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Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor Buys $4.9m Private Jet

Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor private jet

Nov 11, 2012 – Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor Acquires $4.9m Private Jet

Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor who is the current President of CAN (Christian Association Of Nigeria) has acquired a $4.9 million private jet.

The excited man of God who celebrated his 40 years in service on Saturday Nov 10, 2012 announced he has acquired a jet tagged N431CB to his Warri-based church members yesterday.

Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor announced his at Word of Life Bible Church yesterday that he has acquired the 10-seater Bombadier/Challenger 601 airplane from the United States.

The luxurious jet has a very spacious cabin to hold meetings and for personal errands.

His excited congregants jubilated for over 15 minutes for the exciting announcement on Saturday.

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  1. Charles

    November 11, 2012 at 7:10 PM

    Well. If its for a positive purpose . Then it ok. And the glory must be given 2 God. . Hope the jet wil only expand his network . . 2 reach people faster. . God be the glory.

    • declan

      November 11, 2012 at 7:24 PM

      Do not deceive yourself. Jet will expand what network? Reach which people? The hungry people in the villages that he is going preach to and take their money?

      • Toks

        November 11, 2012 at 8:28 PM

        I wonder how many hungry people you, declan, have been able to reach in the village. Hippocrates, you will sit down there and be talking trash about other people you don’t know where they started from. Has The Lord put another mans judgement in your hand?

    • mathew

      November 12, 2012 at 5:10 PM

      we are only deceiving our self, when members are still suffering in the church, and dying of hunger, pastor will be flying in his private church with members tithes and offering

  2. declan

    November 11, 2012 at 7:16 PM

    What a scam!!! For goodness sake, what does he and his likes want a private jets for? Not in the midst of the severe poverty in Nigeria and his flock. I don’t blame him but his followers for their ignorance and gullibility. Its their money. Someone called it a gift…lol What a laugh! Gift from 10% tithes and offerings? They will always remain poorer and go away empty-handed; while the so-called richer. God is not mocked.

    • Leon

      November 12, 2012 at 11:53 AM


  3. Bamideke

    November 11, 2012 at 7:24 PM


  4. Everyoung Evans

    November 11, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    Well…… private jet….. Dat is nt wat a pastor shld think abt while he has jobless n poor people to help out….. Hw many airport do we hv in d villages….

    • Chima Ibekwe

      November 12, 2012 at 7:21 AM

      Y do pple alwz on pastors wnever they acquire anytn 4 themself? What abt d senator,hse of rep,hse of assembly,LGA chairman,councilor represntn pple,wat r they doing wt pples alocation bn gvn 2 them

  5. Omolade Moses Alabi

    November 11, 2012 at 8:54 PM

    since the roads are impassable and warlords rule the highways why not?

  6. Prince Akpomughe Treasure

    November 11, 2012 at 8:59 PM

    While, dis money could afford a new building 4 his church or for d poor/oda purposes. Have we bn able to reach out to our fellow people fully in terms of Christianity 4rm d grass root? Who knows his plan as a religious man wit deep faith. Only God knows.

  7. Naija boy

    November 11, 2012 at 9:07 PM

    Hmm wat a shame. It was the money used in financing Boko haram that he used part of it to make that purchase. I cant imagine wat this man would want a private jet for. Where is he going with the jet,? Who is going to maintain the jet and fuel it. Your guess is as good as mine. I believe the poor masses in his congregation would have welcomed these amount of money to help finance their wards in school. I believe that would have gone a long way in alleviating their stress. It is quite unfortunate.

  8. temitope olukole

    November 11, 2012 at 10:03 PM

    well God will forgive all of us,dat’s nt wat a pastor is suppose to be thinkin of,when he is havin church members wit fincial problem and those sufferin.well he has touch so many lives with God ministration,God will hav mercy on him

  9. Aderemi Kunle

    November 12, 2012 at 6:17 AM

    Crazy, arrogant and self conceited. Do Churches pay taxes in Nigeria? They are a business! What does he need Private jet for? Evangelise in Efurun?

    • Toyese Oyerinde

      November 12, 2012 at 6:28 AM

      He needs it to evangelize o my broad. If only he knows the numba of jobs that money can provide and the turn around such would ave had on the life of his effurun pple. Shameless pple.

