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Pregnant JSS 2 Student Kills Self With Poison In Makurdi Benue As Boyfriend Abandons Her

girl suicide makurdi benue state

September 14, 2016 – Pregnant JSS 2 Student, Girl Commits Suicide In Makurdi Benue As Boyfriend Abandons Her

A serial womaniser has forced his girlfriend to commit suicide.

Mr Labi, a popular meat seller at Wurukum Market in Makurdi reportedly impregnated his girlfriend, Jessica Beer, a JSS II student of Gyegeh College in Markurdi.

He later abandoned her for another girl.

According to sources in the area, Jessica Beer reportedly drank sniper poison today and was rushed to a clinic in Akpehe where doctors confirmed her dead on arrival.

The hospital became a tourist site the moment the news reached most residents of Akpehe community.



  1. fifelomo

    September 14, 2016 at 1:54 PM

    Its a pity, I thought preg should be a thing of Joy not otherwise. Anyway, when she was enjoying the Oga’s sugarcane she was enjoying it. No second thought about prevention. She’s simply stupid. RIP mumu girl.

  2. venerable

    September 14, 2016 at 2:22 PM

    Must you kill yourself,after all pregnant is not a permanent something, when your month is due,you deliver your babe, devil just thought you to kill yourself amnd you move by his word. (Oyo)

  3. huchennar

    September 14, 2016 at 9:14 PM

    why did she kill herself? just because of pregnancy chai!!! … she went too far at least she could have joined the moving train and become a single mother because that is the major trend on board now.
    CLUELESS PEOPLE WILL never seize to finish when she was eating suya from the man alongside the rod she did not know that she will get pregnant abi? sebi she dey enjoy flesh to flesh and did it unprotected and she could not bare the consequences… Rest wherever you deserve Mhiz

    #clueless human

  4. red

    September 14, 2016 at 9:29 PM

    Kedu ife obele nwa dika gi na-acho na’ amu bikokwa?
    Honestly that meat seller should be thrown in jail and charged as well.
    I pity her parents and the pain they will be going through now.
    Parents, pls,pls and pls make your kids your friends.
    Don’t muscle up for them. Make them feel like you are their best friends, for them to open up to you when they missed their steps in life.
    If that girl was her mom/dad’s best friend, instead of just a daughter,she will be alive today, no matter the mistake or shame. In fact,such mistakes couldn’t have taken place in the first place.
    May God have mercy on you girl.

    • rejoice samuel

      September 16, 2016 at 10:24 AM

      u said it all

  5. sola olaniyi

    September 17, 2016 at 1:36 PM

    that useless boyfriend should be arrested

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