seen it happen a lot of times, with my parents and others as well. My advice to you as a mother is to work hard and train your children in the way of the Lord. Don’t jump from man to man to compete with your husband and his girlfriend, rather stay calm and pray for God to fight for you and send help to you. It is a matter of is well.

  22. Medius

    March 29, 2014 at 8:47 PM

    Why is she only blaming Nuella and defending the husband? Is it the gal that went for Chidi, or he went to her? If he was enjoying a good marriage and was a good husband and father, should we say he along the way forgot to be good over night or something hapened? While it is a big pity that the marriage broke, it is also a pity that Sophia blames the mess entirely on Nuella.

    Sophia, quit the pretense and accept that one of you as not good or the two of you were not meant for each other. I don’t understand when you say they snatched your husband. It means he was very vulnerable, so what made him so?

  23. Muyi

    April 1, 2014 at 2:26 AM

    Why are this actress, enemies of one another, they all sleep with the same set of men, known fully that, this men use and dump. Its a very crazy group, filled with Desperate people. Prostitutes, Cultists, 419, and the likes. A responsible person can never stay to long in this type of industry.

  24. Aina

    April 1, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    I just want to tell you all that leave nuella alone, if nuella put a spell on Tchidi, Sophia, don’t worry he will come back because those love spell will not last but if he run away because you mistreat him, just blame yourself. if you really love him as you mention than accept nuella to be a second wife. because this things of calling others husband snatch will no work at all. we all know that if things is not working well in relationship or married life we have to move on and those we leave they have to be taken by others. its happen everywhere.

  25. jo

    April 3, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    It is not over, another lady must snatch chidi away from her.what u wish others must come back to u.u ‘ve destroyed the respect that people has in u nuella.

  26. Lanre Boomboom

    April 3, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    People should not be hasty in their judgment. We must endeavour to hear both sides before arriving at our conclusions. Certainly, Tchidi Chikere must have his reasons for dumping Sophia for Nuella. And please, spare Nuella, she is not to be blamed for the break up of the relationship between Tchidi and Sophia.

  27. linares

    June 17, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    I doubt what the nollywood authorities are doing with dirty actresses like Nuella dirtying their images. where did thy pick that slubbering mouth thing from? The footballer who dumpt her was wise .I used to respect Chidi b4 now.because of a dog u denounce ur kids? u too shall suffer. How can u pick scapes dumped by a footballer? so Footballers now reason better than intellectuals? Du jamais vu!I’ve never seen this kind of rubbish

  28. TEMI

    September 15, 2014 at 9:38 PM


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