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Photos: Funke Akindele, Ini Edo & Clarion Chukwurah Spotted On Movie Set
Dec 8, 2013 – Pictures: Funke Akindele, Clarion Chukwurah & Ini Edo Spotted On Movie Set
Star actress Clarion Chukwurah who took a big break from Nollywood few months ago has finally returned back.
The veteran actress was spotted on the set of a new movie with Funke Akindele and Ini Edo on Saturday.
Check out more photos of the talented movie stars below:
Hot ladies!

December 8, 2013 at 3:11 AM
I love Ini edo’s new hairstyle
welcome back clarion
Dupri James
December 8, 2013 at 3:41 AM
It’s all makeup nice to see Mrs Clarion, has she remarried?
December 8, 2013 at 3:48 AM
Jenifa pls cover up small must we know the colour of your bra
D Hunter
December 8, 2013 at 1:17 PM
Ha, dis Funke of a girl aka Jenifer 4rm d westhern Nigeria is sometin else. Just lk her pose anyday. She‘s beautiful in her own way sha wt her eyes looking very sex* ooops! Hope ms Red is nt reading dis ooo…
December 8, 2013 at 2:53 PM
very nice
December 8, 2013 at 5:56 PM
Funke I undastand,advertisement abi?guys shld apply in person,vacancy d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ @ funke company,U̶̲̥̅̊ can see Ђw she s displaying her body career!lolz
December 8, 2013 at 6:03 PM
well lni Edo i just love u ,clarion always sweet 16 big love mama .
December 8, 2013 at 8:29 PM
Ahaa..,got you redhanded! Don’t worry sweet Hunter,I trust you with everything.stay sweet.
D Hunter
December 8, 2013 at 8:56 PM
Nooo pls my petite ms RED, it‘s not wat u‘re tinkn ooo… Merely complimenting.
Pls 4gv me ooo coz, i dnt wanna lose u nw oo eheen. U‘re more special 2 me dan Ten thousand girls put 2geda.
December 9, 2013 at 4:09 AM
Come on baby,you know you not gonna lose me even if the world is colliding.I value you more.keep shining Hunter.
Dotun kY
December 9, 2013 at 4:36 AM
@dhunter and red love nwatinti
when u go marry. I set both of u r badly in love
hope it’s 4 real.
December 9, 2013 at 8:17 AM
Dz page was meant for commentry n nt love display, red n hunter if u guyz want to play una luv go n register in nollywood industry n nt on naijagist page, ope no one is upset here, i wish red n hunter api married life both in nightmare, dreams n in reality….u both shud gv me 12kids oooo
catch me if you can
December 9, 2013 at 8:42 AM
***comment removed by author @ secret family matters
catch me if you can
December 9, 2013 at 2:33 PM
Naijagist why did you remove my say. Because i said that Hunter do not know my second cousin red in person because he said red is petite while she is up to 6 ft 3 in height so for that they are just know my name stated and email address,do you want her to think i gossip with her name.or is it bcos i ask hunter to wait gor her father who is in army or her brother Ebubedike to deal with hunter. What is the family secret there. Hunter respect yourself and stop using red name for attention bcos you are drawing attention to her.and i know my cousin very not misuse her good heart for your own self.naijagist do not cause trouble for me by not posting this b4 red open fire on me and thinks i betaryed her biko .
December 9, 2013 at 3:58 PM
Sweet ritzybaby,red wishes you times 10 of anything you wish her and more,learn to differentiate jokes from reality and that of friendship. Am here to have fun and connect with my home Nigeria through naijagist and that’s all .life have a very short appointment and have no duplicate so try as much as you can to SMILE AND BE HAPPY .NOBODY is marrying or making babies as far as red is concern,I wish someone else made that comment apart from you ritzybaby because that could have be my time to unleash what i have in mind about that person,you know ritzy you can never do me wrong that was why you said that.Am not sure am gonna sound this sweet next time around because it killing me softly.stay sweet ritzybaby .As for you catch me if you can,I will need a better explanation on Sunday after service off naijagist ,you better not miss it because the last time I checked red didn’t have a personal Secretary in you .stay sweet.
D Hunter
December 9, 2013 at 9:33 PM
Ritzybaby, God bless U 4 ur good wishes 4 ms Red & I. Rily appreciate.
