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Toyin Aimakhu’s Marriage Has Crashed: Nigerian Actress & Husband Split As Love Portion Catches Fire

toyin aimakhu love charm

Jan 24, 2015 – Toyin Aimakhu’s Marriage  Has Crashed As Love Portion She Used On Husband Adeniyi Johnson Catches Fire

Nollywood Actress Toyin Aimakhu & Her Husband Have Separated After Love Charmed She Used On Him Catches Fire Mysteriously

Before I continue, I want to tell my fans something important today, when you read a story on please do not doubt it, I have informants in the industry that fill me up with the latest happeninge in Nollywood and as a matter of fact, *Uncle K *is a popular producer… Enough of bragging let’s get to the bottom of the story.

Recall a while back shared with you the exclusive story of how controversial Nollywood actress Toyin Aimakhu allegedly used love portion to woo the heart of handsome Tinsel actor Adeniyi Johnson. If you missed it, please read it here.

I called two reliable Nollywood insiders who confirmed to me this morning that Toyin and her hubby have been living apart since November 2014 and that Toyin reportedly begged Adeniyi not to leak the marriage crash to the public.

He let the cat out when he changed his marital status from married to separated on Facebook and Toyin has no option than to use cover up story to tarnish his image.

Earlier today, she told a Lagos-based soft sell magazine that she caught her hubby with several women in the hotel but contrary to her make-believe story, sources claimed that Toyin Aimakhu lied to cover up the exact cause of the marriage problem.

One of my insiders told me Adeniyi Johnson’s family members see Toyin as a prostitute and believe their son deserves a better and more decent wife and since then they have taken his case to God on the prayer altar.

Around October, it was reported that Adeniyi Johnson suddenly felt disaffection for Toyin Aimakhu at an event and left in anger. Toyin took her bag and ran after him.

The source further said that a cousin to Mr Johnson told her that her brother has been delivered from the spiritual bondage Toyin put him in since 2012 when they met on a movie set and that through the non-stop prayer of his mother, the love portion she allegedly used on him has caught fire.

The sources said Toyin Aimakhu has been running everywhere to seek spiritual help in order to have him back but to no avail.

Toyin Aimakhu claimed she found photos of her husband having intimacy with different ladies at an hotel on his phone, how is that possible?  The actress is yet to come to term with her marriage crash.

May God mend her broken heart.

Stay in touch with for update on this developing story.



  1. Kola Lekki

    January 24, 2015 at 5:27 PM

    I don’t know what to say about this but if its true, other ladies should learn from her. No matter how long you use charm on a man, he will come to himself one day
    It is the law of karma

  2. Tewase Gabriel

    January 24, 2015 at 5:31 PM

    Afefe ti fe atiri furo adiye. Good for her next time she will run to God and not gods

  3. queen

    January 24, 2015 at 5:33 PM

    She is so dumb to have tattooed his name on her finger, niyi run for ur life

  4. sharton

    January 24, 2015 at 5:41 PM

    Toyin seek God’s face and don’t do something stupid.

  5. LOLA

    January 24, 2015 at 5:43 PM


    • Abiodun

      January 25, 2015 at 2:22 AM

      Lola hope you read the story above and understood every content of it. Not sure sey u get sense at all becus if you do, u won’t be bringing Buhari matter up here

      • Tonex

        January 25, 2015 at 7:31 AM

        Don’t u know lola is suffering from brain cancer! That’s why he/she has not been comprehending simple composition. Ode osi!

  6. LOLA

    January 24, 2015 at 5:48 PM


  7. LOLA

    January 24, 2015 at 5:51 PM


  8. Lola

    January 24, 2015 at 7:07 PM

    My sister did this to her husband and letter confessed, she brought out the juju and the pastor destroy the thing they are still together now. It is low self image

  9. LAIDE

    January 24, 2015 at 7:09 PM

    lets be sincere with ourselves, nobody will watch TOYIN wit d roles she played 0n screen and a normal responsible guy will ask for her hand in marriage.she has sold her marriage for a nude role for we know “wat goes up must surely come down” TOYIN I FINK IS HIGHTIME U TURN BACK TO YOUR FIRST LOVE(JESUS)dat is only hope u have.

  10. Odunaike Benson

    January 24, 2015 at 7:33 PM

    This lady are no wife material it is a waste of time to get entrapped by them

  11. shubby

    January 24, 2015 at 8:19 PM

    That is rhe resultnof being friends with ibinabo. She will soon be bck with u on he same level toyin. Take heart

  12. Opeyemi

    January 24, 2015 at 8:28 PM

    Please I want everybodi to know that this is the truth and there is more to it. I live next door to toyin and niyi, they fight everyday. It was Niyi’s cousin who told him to leave Toyin or he might kill him. We all know something is not adding up with the equation. Niyi has a girlfriend in South Carolina, he abandon her with no excuse and just married toyin like that. Thank God the truth is out in the open.

