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Tee Mac Dares Bishop David Oyedepo; Expresses Frustration Over Oyedepo’s Blessings

bishop oyedepo tee mac

Oct 9, 2012 – Tee Mac Dares Bishop David Oyedepo; Expresses Frustration Over Oyedepo’s Blessings

To those who do not know him, Tee Mac Omatsola is a popular flutist and the president of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria.

Few days ago, Tee Mac who obviously had a bad day took to his Facebook page to express frustration over David Oyedepo‘s newly acquired aircraft.

He hurled all sorts of insulting words against the highly respected man of God.

He even said God will punish him and that Oyedepo is a typical (tax free) fraud

Bishop David Oyedepo is the General Overseer of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, Winners Chapel and he deserves no INSULT.

On his Facebook page, Tee Mac said a whole lot of nonsense least expected from a man of his caliber.

Below are few of his rants:

Tee Mac Rants About Bishop David Oyedepo

God will punish him, my partner sold him the Bombardier Challenger Jet for 45 million USD and he paid a premium of a couple of million US to jump the cue. Robbie Honerkamp there are real men of God who use commercial airlines, there are musical stars who use commercial airlines, Oyedepo is a typical grabbing (tax free)fraud:

To reply his allegations, one of his fans identified as Chris Kehinde Nwandu Ckn said: that’s a big allegation my brother

And he replied with the following:

Chris what allegation, find out what a Challenger costs and he has more than one air plane. My Quarry business supplied his organization gravels for 2 years fro his countless construction business, I have seen more than many of his “flocks”

Tee Mac Swallows His Pride For Insulting Oyedepo

Tee Mac got more than what he bargained for after his Facebook rants about Bishop David Oyedepo went viral. He lost more fans than he least expected.

As at today, here is what Tee Mac said:

I was angry when I saw on a FB site bya CKN the Challenger Bombardier plane(Mike Adenuga has one too, sold by mypartner to him) owned by Bishop Oyedepo. In Nigeria at the moment millions do not know where to take the money from to buy their next meal; millions go to bed hungry and then this opulence by a “Man of God”! I may have been a bit harsh and somehow regret that I even responded to that FB message, but I am a bit out spoken and don’t mean bad.

“I have seen Pastors and Men of God in Nigeria who carry bags of rice on their shoulder to help the Hungry, who drive cheap second hand cars and their office is a small cubicle, because they believe the money given to them by their congregation is given to them to distribute to the poor. I know a man of God who heals hundreds and doesn’t ask for one Naira, no he will even give the poor and sick transport money to go home.

“My partner and myself tried to sell him a second hand cargo plane so he can fly food and blankets to disaster areas, but that man of God stated: “I can not own a plane, even if you prepare a good lease/ repayment schedule, what will my congregation think? The money they put into the envelops on Sunday must be used to the last Naira for charity only”.

 A Piece of Advice For Tee Mac

It is very obvious you are going through a rough time in your finances or business right now as it has reflected in all your messages.

You don’t have to be jealous of other peoples’ achievement.

Pray for God’s blessing on your own.

A point of correction, God will not punish Bishop Oyedepo, God will continue to bless him and others serving God faithfully.

Get a life dude!



  1. Bolalove

    October 9, 2012 at 3:20 PM

    A Man of God is meant to be respected. Beware!

  2. Odoh Thomas

    October 9, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    Tee Mac should be careful on how he express himself against men of God. The bible said "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm" Oyedepo is a revolutionary that brought change to our christian faith no body should talk evil against him or else God will rain brimstone on that individual. Beware.

  3. Babatope Obe

    October 9, 2012 at 7:27 PM

    Bishop Oyedepo has given and he is still giving to so many Nigerians , even all over the world, and that's why God wont stop blessing him, he does not need to shout or publicize it!