Catch me if u can, wat did u mean by “Hunter respect urself n stop using Red‘s name 4 attention?
Listen good, ms Red is nt d only cloz frnd i hv on naijagists. I developed interest in her mainly bc of d way she responds 2 issues. In case u dnt knw, we hv gone beyond just naijagists chat.
Apart 4rm ms Red, i also hv IRON BAR whom am always proud of. Recently 2, i discovad METU NYETU. So i ask u again, y are u so personal abt ms Red?
If she‘s nt complaining, y shld u? Even if she is ur blood sister, n so? Is she nt mature enof 2 knw wat is good 4 her?
Pls leave ms Red & I alone. Let nobdy eva try 2 come btwn us. Many hv tried n failed, den end up wishing us d best of luck. Go seek 4 ur man n stop taking tablets 4 sm1 else‘s headache.
D Hunter.
catch me if you can
December 10, 2013 at 1:55 AM
Mr hunter,chop you hear catch me said Hunter chop.I will ask red permission to come back and talk to you.I will start pray and fasting for her to say is too beautiful,rich,good heart and since you do not know so very tall for said yourself you like petite women she is not will not destroy my relationship with her so let me first get her to say yes.if you know you have number call her and tell her that not here.I know my cousin very well than everybody.she talks which is true but shy.leave her alone and hunt for your kind.I must stop this.
December 10, 2013 at 2:37 AM
Maureen asuquo
December 10, 2013 at 6:32 AM
hmmmm nice
December 10, 2013 at 11:29 AM
If you guys don’t have anytin to comment apart frm dis Love nd family… flush
D Hunter
December 10, 2013 at 12:19 PM
Catch me if u can, d 1 wt d longest name on naijagists. If i hv 2 “chop shit“ as u put it, nt bc i insulted u or anytin bt simply bc of my ms RED, den no prblm.
Afterall a lot of tins hv happened 2 many in d name of LOVE. If it were sm1 else, i knw wat my reply wld hv bin. Bt bc ms Red happen 2 b ur cousin, Love covas many sins.
Be happy.
I dnt wnt 2 insult u coz since u claimed ms Red is ur cousin, u might just b my In-Law 2mrw who knws? I reserve special regards 4 any relative of ms Red.
Pls i‘m sorry if i‘ve offended u. Pls dnt poison her hrt against me i beg of u.
catch me if you can/red/red/sick red/red.
December 10, 2013 at 3:51 PM
Mr Hunter,red said I must come back and say sorry publicly so here is it.I know am a big fool,A goat and i must learn not to put my mouth in what i do not know,Am the oversabi who do not sabi how to put my life in order talkless of advising.That you Hunter is a great man and “we” all love you,That am the one whose mouth is fit for choping shit not you.That i will never call or take about anything or name like Hunter and that you should pls forgive me catch bcos i think i took wine too much when i said that and is now clear.That i like making noise and must stop it today bcos am not q baby or in pampers.That God should bless you in Jesus name.sign by catch me if you can(Ebelechukwu)10/12/2013.7.50am American time.
D Hunter
December 10, 2013 at 9:21 PM
Catch me if u can, i hv heard u. I am nt annoyed wt u. I was only astonished @ ur sudden outburst n insult on sm1 u dnt even knw 4rm Adam n hv neva met or seen in ur entire lyf b4, sm1 who has neva insulted u anywhr b4. I wonda d more tryin 2 find out bt in vain wat my crime was.
Bt nw dat u‘ve apologized, d sayn goes dat “ 2 err is human bt 2 4gv is divine“
So, in d lite of dis undstndn, i wnt 2 say…APOLOGY ACCEPTED. I am ready 2 4go anytin 4 d sake of my ms RED.
Remain Blessed.
D Hunter.
December 11, 2013 at 4:10 AM
My guy d Hunting man hold strong what is special for ur heart u can now stop hunting change d name.u be correct man and u no send.make una no make red run from here,D babe est make me rush 4 naija gist to see wetin she go say 4 matter.she 2 correct kakara.which time we go see another Peter and Lola wedding ?, make una put the wedding for naija gist i go like see all the happening.first naija gist coupe wedding.
