Crime News
Texas Based Married Nigerian Woman Commits Suicide In Lagos: Cheating Wife Jumps Into 3rd Mainland Lagoon Over Blackmail
Photos: Texas Based Married Nigerian Woman, Adulterous Wife Who Committed Suicide By Jumping Into Lagos Lagoon After Being Duped Of N10Million
Cheating Wife Jumps Into Lagos Lagoon As Lover Defrauds, Releases Nude Photo
More details have emerged on the person who actually jumped into the lagoon in Lagos yesterday.
Those close to the woman said her husband used to work with Access Bank in Lagos before relocating to Texas… One thing led to the other, her husband got to know about her adulterous activities and did DNA test on their children. It came out that 2 of his children are not his.
Before her husband ordered for DNA test, she had earlier arrested her secret lover who swindled her of ten million naira but all her attempt to recover the money backfired as the man released her nude photos to police to prove that he’s not a fraudster.

What she wrote about her secret lover last year

The naked photo the lover released to police
This is the video she recorded after ordering police to arrest her secret lover who she accused of defrauding her of N10million
The partner in sexual crime did not stop there, he later contacted her husband and confessed about their secret affairs which led to him fathering 2 of the 3 children she claimed she had for her husband.
To clear his suspicion, her Texas- husband simply identified as Tunde demanded for DNA test on all his three children which later turned out that they are not all his kids after all.
Her husband also saw the nude photo her lover released to police to prove his innocence that whatever happened between them was consensual and that he’s not a fraudster as claimed by the now late married woman.
On Saturday the 9th of June 2018, the adulterous woman who seems to have reached the end of her rope parked her Ford SUV on the 3rd Mainland and jumped into the lagoon.
According to friends on the social media, she came to Nigeria with the aim of recovering all her money but instead got blackmail and disgrace.
What a life! Her secret sin has found her out.
May God have mercy on the children she left behind.

June 11, 2018 at 9:20 PM
The heart of man is desperately wicked……Haa very bad! Hunter became hunted!
June 11, 2018 at 10:52 PM
This is one of the worst news that is shaking Nigerain community in Dallas at this time.
Lola O
June 12, 2018 at 1:34 AM
For the wages of sin is death. What a heartless woman to make her husband raise another man’s children, innocently believing they were his children. If lover boy was so good, why not leave your husband to be with him. The likes of Femi alias “Faworaja” are plenty in the world. They prefer married women because of the assurance that she will not bring any pregnancies their adulterous relationship produce to him. After all, nobody questions a married woman who the father of her unborn baby is. A lesson to women out there who prefer dishonest men and love the high life. Everything has an end. What an inglorious end to a glamorously deceitful life.
June 12, 2018 at 7:39 AM
Haba Lola, why do we women like to condemn each other so fast? If her husband committed the same offense, women will. E begging Toyin to keep her home and forgive him.
Instead of we women to sympathize with her, we’ve pushed her to take her life! It’s so sad!
July 11, 2018 at 11:27 AM
If the kids are truly not her husband’s then it’s indeed very bad but nobody is beyond forgiveness. I certainly do not think it’s worth taking one’s life; the life belong to God. I do pray that her husband take her back and they try and work it out as family. I pray for you Sis Toyin, may you find forgives in the eye of God and all that surrounds you including your children.
June 12, 2018 at 4:12 AM
I live in Dallas. Toyin did not commit suicide. She is alive in Nigeria,but this just too much for her.
June 12, 2018 at 4:32 AM
What’s did one saying? Did anybody push her into d lagoon? If she jumped on her own what do u call that?
June 12, 2018 at 7:57 AM
Attempt to commit suicide is the proper word. If she commit suicide she’ll be dead now.
Her friends said she’s alive take it like that or u wish her death?
June 12, 2018 at 4:53 AM
Pls bro pls i lost this Toyin conctat way back from italy where she do buy shoes and bag….she a friend and customer to my husband can i have her contact pls
June 12, 2018 at 5:04 AM
Are you serious??
