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Tonto Dikeh Cries As She Battles Mental Health Challenges Single Mothers Face

tonto dikeh mental health challenges

Tonto Dikeh Reactivates Old YouTube Channel With Damaging Allegations Against Ex-Husband

Celebrity actress Tonto Dikeh has finally returned to YouTube after over 5 years of no content.

The smart single mom who launched her official YouTube Channel in 2013 has gained close to 20,000 subscribers with 3 videos about her divorce drama.

If you have not watched them, check out full videos of the actress and the evidences she has against her ex-husband alleged fraudulent lifestyle below.

The actress is risking lawsuit as most of the evidences she released are hear-say.

Tonto Dikeh who appears emotional in the interview is battling some of the mental health challenges and psychological problems most single mothers face.



  1. Pelumi Israel

    May 4, 2019 at 6:59 AM

    I don’t listen to one sided stories. Let her and Kunle talk in the same interview then I will see who to believe

    • DB

      May 4, 2019 at 10:26 AM

      She already announced herself as a hell bound liar when she moved from singing d guy’s praises and describing how loving he was to her to turning him into a monster. Believe anything she says and you will certainly believe Nigeria is a white continent

  2. Rosy

    May 4, 2019 at 10:20 AM

    I don dey pity this actress. She is just acting everywhere

  3. iron bar

    May 4, 2019 at 12:19 PM

    The more we give these folks that audinece,the nastier it gets..stop granting interviews to them..let them go to least they can afford the big lawyers in the nation..tonto has keyamo and her ex can grab falana.that is the episode am looking forward to.

  4. Ama

    May 4, 2019 at 1:04 PM

    Single parenting and Mental health combine can be difficult in this nowadays life we live in. Back then I wonder how our parents managed to take care of their children when especially, the husband passes away and she is left with nothing, but still have to fend for her little ones. Mental health has become a huge issue in this millennium days that it unbelievable. It takes the grace and mercy of God to go through your days as a single parent, not only the women, but the men who are also single parents.
    The most painful part is when the man or woman you had the children with is not helping out. I have been a single parent for almost 28 years, and the road has not been easy. You have to juggle with work, school, and the children. All of these takes a toll on your health, not only mental health, but when everything crumbles it affects your mental health. This is where you lay aside your pride and ask for help. I know it is sometimes difficult to ask for help because you don’t want people to question your being a single parent, especially a woman.
    My advice to Tonto is please seek help, quit social media for awhile and take care of yourself. Using social media to make you feel you are okay is not okay. The pain of hurt by the other person will not go away, unless you ask God for the grace to move on. I still battle with some mental health issues sometimes, but I try so hard to move on and let go. Who are we to judge? If you are a man or a woman, and you have refuse to take care of your children, one day it will come back to haunt you. But because we know that the word “FORGIVENESS” is always there, we find it easier to call friends, family members and others to come and ask for forgiveness.
    Tonto life is not a bed of roses and not easy, but you say you have a firm control of God then take hold of the shield of faith and prayers and it shall be well someday. God is and will always be your strength.

  5. Solemn

    May 4, 2019 at 1:17 PM

    She looks like human being in this video

  6. True

    May 4, 2019 at 1:17 PM

    I applaud Tonto for speaking out . People don’t always listen to the louder ones but believe those who are quiet, smooth, slow but yet are snakes behind closed doors and can kill you at anytime. I believe her 100%. As a man, You don’t lie to a woman from day one, using her because she is popular , using her money to marry you, cheated on her , beat her up with the help of your relatives, yet you attack her constantly knowing her reputation is her main source of income to take care of your son when you aren’t fully paying child support to help her out, a reputation she has built overtime before meeting and marrying you. It’s hard time , women humiliate their husbands or boyfriends if it’s done to them and this is vice versa. No more sugarcoating , no more what will society or tradition say? All this BS got to f****ing stop.Expose who ever wants your downfall.

    • Ary

      May 5, 2019 at 9:32 AM

      This is part of the problem we Africans have, always copying the western way of life. Nothing bad in that, but the problem is we turn the whole thing upside down, and make it worse . Or better said, over do it. I wondered the need for this f… bomb!, and BS.

  7. Future

    May 4, 2019 at 6:31 PM

    I can understand why Tonto is mad at her ex. I have seen the interview he did and to be frank, some of the things he said are uncalled for. He lied when he said that only 4 people were present at their traditional marriage.He could have done that interview by skipping his ex wife if he once loved her. That being said, I am of the opinion that Tonto is hurting and she is trying to heal, but she reveals too much info that the public is not supposed to know especially when it comes to their sexual life.


    May 5, 2019 at 7:25 AM

    Tonto, my advice you is spend more time with your son and less time drinking and somking. You get talking after too much alcohol and I surspect you smoke ganjar. All this is what brings your temper and anger with your ex.
    Better still, you are young get a new man, average man. Iam giving this free advice make use of it. Dont forget life is not for ever

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