    • Chidi Elemike

      October 9, 2012 at 10:21 PM

      Thank you brother, they want him to expose what he does for ppl just as T.B Joshua is doing. Jesus was poor so that u and I including all the pastors will be rich. (My ppl perish bcos they lack knowledge)

    • Oladiji Opeyemi Judah

      October 20, 2012 at 11:10 PM

      God bless you jare

  4. Ajoku Chiko

    October 9, 2012 at 8:30 PM

    Bros I saw wat u wrote on facebook about oyedepo, I must say am disappointed and disgusted @ U, if u don't have d slightest of info about somebody or something don't open ur wide mouth and expose ur ignorance. U are my frnd and am totally pissed @ U, u don't knw d man or his personal bizness and u have d guts to defame him like u have a pedigree too..lemme stop here before u hate me. Have u ever insulted Rev father EDE, with 4 schools yet not under a parish or bishop. U are a lawyer and I guess u shuld knw wat slander means…soo don't go about exposing ur ignorance


    October 9, 2012 at 9:31 PM


  6. Stan Ehis

    October 9, 2012 at 9:44 PM

    Its a very simple matter. If u can afford jets then buy em. That does not mean dat u wont help poor folks. Bishop like everyone else deserves much luxury. The times hav changed. Never again will our prophets live & walk poor amongst us. God himself has made it so. We love our Bishop. Pls leave him alone 4 your own safety. Baba God himself can fight u 4 dat Man.

    • Annonymous

      January 20, 2013 at 6:40 AM

      Mr Mac can you give an offering of 5million naira as a normal church offering to other churches outside your church wen you visit?, for no selfish gain, buh just because your addicted to furthering the gospel. Do you knw that winners chapel as big as it is still pay tithes? Thats accountability, stop exposing your life frustration and ignorance

  7. Ben odum

    October 9, 2012 at 11:14 PM

    Pls leave my mentor alone,that man of God u are seeing there did not bargain for all this,am sure his mind set is never for frivolity,he giving quality worship ,service to God who inturn is embarrassing my daddy with goodies.pls carry on daddy I pray God will give me ur kind of mind set & den let the unbelievers be bring condemnation to Bishop.

  8. effizzy-bibi

    October 9, 2012 at 11:40 PM

    all this haters ona go die, bishop Oyedepo go still buy mor jets,earoplane,ships,yatch,etc if una no like make una use head nack coaltar.

  9. Lucy Innocent

    October 10, 2012 at 1:33 PM

    infact I'm givin u not less dan one week, u will crawl on your two knees to apologise in not less dan 5 or 10 newspaper for de rubbish u write here, u hv to be aware if not wen de rot of GOD FALLS ON U, U WILL REGRET EVERY BEAT OF WAT U HV SAID.

    • anti t-mac

      December 14, 2012 at 11:02 AM

      Ṳ̥̈̊ said ųя organization suplie him wiv gravel for two years did he vere owe Ṳ̥̈̊ a dime? Mr t-mac Ṳ̥̈̊. Frustratedn itz showin for ųя info we have 139 nigerians wiv private jet, hw many av Ṳ̥̈̊ questioned.pap wud b so api wiv all this media attack ђãt Ṳ̥̈̊ and ųя oda croonies fail to realise ΐƨ that more will always bin to the body of christ.let mi skull a little bit go to most university he has a scholarship scheme, he pays std skull fEes, several foundations that service need. Go to ota road ΐƨ alway filled up each time….buh mr laud mouth ђãt av Ṳ̥̈̊ done for that begger that lives near ųя house and office. I pity Ṳ̥̈̊ so much cos Ṳ̥̈̊ r lossing relevance in nigerian music and chronically frustrated. Mtcheeeeeeeew

  10. Chinny

    October 10, 2012 at 3:58 PM

    I’m not for anybody being cursed. However, Tee Mac is right; he’s outspoken. “Men of God” have chosen the broad way of amasing wealth to themselves. They claim they follow Jesus Christ footsteps, Who though maximally rich, lived a life of poverty(for the sake of God’s kingdom busy, winning souls). People are dying of abject poverty, yet are compelled to pay tithe, clear farm, sow seed, and harvest. These all involve paying of money. Christ said that we should carry cross and follow Him, but these new generation church pastors have refused. Tee Mac shouldnt be called names; he made a point!

  11. okonkwo flourish

    October 10, 2012 at 4:01 PM

    those people have their lives to live,i have mine to live too,so why on earth will i pokenose into another man:s life when i have many achievement to catch up with?a word is enough for the wise.