    • Iyabor Adeniji-eleshin

      November 12, 2012 at 7:14 PM

      Plzzzzzz, don't sin o! The members bought the jet for him o. Abeg! Look, I would buy 10 private jets for the many men/women of God that their prayers and blessings have impacted my life if I had the money o! Don't judge. He didn't force anyone to buy the jet o!

    • Aderemi Kunle

      November 13, 2012 at 9:56 AM

      Iyabo, if i give you something that will impact negatively on your public image,wont you reject it? Look around you,look at these so called Churches, more than 70% of the congregation can barely afford to have 2 meals a day,yet they pay tithes,Sunday donations etc,its the seige mentality that these Pastors have put on their congregation.Where in Nigeria do you see Baptist,Methodist Pastors or Catholic Revs,buying private jets? Its because they are accountable to somebody and they dont see Church as a Business,whereas, i can wake up tomorrow and claim to have a divine call and start a church from my sitting room,target a gullible rich man to donate or pay for a hall,gather people and start a church. I see these things, i know pple,whom were jobless for yrs and suddenly start a church and living large within 2 yrs. What does Oritshajefor need a jet for? to fly to riverine areas to preach? or attend pastors conference? or will he ever allow members of his congregation fly in it from Warri to Lagos? NO!,enough of all these godly respect for pastors who dont deserve it. They are human beings like you and me and the average human being is greedy and that is what i see.


    November 12, 2012 at 6:46 AM

    Anybody can buy anything that he or she feels is good for him or her as far as the money is available.Though,i am not against the idea of purchasing a jet,boat or horses to make your travelling smoother,easier and comfortable, but even the pope of the Catholic church travels all around with the Country’s airline and this is a big challenge to the airline industry in Nigeria.I am not a catholic and i was not born a catholic, but this is patriotic,simple.
    When most of these pastors started the work,pushing their old Jalopies all around the street and sweating without a fix salary,no one was looking,so just leave them alone.

  11. stanley

    November 12, 2012 at 10:33 AM

    hummm na wa ooo who ar we men to judge him nd GOD kws bt frankly speakin dat moni is tool much 4 a man of GOD.

    • Dave

      December 11, 2012 at 10:24 AM

      No blessin is too much 4 a man of God,God Himself is not a small God.So why his children go 4 small tins? Was dat Jet meant for unbelieverz?

  12. joekay

    November 12, 2012 at 11:49 AM

    all is well!

  13. Bussy

    November 12, 2012 at 1:38 PM

    Such Money Should Have Been Used As Relief Fund For Christian Victims Of Boko Haram Attacks Under His Watch. It Is A Shame That We Do Not Practice What We Preach.

    • Halimat

      November 12, 2012 at 3:49 PM

      thank you Bussy may God bless you,only 1million can put a smile in a whole family face,tell me with that amount how many family do u think he would have touched?

  14. arhyel

    November 12, 2012 at 2:24 PM

    do not compare what is of God to what is of this world. this huge amount if used for the poor physically and spiritually would have save many souls. the bible says do not love the luxuries of this world, jesus told the rich man to sell all his possesion and give to the poor. though this effort is good, in GOD work salvation first.

  15. Ola

    November 12, 2012 at 3:18 PM

    Ola Says,

    Does anyone remember this song in 9ja which says

    me I no go suffer i no go beg for bread – God of miracle na my papa oh 2x
    SO AS


  16. Halimat

    November 12, 2012 at 3:45 PM

    if he really want a memorable birthday,he should go the motherless babies, orphanage homes reach out to the needy,sit with them and enjoy with them,that is the best gift if u asked me.