June 12, 2018 at 4:48 AM
This woman was so wicked and died in her wickedness, what a shame, could anybody imagine what her husband went through staying under the same roof with her…and how will her children handle this situation, damn it.
June 12, 2018 at 5:12 AM
She deserves it, she will go to the hottest part of hell fire. So many have been subjected to this inhuman treatment for so long and now their sins are catching up with them. For me, this is operation no mercy.
June 12, 2018 at 8:00 AM
Who is this?
Are you for real?
Though is a bad thing and sinful in sight of God.
Are you telling you are free of that same act ? That is if you’re married
jerry anuge
June 12, 2018 at 12:27 PM
who will receive her in hell fire? how can the same devil who is miss leading her still receive her in hell it means God and devil shares something in common. NO one goes to hell and when u die its the end of that sinner… i repeat NO HELL
July 11, 2018 at 11:34 AM
Are you saying, you are perfect and have no blemish? Do you have no sin? If you are a child of God, then pray for her and pray that your secret will not be exposed to the world even if it’s not as dramatic as this; it’s still secret and we all have it in one way or the other. We all keep something we done want others to know.
June 12, 2018 at 6:33 AM
Her death is a lesson for the living, it’s pity, not only did she mess up her life but that of the kids. God will also judge the partner in sin, he won’t go unpunished. This is a lesson for married women engaging in adulterous sins, there is nothing hidden under the sun. The husband must have been truthful to her for things to have happened like this. What a shameful way to die. May God console the husband and kids.
June 12, 2018 at 6:43 AM
I don’t see what Femi did by telling the police what happened, that to me is not blackmail
June 12, 2018 at 7:13 AM
When men commit adultery and even bring their bastards home for their wives to raise, their wives forgive them. I am surprised that it’s women that are condemning this woman more than men.
How many men have committed suicide over adultery?
A senator whose wife is a minister had his pictures flying all over but his wife is still with him.
Our society has pushed Toyin to take her life. It’s sad!
ojo olke
June 14, 2018 at 10:58 PM
Toyin is not dead ****!
J. B. Hunter
June 12, 2018 at 8:28 AM
AFTER GOD, Fear women.
I take a stroll…
June 12, 2018 at 8:58 AM
What a sad way to end one’s life. Those who are ardent reader of God’s word the bible can understand that adulterous way of life has it consequence. It may not emerge immidiatly but as long as the one involved continue with such immoral act, then the unpredictable result will catch up with him or her. In Luke 12:2 jesus said” their is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, or something hiding that will not be made known”. No matter how smart we try to conceal our sin, as long as we failed to desist from practising sin, it will always lead us to a disastrous end and will be made known to all. What a shame that will become. Nevertheless, the adteruous woman shouldn’t have taking her own life. The bible says , “for all have sin and have fall short the glory of God”. As imperfect human we are not immune to sin. But when we sin, let’s quickly realise it and beg God and those we’ve offended for forgiveness in order to gain back our clean conscience. Just too sad that the damage she has caused and left behind will live to create more dissention and disunity in the family. May God forgive her departed soul.
June 12, 2018 at 11:09 AM
Men had better start flooding DNA market
June 12, 2018 at 3:27 PM
She should better be alive. No one should commit suicide.
Evangelist Olalekan
June 12, 2018 at 4:36 PM
It will be good news if she only attempted suicide but failed. If she’s still alive, there’s plenty of room in God’s heart to forgive her though she has to live with the shame! People around Toyin should at this time be of assistance to her to stay alive, seek God’s mercy and forgiveness which is sure. I cannot guarantee man’s forgiveness! Pick up the shattered pieces of her life, whatever’s left, and trust God with the rest… (That is, if truly she happens to still be alive!) For those of you casting the stones, well done! I guess you people are holier and better than Toyin, aren’t you? Bad conducts should be condemned, not people. The law, history, nature (Nemesis) and the all-seeing God are enough judges. Why add fuel to the fire? Wherever she is now, she can feel the full weight of her actions.
