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Over 32 Million Nigerians Defecate Openly – World Bank

nigerians defecate openly

April 17, 2012 – Over 32 Million Nigerians Defecate Openly – World Bank

According to a report released by World Bank on Monday April 16, 2012, over 32 million Nigerians have no means of defecating their faeces.

Most of these unfortunate folks opt out for open defecation as an easy means.

The report, titled, “Economic impacts of poor sanitation in Africa,” covered Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Republic of Congo, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

“The desk study, Economic Impacts of Poor Sanitation in Africa, found the majority of these costs to production come from annual premature deaths, including children under the age of five, due to diarrheal disease. Nearly 90 percent of these deaths are directly attributable to poor water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Other significant costs were productivity losses from poor sanitation, and time lost through the practice of open defecation.

Adverse impacts of inadequate sanitation that are likely to be significant, but difficult and expensive to estimate, include the costs of epidemic outbreaks; losses in trade and tourism revenue; impact of unsafe excreta disposal on water resources; and the long-term effects of poor sanitation on early childhood development,” the report’s Executive Summary said.

In the portion on Nigeria, it said, “Poor sanitation costs Nigeria 455 billion Naira each year, equivalent to US$3 billion, according to a desk study carried out by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP).

“This sum is the equivalent of US$20 per person in Nigeria per year or 1.3% of the national GDP.”

It also said 70 million Nigerians use unsanitary or shared latrines.

It also said “the poorest quintile is 10 times more likely to practice open defection than the richest.

Open defecation costs Nigeria US$1 billion per year – yet eliminating the practice would require less than 6.5 million latrines to be built and used.”

The World Bank warned that “open defecation not only has higher costs than any other sanitation practise, it has considerable adverse social impacts. Low cost and effective ways of stopping open defecation need to be scaled up.”

Open defecation in year 2012. Where is Nigeria going?

That’s a big ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh.



  1. olatinwo nurudeen

    April 17, 2012 at 3:23 PM

    32 million Nigerians defecate openly, this is just an error of unwarranted assumption, it is a scandalous statement which should not be tolerated by Nigerian government.

  2. Galand

    April 23, 2012 at 9:05 AM

    I have just returned from volunteer work in Northern Nigeria and this story does not suprise me. I saw grown men crouch and expel excrement in crowded markets, grown men defecate vast amounts in mounds in the streets and kids playing in it… I even saw a man fall into a drain while defecating and he slid down the drain while other men and women defecated all over him. He looked like an artist’s floorboard by the time he was done. Nigeria needs to clean up its act if wants to keep attracting volunteers.

    • Spouloua

      April 24, 2012 at 1:53 PM

      Galand I understand. I worked in Nigeria for three years and I saw much human waste being flung around. I saw people selling human feaces from a dead drug addict because when smoked the drugs and the methane in the excrement made people high. Some people ate human bowel paste for vitamins. As an aid worker it is hard watching someone eject a bar of brown filth from their anus and then put it towards their mouth immediately for eating purposes.

  3. Santiago

    April 23, 2012 at 11:49 PM

    I see man and woman, defecato on road by me feet on holiday, no shame in the eye, not life in soul, UN must make change, make law or find answer to problem. My shoe stain from excreto, a remind me of pain, horrow and feotid stink from the bowels of the poor camerillo must relief in open while children watch.

  4. Matin

    April 23, 2012 at 11:58 PM

    This situation is horrific, even more disturbing the increasing number of coprophiliacs who are visiting paces like Nigeria to meet there own perverted sexual gratification. I was backpacking through India last year and saw these types hanging around the slum areas watching the unfortunate buggers take leave of themselves, some of these sickos were actually masturbating at this sight. These stories although highlighting the moral and social injustices of the 3rd world give these low lives ideas for the next holiday sexcapades.

  5. Halai Narakeli

    April 24, 2012 at 10:31 AM

    As Nigerian I see man in street express brown paste and smear it across car and building. Police do not care. Other people laugh as man try to clean it with rag and newspaper but make more mess and spread disease making family sick, old parents sick – then who look after child? Government? No. University? No. Children… make sick and probably leave country where they deficant and wont putrid street and make stupid man look at his own excrement while dreaming of better future. Of job. Thank you.

  6. Safa Galtra

    April 25, 2012 at 10:29 AM

    I live in Nigeria and I am hurt by these stories. But I know they are true……. I once went into a restaurant and a man walked in, stood near a table of people, pulled down his trousers, pulled apart his bottocks and sprayed a brown, thick stream of hot wet feaces across the table of food. It was dripping off of everything. The people were so disgusted they left. The man was allowed to eat the food though. We realised then that the man was very poor and this was a plan to get food. He was hungry. He defecated for hunger….

  7. Maouna

    April 29, 2012 at 1:10 AM

    I work in the tourism industry in Nigeria and it makes me weep to read this story, but the comments are more saddening. What am I meant to tell people when they ask me “what is it like in Nigeria”?? Should I say to them “be prepared to walk in another man’s filth or worse still, have this feacal matter thrown at you”? Or perhaps I should tell them to pack a mask in case they end up staying next to one of these drains where humans wander up to in broad daylight and discharge masses of used meat and veges from their filthy colons… I heard a story once that an old man fell asleep in his wheelchair and when he woke up it was full with human feaces he apparently wheeled himself around for days dripping of other peoples bowel movements.. the flies the only ones enjoying it… I though this story was fake, not real… Now I dont know what to believe…..

  8. Falak Moal

    April 29, 2012 at 9:48 PM

    I have just got back to the computer after crying for hours… This story really upset me. It made me cry… I have a daughter and I fear for her future. I want to her to grow up well in health, well in education, well in fun and friends.. What world will she grow up in? One where people defecate in populated areas, in streets were people sell food they also shit, a world where a mans anus can be seen in the streets by children – as the anus opens and expells filthy dark deficant. The flies breed, the people die, the children cry…. This is so sad….

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