  12. excel01

    October 11, 2012 at 9:00 AM

    If u hv d means 2 buy a jet n still b able 2 mk sumbody’s lyf com4table won’t u do it? Besydz u guys condemnin n criticizin, hw much did u contribut?…play ur part n kip quite dnt b pasin judgemnt on anointed men. He gives 2 d needy in secret n dat is y God is blesin him openly(Mtt. 6:4). U al r jst lyk Judas in Jn 12:1-7.

  13. Fatunla O.O

    October 18, 2012 at 8:50 AM

    Bishop David Oyedepo has impacted positively on millions of people and he is still making a difference. What have you done?

  14. makinwa Agbede.

    October 20, 2012 at 8:16 AM

    Tee Mac, pls what’s ur problem. If you need money and you are broke that doesn’t mean u should haul insult to Bishop David Oyedepo who can never be in ur pathetic condition. When last did u pay ur tithe Tee Mac? Little wonder why d heavens is closed over u.
    If u are so frustrated about life, pls go take rat poison.

  15. Abraham Godson

    October 29, 2012 at 11:30 AM

    tee mac just pray dat God should forgive yu because even if bishop didn't say anything God himself will purnish yu…cas he said in his word dat yu should touch not his annointed nd do his prophet no harm…….so think twice and be wise yu foool.

  16. Danny

    November 18, 2012 at 10:01 PM

    The Blessings of God On His Children Has An Insurance Policy,”I will bless those who bless you,and curse those who curse you”
    There are so many christians and Pastors who are wallowing in Poverty Because they haven’t found the secret, and the ones that found it are too lazy to take adequate responsibility.
    The Man Of God Found It years ago and he’s teaching his generation,some listen and do what he says and get results while some just listen and dont take rsponsibility.
    Solomon is the richest man that ever lived,what was his occupation, Abraham was veeeery rich in his time,what was his occupation,Job was the richest man in the east,what was his business…?
    The blessings of God maketh rich…
    Without money,God’s work can never move.
    I don’t understand why the poor always have problems with rich people.
    Who remembers any of the 5000 jesus fed?Noone does.At a time he told them they are following for what they will get,but we remember those he made fishers..
    So if i need anything from The Bishop,its lessons and instructions on how to live a Godly,goodly,and profitable life for God and Man..

  17. Pee

    December 5, 2012 at 10:23 AM

    The time u spend judging Men of God,you cud spend bettering your own sorry lives.if u are pained by his success all yuo need do is get grip and dust up ur sorry lives and work hard or carry guns and steal if you tink its easy.

  18. Anonymous

    December 5, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    I don’t know of any church yet which pays bursary to its members who are students and gives up to 100% scholarship to some deserving students from primary to secondary school like winners chapel. The jet is used for Gospel activities and nothing more, so what’s your problem. Winners Cahpel paid my two childrens schools fees in a private school when i couldnt, thank God now my story has change, so why wont i give back my finances into such a ministry where i know what my money would be used for.

  19. Rosella

    December 8, 2012 at 7:53 AM

    D Lord is in d Temple,Let d earth trembles n be silent b4 Him!

  20. margaret murithi

    December 31, 2012 at 9:09 AM

    it very unfortunate that when worldly pple get rich through dubious means, no one is against that, but when children of God are blessed, the world gets
    into uproar,, let God be true and all men liers….let then gnash their teeth,,the Man of God is yet to buy more….. let sanballat, tobias and company die of their jealousy,,,the gospel of christ is spreading, wealth is coming back to the house of God…the prophesy of joel is coming to pass,,

  21. James The Rock

    February 10, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    A man will ever be seen to be wise until he opens his mouth to speak. Am sure Tmac is onky a church goer and does not understand the Bible. if Jesus was here today, he wd ride the fastest aircraft. His clothes were torn and lots cast for them. How much Tmac contributed to the cause of mankind?

  22. Kenny P

    February 17, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Tee Mac or what I ever he is called is suffering from lack wisdom to succeed, the fact your face looks good and fresh does not mean you have discovered the secret to become wealthy. Nigeria is where it is today because in the past, the men of faith have refused to be in the fore front to lead in governance. Show me where in the where a pastor is not permitted to be wealthy, where a pastor must not inherit the fruits of his labour. Tee Mac, you are coursed and you will never be delivered from that course until you openly ask for forgiveness for what your ignorance has made you uttered.