D Hunter
December 11, 2013 at 1:07 PM
Chei, i am very hapy 4 d kind of interests dat dis ms Red & D Hunter‘s issue is generating o… Emm oga Nnamdi, i tnk u well well 4 ur concern o, if God gree wey tins come work out well eh? e b like say, i fit consider u as 1 of d grooms men sef.
Everytin dey 4 Baba God hand o. CATCH ME IF U CAN wey won b bone 4 my neck b4 dey 4 my side nw sef, so i tnk God.
Abeg o oga Nnamdi, make u dey help me dey pray 2 God o, bc if God no put hand 4 dis mata na im b say i go just dey build mere Castles in d air o. Anybdy wey won come btwn us, “Holy Ghost FIRE!!!
Remain Blessed my guy.
D Hunter.
smiling giant
December 11, 2013 at 3:41 PM
Mr lucky man d hunter.i have something for you about red u do not know.This smiling giant as we cal her hate attention direct on her.I serve with her and her dad on one time at syria,she will laugh & tell jokes to a dying man & saying stay with me,can you hear me & joke to a dying man see them smile b4 passing away.we all want to have her at camp bcos she make u want to come back to camp & hear her jokes.evenif a plane is about to crash she will joke about it.she teach me that paying attention to movement around u can save ur life even monitoring a bird & that is why she describe things verywell &read a lot in body language .what am trying to say is that her cousin is right that she is a shy person so she knows her well as she said.if you ask me this commotion here must have send her out of this place bcos d 6 ft 5 giant hate when everybody notice her for the wrong reason as she always say.she gets uncomfortable & move.if u want red the smiling giant back stop this public display.I waited for her comment & am sure she is gone,her cousin have achieved what she want.Mark my word.that is why she limit her friends &i was surprise she came here is very much unlike her.ask her why is not on Facebook or other social network if u think am lying.congratulations 4 having this beautiful woman I envy u if u can still get her to be on d same page with u.she is full of life and suprises.Am sure she is gone & have close d door about here.get her cousin to tell u more.goodluck Mr Hunter i care bcos am a man who lost his love & i do not want u to see d same fact like me.stop this if u want her back.u are doing one of d thing she hates &if it is d red i know she will gather more work around her to forget everything about is a very shy person who hate shame& over too much of notice only me.good luck.
smiling giant
December 11, 2013 at 4:23 PM
FYI am a nurse like her.get her back here with babies and children story.she can not turn her back on them even in the war zone that is one weak point she can not hide.stop public display she hates it,I repeat stop ur public display or u push her away.u sound like a man in true love not those golddiggers.I hope my mail address will not indicate me 4 her to know who came here bcos she will blow off steam.
D Hunter
December 11, 2013 at 9:42 PM
Smiling Giant, i appreciate ur advice honestly, i rily do. U‘re nt just 1 of my well wishers bt u‘re my wish builder, n i tnk u 4 dat.
If dis is wat it takes, very well den. I tink 4rm dis point on, i will hv 2 b prudent abt dis mata coz, i can‘t afford 2 scare my 1 n only ms RED away just lk dat, NEVER. Dat will amount 2 foolishness n stupidity on my part.
Pls Smiling Giant, do me 1 favor. I wld lk 2 knw u more as in who u r & whr u r plssssss
Mean yll, i am using dis medium 2 apologise 2 my dearest ms Red, if i hv in anyway offended her 4 showcasing my feelings 4 her on a social media meant 4 comentry.
SG, ur reply pls, i‘m xpectant tnk U.
D Hunter.
smiling giant
December 12, 2013 at 12:53 AM
Am from Abia state & a nurse in lA.As a matter of fact we work in d same hospital but iwork at ER & she works mostly at the children section.she is my wife best friend & they do lots of things together more like sisters .my wife joined me three years ago we all do like family when we meet people from Nigeria,when i told her i want her to teach my wife few things about America & she took her under her wings & they became best friends till name is Obi.
D Hunter
December 12, 2013 at 7:23 AM
Well Mr. Obi aka Smiling Giant, sorry 4 d delayed reply. It was due 2 d fact dat i slept off. Tnk u very much 4 ur xplicit introduction.
It‘s interesting 2 knw dat u work in d same plc wt ms Red in LA. It means u stand a better chance of knwn much abt her dan any1 else bc u guys commune daily. Also, by d virtue of ur wife‘s affiliation wt her, i guess u pple r lk 1 big happy family.