    • Abiodun

      January 25, 2015 at 2:26 AM

      Oya, next door ko last door ni. U dey form paparazzi abi ?

  13. christhana LEe

    January 24, 2015 at 8:39 PM

    Even juju or no juju, u guyz are all d same, don’t judge anyone leave judgement to God almighty,falana gbotie, tiyin wa lara yin.

    • Metu Nyetu

      January 24, 2015 at 9:36 PM

      I dnt jst undastand diz ppl dat say Leav judgmnt 4God @d slightest opportuinity. Christiana, I fear u’r same wit dis despr8 actress.

      • OLA

        January 24, 2015 at 11:52 PM


        • Metu Nyetu

          January 25, 2015 at 7:45 AM

          MR OLA, u dnt knw d premise I spoke from. Wen peopl want 2 hide somthn bad, they want us 2 Leav judgmnt 2 God. God neva told us not 2 judge; He only wants us 2b fair wen we do, 4 wateva measure we use 2 judge odas, it would b used on us.

          As 4 ur hope dat I would evolv somday, wel, dat is one dream u’d beta woken from. My believ in d existence of God is cast on Stone.

  14. Ade

    January 24, 2015 at 9:15 PM

    Laide why are you people deceving yourself instead of you adversing her to belive in God you are telling her to go to Jesus
    Is JESUS higher than God?.God is above everybody he created human beings before even JESUS was born this is the time to believe in God .God will never die but JESUS did God was not born by anybody but JESUS was born by Mary
    Laide this is the time for you to believe that there is God but Jesus is a prophet.

    • Metu Nyetu

      January 24, 2015 at 9:56 PM

      Ade, if u knew half a thing about dis coment u jst made, den d info in a nursery school child’s head might as wel suffice 2 write a Thesis.

      Jesus existed long even b4 d world was made. Wen it wz due 2 com 2d world, He cdnt hav just fallen frm d skies; dat would hav made Him so mysterious. He had 2 do it d natural way via birth by a woman. D mother of Jesus, we say, was Mary. But who was d father? D bible makes it clear dat Joseph wznt d father; Mary was alrdy pregnant b4 Joseph touchd her. It is calld Immaculate Conception; d powa of d Holy Ghost overshadowd Mary wdout her knowing any man. Dat is Y we keep refering 2 her as Virgin Mary.

      Dnt try 2 procure parity btwn Jesus & d likes of Buddha, Mohamed or name dem. Jesus is not a prophet; He rather speaks thru a prophet, & only d genuine ones.

  15. BENCH

    January 24, 2015 at 10:04 PM

    The rice I was eat for their wedding is waste. Evun that wine wey I was drink is both also waste. I am thank God say I was no drink juse bicos e for waste too.

  16. Chichi

    January 25, 2015 at 12:55 AM

    How sure are we that what the so called mother inlaw calls prayer is actually a monitoring mirror from herbalist? She proberbly did not like Toyin,so she used the mirror to draw her son away from her son…i just went through thesame ordeal in the hands of my hubbys (ex) mom…

  17. Ademitutu

    January 25, 2015 at 2:44 AM

    Hmmmmm like seriously am short of words, anyways I love toyin aimakhu despite all. May the Almighty Allah see her through Amen

  18. gbenga

    January 25, 2015 at 8:21 AM

    Lol all is well, I think we should be carefull about what we say when people have problem,xos no one know what will happpens to him in the time to come. All what I know is that if its true the lord will help them all and heal their emotional wounds

  19. bibi

    January 25, 2015 at 11:54 AM

    All men are d same,bunch of cheats.Toyin ought to av realised dat most Nigerian marriages are make believe just pretend and look for ways to make urself happy.I pray Gods mends her broken heart

  20. bibi

    January 25, 2015 at 12:02 PM

    Mtsheww,handsome actor my foot I wonder wat she even saw in him dat is drivin her dis crazy about him.TOyin pls move on jare shit happens.there are better men out there dat are handsome nd fully loaded wit cash dat wil love and cherish u

  21. folake

    January 25, 2015 at 12:04 PM

    May GOD help Toyin.

  22. mzshow

    January 27, 2015 at 7:41 PM

    4 me i dnt tink dis is true,even if it is true. i dnt tink toyin cn use juju on d@ guy kal adeniyi.i knw d guy dnt luv ha,he jst wnt 2 use toyin to myk im 4 u people who tink it is true nd u start 2 abuse toyin.y dnt u find d truth.nd stop al dis u ar doing.dnt u knw d@ no mata hw a woman satisfy a man.if d man wnt 2 do anytin he wil surely do it no mata hw d lady care care 4 stop judgin 4 me o toyin am solid behind u.jst pray 2 god 2 gv u ur own husband.nd i wil neva 4gt u in prayer.

  23. abimbola

    August 24, 2015 at 8:04 AM

    @toyin I pray all be well no woman pray for such God will see u tru in jesus name

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