Crime News
Photos: British Nigerian Pastor Mistaken For ISIS Terrorist Kicked Out Of Plane Over Whatsapp Group
March 3, 2016 – British Nigerian Christian Man, Pastor Mistaken For ISIS Terrorist, Laolu Opebiyi Kicked Out Of Easyjet Plane Heading To Amsterdam
Pastor OlaOlu Opebiyi Of House On The Rock London Kicked Out Of Plane Because Of A Whatsapp Christian Prayer Group Tagged ISI Men
A 40-year-old London-based British Nigerian man, Olaolu Opebiyi was last Thursday disgraced while heading to Amsterdam.
A passenger beside him peeped into his phone and saw a whats-app group he created for the purpose of prayer.
The group tagged ISI (Iron Sharpeneth Iron) men was setup by a group of friends to do conference call uplift each other spiritually but the name ISI men is what forced the passenger beside him to assume he’s a terrorist.
About two minutes later, the male passenger went to the front of the plane and began a conversation with the cabin crew, Opebiyi said. The man was taken to the door of the cockpit and returned 15 minutes later, telling Opebiyi that he was getting off the plane because he felt unwell. A few minutes later, two armed officers entered the plane. They asked Opebiyi for his phone and told him to remove his belongings and accompany them off the plane and into the terminal building.
After an officer confirmed that he was being questioned because of what happened with the other passenger, Opebiyi explained that he was a Christian, showing them a copy of the Bible in his bag. “They asked me which church I attend and how long I have been going there,” he said. “They also ask if I have ever thought about changing my religion to which I replied ‘no’.”
They also asked him about the name of the conference call prayer group, which was “ISI men” – an acronym for “iron sharpens iron”, from the Bible quote “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. The Guardian understands that the passenger who reported Opebiyi may have misread this as “Isis”.
An officer eventually told Opebiyi that he was in the clear but that the pilot had said he should take another flight. He suffered further humiliation when an officer accompanied him to the easyJet desk to help him get on the next flight and seven other passengers from the 6.45am flight, who had left the plane because of security fears, also joined the queue.
Opebiyi said one of them spotted him and said: “If he is on the next flight, I am not getting on the flight.” He said the officer took the female passenger aside and explained the situation. Before Opebiyi boarded the 10.25am flight, the officer shook his hand and expressed sympathy for his ordeal, he said.
Easyjet has apologised to Laolu who is now battling uncertainty about his freedom of movement in and out of the United Kingdom.

Metu Nyetu
March 3, 2016 at 10:06 PM
See what religious extremism has caused an innocent man! He should be well-compensated for that embarrassment. Most people would have pressed charges.
March 3, 2016 at 10:13 PM
Lord have mercy
March 3, 2016 at 11:00 PM
I don’t blame the passenger,the word ISIS is enough to be scared of
March 3, 2016 at 11:47 PM
This is nothing but overraction to threat pose by ISIS to the entire world. Can I blame the vigilant passenger from been very observant of his sorrounding? No. After the 911 attacks on the United States defence and economy, the world is no longer the same. I believe that the true Muslims around the world including Nigeria have a greater roles to play in order to defeat terrorism and clear their religion from those who have hijacked it for destruction, humiliation, and hatred. Pastor Opebiy must be compensated by the airline for the unintentional humiliation. The passenger who reported the suspicious activities did the right thing. To stop potential attacks by terrorists around us, the public must be vigilant, and report all abnormal or suspicious activities to the appropriate authority. Pastor Opebiyi, sir that is one of the challenges of the 21st century. May God bless you and your entire family. Amen.
March 4, 2016 at 12:11 AM
He should be compensated for an unnecessary delay.
March 4, 2016 at 12:14 AM
Religion Religion Huummm. everyone now bear the impact of the effect of the new world order. it is the driving factor in policy agendas now. many people have been wrongly detained and incarcerated (Guantanamo) in the west just for some flimsy excuses, there has been negative propaganda to create a culture of fear which leads to institutionalized insecurity in the societies, freedom of speech is not what it is and those who protest against the abuse of corporate and state power are monitored using various means -face recognition and ip tracking and punished. People have been arrested for making anti-military or anti-police comments on social media in the U.K. Mass surveillance has had a chilling effect on journalism. the ultimate plan appears to be to take over majority of the nations with good natural resources. over the centuries religion has been the basis of most of the wars and destruction.
George Orwell said, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” God that heard Job can hear anytime anywhere anyplace.
March 4, 2016 at 12:39 AM
U can imagine d embarrassment he experience because of some group of idiots who will nt allow peace to Reign.
March 4, 2016 at 1:22 AM
His bank account will definitely swell after this whole ordeal. Trust me
sola olaniyi
March 4, 2016 at 7:29 AM
me no blame first
John Emeka
March 4, 2016 at 7:50 AM
Wot a pity… He should be compensated
March 4, 2016 at 9:17 AM
He should have chosen another name for his prayer group not ISIS now see the embarrassment it has caused him
March 4, 2016 at 10:34 AM
u too change the name of ur christain group chat, atlist u wont blame anyone who sees such name on ur group chat on a flight not to raise alarm.
March 4, 2016 at 11:31 AM
So sorry. God have mercy on us.
March 4, 2016 at 1:22 PM
Please can you guys stop typing ISIS, What the can Type is ISI iron straighten iron
March 4, 2016 at 2:39 PM
Nawa tatafos that won’t mind their business