  23. Okaka felix

    February 27, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    A man of dat caliba shud nt been seen riding a plane,wat wud his followers say?,from jet to plane…GOD forbid,am his follower so if tee amc is epoeriencin sum tyms nd tines in his busines,he shud luk for a way forward nd nt lukn for a way to tanish oda pples lmage.tee ac,get a life

  24. Israel Adetunji Adelanwa

    April 2, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    Bishop Oyedepo is never a politician or has he taken any political appointment. I will advise T mack to meet the Bishop and apologise for wrong
    use of tongue.God bless you

  25. Asua

    May 10, 2013 at 8:09 PM

    Am so disapointed,dis guy is a junkey,GOD WIL PUNIsh u,

  26. Leon Edwards

    May 12, 2013 at 8:28 AM

    Tee Mac you are a shame and disgrace to mankind. How dare you lift up your voice in insults to a true ordained man of God.This man had nothing compared to you in the 80’s ; but God has used him as an example to show what he can do to those who truly believe in him. YOur own riches are stagnant his has flourished and there will be no end to it because he operates in the convenant of God. Why not learn from him and ask God for forgiveness. Stop boasting about what you and yoour partner are selling, infact we are not interested. Get a life!!

  27. Bosede Adelowo

    May 16, 2013 at 10:31 PM

    I step into the shoes of man of God to tap from his anointing .

  28. Cosmas A.O

    September 1, 2013 at 8:17 AM

    Tee Mac, or what ever your name is. You should think before you open your wide mouth. But somehow you ve talked without thinking which mean that you are a foolish man.
    You also said your quary company supplied gravel foe 2 years to his uncountless construction business. I want to ask! Did he ever owe you? If the Bishop did not owe you for all the supplies you made to him then it goes to show that you are an ungrateful wretch. Because here is a man ( Bishop) whom you have benefited from and yet you slander him! You are dead man.
    I would advised you apologize publicly to this man you slander, otherwise you might be bringing upon you a generational curse upon you and your family.
    King David wife mocked him when he danced unto The Lord and she was the only woman the Bible recorded was barren till she died. There was No remedy Because she mocked a man after God’s own heart.
    The Bible also recorded events of children laughing at a prophet of God and a she bear came and devour them.
    Tee Mac, you have done worst by slandering and laying false accusations to an anointed man of God. Be careful. A word they say is eenough for a wise.
    Can you see what’s happening to you now, do you have any peace of mind since you made that comment? This goes to tell you that you should ask for forgiveness or terrible things shall come your way.

  29. Prince

    October 20, 2013 at 1:13 PM

    well I don’t understand, this satan children de make noise.
    If it well bilegate that buys the plane,wil tee talk?
    oh papa make u no mine mindless people God dey for your sides.


    November 3, 2013 at 8:50 AM


  31. Marvel Michael

    September 22, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    Why are you speaking like a poor, greedy illiterate? Is it not better to be thought how to get a thing than to be given a thing? It is said that “blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh” If Papa Oyedepo was selfish, he would not be teaching people the way to acquire God’s blessings, but reserve it to himself alone. Simply follow Papa Oyedepo’s teachings and steps and see how explosive your blessings will be. I have seen results through the practice of his teachings. What you are doing is mere jealousy. Or is it you who is not serving in the vineyard of the Most High (the owner of the earth and its fullness thereof; the owner of all blessings and promotions) that should have been blessed? A good father will always satisfy his own son before extending his riches to outside. Even at that, it is the child of the family that does well that deserves more of the father. He says seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and other things will be added to you. What service have you rendered to God’s kingdom? And yet you are wobbling your mouth against the one that deserves it. You should even be happy that God, in His infine mercy, is still blessing people like us (including me. You said you supplied materials to his construction sites. Is that not tapping from his blessings? If anyone should be talking to Papa Oyedepo, it should be God and not you. WATCH YOUR TONGUE; FOR LIFE AND DEATH IS IN ITS POWER.

  32. nelsonnas

    December 15, 2014 at 12:01 AM

    they are still way behind solomon in do u havnt seen anytin yet

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