  17. Malachy Akabogu

    November 12, 2012 at 5:55 PM

    wel to be comfortable s gud nd nice. Wat abt d followers wat wil be there target? To work 4 heaven or to gada riches to emulate deir pastor. I wonder wat a poor member wil be tinkn if a pastor shld spend dat kind of cash! END TIME……

  18. PUNA

    November 12, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    Guys listen to me. The bible says the poor will always be with you. Till Jesus comes u can never finish feeding Nigerians even in USA their are still poor people. When Dan gote bought a jet why didn’t Nigerian talk of poverty. When senators are paid £1 million a year why did’t nigerians complaint when a man of God buys a jet it is a problem Grow up Nigerians jet is nothing in the developing world. it is like acquiring a car. You donot know the source of the money so stop judging. God is not partial no man has excuse to fail in life. We all have equil opportunity. People should discover their talent and put it into use and stop pointing finger to pastors. Let all the pastor ride bicycle, will it make Nigerians rich or divide the whole church money. Pls Talk on something that will better urlives and when u have found ur place in destiny and impact lives people will celebrate u

  19. xty

    November 13, 2012 at 12:14 PM

    For meeeee daddy am sooo happy for u ooooooo daddy wished u more and more of dat In Jesus name AMEEEEEn

  20. josh

    November 13, 2012 at 9:39 PM

    Most of you don’t know PAPA AYO. PAPA is a giver. Pls,find time,and visit the city of warri to ask Questions of what PaPa has done for the people of warri and its environs. He has change the Lives of many in the city of warri. PAPA has given more than 5 cars,grinding machines,Bikes,scholarship and employment(ABN,Eagle Height Sch,e.t.c) PAPA deserve more. Am not a member of word of life. My mum give her life to christ from papa early days in ministry in sapele. Congratulation DADDY.

  21. God Pikin

    November 17, 2012 at 6:56 AM

    Press help Nigeria na!
    Am not of Papa Ayo’s ministry, but was part of d function…
    Pls lets take note of these facts:
    1) Papa Ayo didn’t buy d jet, it was a anniversary gift;
    2) It came as a surprise to him from from a group that called itself ‘Papa’s children’;
    3) He demanded for a list of those involved in d air plane acquisition, meaning he does not even know dem;
    4) Some members did not even know about it meaning it wasn’t even announced in d church.
    So Nigerians, do not just take what d press sells to u hook, line and sinker. If God has blessed you, brake an alabaster box of ointment on a man of God, less u.
    I love u for d truth

  22. nonny

    November 19, 2012 at 6:59 PM

    Plz d money is 2much dis money can set up an industry give jobs 2 d unemployed and bata plenty life plz christans shuld be christ alike o

  23. sami

    December 23, 2012 at 12:01 AM

    i just pity all those who does not want men of god to have good things, but they want footballers who does not heal people’s sicknesses, cast out oppressive spirits from people and all other human sufferings to have Private jets. Its a pity that many people think like that. Can you count the amount of people who have been helped and touched by these instruments? i think it lack of wisdom and poverty mentality that is making them think for a pastor to have a jet is bad. Have you ever waited in the Airport for 3 hours to board a flight for a trip that will last for only one hour? jets will help you save all that time. i like good things. i want to have my own jet one day too. Thank God for Papa Ajo who has shown me the way that its possible. Church people open your eyes. dont follow fools to criticise. Celebrate good things. Then you will attract good things. BE WISE!

  24. Lency

    March 7, 2013 at 9:26 PM

    God blez u Papa…the best is yet to cum..ppl can talk behind your back but they didn’t even know the sacrifice you did to reach det level….sum ppl are jus quick to charge…oh pliz Get A Life..

  25. null

    March 7, 2013 at 10:49 PM

    it is not a pastor’s job to feed d poor or provide employment or even enable business not to talk of education or health – that’s govt’s job.
    a pastor is a shepherd whose responsibility is his flocks souls and spiritual wellbeing.

  26. monkey

    September 29, 2014 at 11:31 PM

    God will take control

  27. David .O

    October 2, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    Is it possible to lease out any of the following, cars, houses, boats, aeroplanes, etc.
    Now, if it is possible to lease out the few things mentioned above and after it has been leased out, who is supposed to be in-charge, is it the owner or the person or company, such items were leased to?
    Who were those inside the said “hired private jet” with $9.3 million? can’t we know their names, if their names can not be mentioned, Then why is it that, the name of the innocent CAN president, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor who was not in the jet, and was not in South Africa as the time, mentioned?
    Thank You Naija.

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