Hope we have all learnt a great lesson from this. The Bible says, “your sins will find you out!” Those of us commenting on or reading and spreading the shocking news also need to search our own hearts, too, and make amends before the can of worms get opened! (Perhaps some close friends of Toyin’s who’re in the same shoes (birds of the same feathers) are reading as well).It may be here or hereafter. #betterrepentnow
June 12, 2018 at 4:39 PM
Quite a true lesson to learn and for all adulterous to remember that karma works 24 x 7 x 365.25 !
Evangelist Olalekan
June 12, 2018 at 4:54 PM
Question? Was it the police or the man who leaked the pictures to the public? Because news had it that he released the pics to police. Or, is it binding that police must release such exhibits to the public? I think whoever did the release was too happy or hasty to stone the devil. Well, it’s a world of social media and freedom of information! Let’s remember that once published such cannot be retracted! Even if the woman is no more the family will continue to be haunted by the uncensored show of shame. The man, the three kids, etc! Just thinking o!
June 12, 2018 at 7:29 PM
Her committing suicide is a sin God will not forgive. It is God that gives life and only him can take it. You can not take your own life. What can be unpardonable by the husband is raising another or other men(s) children thinking they are his. For some of the people here backing this lady for deceiving her husband that other men(s) children are his, are you doing the same thing? She can be forgiven for committing adultery but hanging another man’s (men’s) children on her husbands neck is unpardonable.
June 12, 2018 at 7:34 PM
How does she feel in the arms of her husband when someone else is drinking from her cistern ? I’m confused.
Rotimi Fatai
June 12, 2018 at 9:23 PM
May God forgive her…!
June 12, 2018 at 10:15 PM
I pray to God Almighty that my sister OLUWATOYIN is very much alive. She is too nice a person to even contemplate taking her life, with a loving and forgiving husband and wonderful kids, not to talk of her amazing parents. She is hardworking and goal-getter who has has so much to live for. Romans 3.23 says “we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Like Jesus said to the Pharisees ” anyone who has never sinned, let him be the first to cast the stone.” Whilst I am not in any way in support of adultery and fornication as these break God’s law, I will also be the first to admit that the percentage of us who have never been involved in one sin orr the other in our lifetime is pretty negligible even amongst the most vocal on this forum. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn the sinners but to save them and point them in the right way to go. It beggars belief as to why people are so quick to condemn others whilst they have their own dead cockroaches in their closets waiting to be exposed anytime. I wonder where those that are gloating in her demise will turn when they finally realise that she is in fact alive. Shame on you all-especially the ladies who are acting as if they too have been 100% faithful to their spouses.
June 13, 2018 at 2:44 PM
What dis woman could have done when d Animal Femi started d blackmail is to approach her husband and confess to him, get him to forgive her. Then both can now face Femi even before d release of d pictures. It will be hard for d husband to forgive her at first but with time, he will. In such case, he can cover her up. Chai! May God forgive her. Her acts were bad but yet, she was an immortal being. Millions of women condemning her here live with such evil secret but this will serve as a lesson to all who in one way or the other, involve in such act. And by the way, nothing was said of the Animal Femi who had brought d wrath of God upon him self by sleeping with another man’s wife. What a shame to him too. He has just gained popularity through a devilish means. May this shame continue to live with him. Women, May God help us all.
June 15, 2018 at 3:13 AM
The attitude of this woman didn’t just started at this age, this is a something she has grow up with, that is why she find it difficult to depart from such act after her marriage, what she did was as a result of lack of self control, inability to control sexual huge,many of our girls now and days have find themselves doing it without even remember they will one day be into marriage,
Many people of this generation (male/female) they think they are in free world, where everybody have the right to live which is now misleading them.
I wish she is still alive watching the shame she has brought to herself and the life of her children and her husband.
It was a pity she commit adultery, she now end up by committing suicide to conclude her mission on earth. She is left between her and God almighty.
This woman is more than prostitute, Harlot and a disgrace to womanhood.
January 9, 2019 at 2:41 AM
It is a petty… But , we ALL have sin and come short of the glory of God. my sin might be different from hers but all have sinned. Please stop being judgmental and pray for the welfare of the children regardless of who their father is. Be blessed