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Photo: Nigerian Club Bouncer, Kleptomaniac Addicted To Stealing Customers Phones Jailed

Oloruntoba Adisa

April 28, 2015 – Picture: Nigerian Club Bouncer, Kleptomaniac Addicted To Stealing Customers Phones Jailed For 6 Months

Meet Oloruntoba Adisa, a UK-based Nigerian club bouncer that has a compulsive stealing disorder.

The 27-year-old was convicted of stealing over 300 phones between 2005 and 2015.

His latest victim, a clubber where he works as a bouncer lost her Samsung S3 phone and informed the club’s management.

A thorough search on the CCTV camera caught Toba stealing the £90 phone from the woman’s bag.

To cut the long story, the Kleptomaniac was sentenced to 6 months behind bar and suspended for 24 months.

He was ordered to pay £500 compensation to his latest victim.

While delivered his judgement, Hernandez told Toba:

“I hadn’t thought I’d be seeing you again. But here you are, standing in the dock in relation to another offence of theft of a mobile phone”.



  1. Justus Ikhile

    April 28, 2015 at 5:56 PM

    He is under a strong spell he will steal till death if not delivered

  2. Grace

    April 28, 2015 at 7:44 PM

    Try come to Nigeria for serious deliverance. Is a curse. Anyone who knows hiom must tell him that he needs serious Gods intervention. A handsome boy like him.

  3. Nabuf

    April 28, 2015 at 11:54 PM

    Tell him @Grace and Justus….the funny thing is the guy might not think he is under a spell. When you tell people about their situation sometimes, they are so spiritually blind and deaf…may God help us all.

  4. Obongawan

    February 19, 2016 at 4:49 AM

    Sure he needs deliverance

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