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pastors kill brother in law ogun state

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2 Pastors Kill Brother In Law For Stopping Them From Conducting Church Services In His House

pastors kill brother in law ogun state

2 Pastors Kill Brother In Law For Stopping Them From Conducting Church Services In His House In Papa Ibafo Ogun State

Two self proclaimed Pastors have been arrested in Ogun state over the suspicious death of their brother-in-law.

39-year-old Ejim Stephan and 43-year-old Chukwuka Stephane reportedly killed one Peter Chukwuyem on Tuesday the 5th of February 2019 after the deceased stopped them from conducting church services in front of his home in Papa Ibafo area of Ogun state.

Here is a statement released by the state’s Police spokesperson.

“Men of the Ogun State Police Command have arrested two self-acclaimed pastors, Chuckwuka Stephen, 43, and Ejim Stephen, 39, for killing their brother in-law, Peter Chukwuyem, on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.

“The victim, who was married to the elder sister of the two suspects, brought them from their village in Delta State to Papa-Ibafo in Ogun State, where they lived with the couple for some time. While they were living with the deceased, they were using the frontage of his house for their church activities, but when their conduct was no longer pleasant to their brother-in-law, he sent them away from the place, which led to them nursing animosity against the deceased.

“On Tuesday, February 5, 2019, the deceased went to his farm with two of his teenage daughters in the morning and met the suspects on the farm. Because of the presence of the two girls, the suspects were unable to do anything to him for fear of being exposed. In the evening of the same day, the deceased went back to the farm alone and the suspects, who had been waiting for him on the farm, accosted him and butchered him to death.”

“It was when the deceased didn’t return on time that his wife traced him to the farm and found his dead body. She subsequently went to the Ibafo Police Station, where she lodged a complaint. The two brothers were later arrested by the police at Ibafo based on the accounts of the two daughters of the deceased, who informed the police that they saw the two suspects earlier on their father’s farm.

“On interrogation, the suspects denied killing their brother-in-law, but when they were confronted by the two daughters of the deceased, they confessed to killing the deceased on his farm, because he deprived them the continuous use of his house for their church activities.

“The corpse of the deceased was subsequently removed and deposited in the General Hospital mortuary for post-mortem examination.”

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  1. Faith Nbodo

    March 29, 2019 at 6:25 AM

    They look like rev king junior brothers.

    • DB

      March 29, 2019 at 6:50 AM

      Especially the taller one. They just needed daily bread and started gathering people in the name of church. One can only imagine the evil these ones would have done to the so called church members

  2. Fifelomo

    March 29, 2019 at 8:00 AM

    Devil’s incarnate! The late in-law knew they are men of Satan more reason he denied them of the space they are using for their demonic act…rip man

  3. uzoma

    March 29, 2019 at 1:23 PM

    Fake pastors; they should be hanged.

  4. Laughing Lion

    March 29, 2019 at 2:58 PM

    If they be so evil then, what are they suppose to teach their members? Now that you’ve killed him, go ahead, have his house for your church service. Very wicked souls

  5. Lola O

    March 29, 2019 at 4:39 PM

    Pastors from hell. Church has become serious business and enough reason to kill a fellow human being. If they were so desperate to have a place of worship, why didn’t they rent their own place? My fellow brethren, follow your instincts and don’t believe that every one calling themselves men of God are truly men of God. The lust for money and get rich quick has infiltrated the Church and turning people into mumus. How can you explain a “Pastor” with 3 private jets while majority of church members with no motorcycle or own their own house donating tithes to sustain the extravagant lifestyles of their Pastors? Sheer stupidity. Shine your eyes, church goers.

  6. iron bar

    March 30, 2019 at 1:42 AM

    The earlier we stop these fake people ,the better for us.

  7. CJ

    March 31, 2019 at 6:48 AM

    Now that you’ve killed him, what have you gained? Wicked souls

  8. Lucky O. Okwelum

    May 11, 2019 at 8:41 PM

    Wickedness of the highest order. They do not deserve to live

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