D fact dat u disclosed 2 me dat she works in d chilren section rily gives credence 2 wat u‘r sayn n made me 2 blv u completely coz, she made mention of smtin lk dat smtym ago.
I am confuse as 2 wat 2 do nw coz i dnt knw y i can‘t just stop tinkn abt smbdy i‘ve neva even seen or met anywhr b4 bt happened 2 meet @
Anyway, 4 d benefit of introduction, d name is Prosper Aboh 4rm Benue State. Dis is d 1st tym eva dat i am introducing my real name on d Net n it‘s bc of ms Red.
As a matter of fact, i‘m temporarily based in Taraba State, doing a little business 2 kip life going. D only peaceful Northern state predominantly christian‘s dat‘s nt prone 2 boko haram‘s activities.
I dream of LA smday hahahaha or wat do u tink?
Chat u up lata. Pls say me Hi 2 ur beloved family n my ms RED. Pls tell her dat i said, i am very sorry 4 drawing an unnecessary attention 2 her. Neva knew she‘s d shy type. Tho, i can help it. 1ce again, I am sorry. It won‘t repeat itself again i promise.
Stay good,
D Hunter.
December 13, 2013 at 2:30 AM
Whoa whoa.lady RED i miss you a lot from dis place & now i know why.if u r reading dis i miss u & ur mature smooth way.u know u won 4 d end of year vote my friends 4 dis forum.pls come back am in love with u not that hunter.ur cousin is right he is no his last comment beautiful red he said it open to all that he wanna be in LA so he sees u as his ticket nof u read where he did not want to lose u now? dis man is a player who want American visa & is desperate.I know u r a smart woman from ur comments & d way u tackle without looking back he is bad news for any woman.As u will say u r 2 fucking gd 4 him.I know u sense that when u said here that nobody is marrying or making dare him continue if not lady RED pls come back 4 me or pls drop ur contact lets talk.I need u.
D Hunter
December 13, 2013 at 4:33 PM
Dickson u dare called me a player? And as if dat was nt enough, u proceed 2 try 2 poison my ms Red‘s mind against me? U beta go pick ur soap 4rm whr u had ur bath. Rmba dat d 1st 4 letters of ur miserable name is DICK, wat do u tink dat dat tells any1 abt u? Ohoo! So bc D Hunter is talking abt ms Red, dat is y nw ATURU is also talking abt her. May Thunder fire dat ur stinking mouth in dat hole of a place u called a house.
Whn 2 doves r talking, wat is d business of a vulcture? U were nt meant 2 comment, rada, u were meant 2 read oda pple‘s comment bt bc of ur ignorance n stupidity u foolishly damble in2 a matter dat does nt concern u, Anuofia.
catch me if you can
December 13, 2013 at 4:41 PM
Thank you Dickson.Thank you very much.I have the contact both home & abroad.
December 13, 2013 at 5:36 PM
Dickson are you fucking kidding me,you dare pen my name,seriously do you know who the real red is,Are you mad or out of your senses,don’t you know your grade,how dare you talk to a man you know nothing about,Are you involved in some type of head injury or accident,To hell with your silly vote,Real men don’t pick fight for what they have no idea or jump between 2 people unless they are the desperate ones on a timer.if am smart as you put it why on earth will i need your advise rather than giving it out to fools like you who need it badly.let all this bloody commenters get over this shit and circle on the main topic at hand or get a fucking life for goodness bore are some people really with their life,get a fucking life and let red run her life as she wish.Hunter do me a favour and don’t reply their hate comment again.None can take your place dear because there is only one space and it have been booked and taken.Am not a baby that need advise from anybody not even dad.As for u catch get off this site right now and forever or hand me back the God damn fucking keys or feel why am RED and the real person buried deep down me.Don’t forced me to use you as an example and appear on CNN news or channel 9 news for the outcome of your stupidity.YOU HAVE PUSHED ME TO THE WALL FOR THE LAST TIME AND AM DEAD SERIOUS.STOP THIS.
December 13, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Hi baby,you okay? sorry about all this let me call you tomorrow I have really been very busy okay.stay sweet dear.I feel you.