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UNIBEN Lecturer Arrested For Collecting Bribe From Female Student

uniben lecturer arrested

Jan 9, 2013 – UNIBEN Lecturer Arrested For Collecting N100,000 Bribe From Female Student

A senior lecturer of the University of Benin (UNIBEN), has landed in trouble for extorting N100, 000 from a female student . The lecturer (name withheld), who is in the Faculty of Law was arrested by the university’s security personnel and handed over to the police after he allegedly collected the marked money from the student to change her course of study from English Language to Law.

It was learnt that the arrest of the lecturer had led to the busting of a syndicate that specialized in extorting money from students in the institution. Informed sources at the university revealed that the suspect, said to have strong links in the committee constituted by management to coordinate students’ inter-faculty movement every academic session, used his vantage position to compel the female student to pay N150,000 to approve her request for a switch from the Faculty of Arts to the Law faculty.

It was gathered that the student, who could not immediately raise the money, following pressure mounted on her by the lecturer, reported to another lecturer, who decried the planned extortion and encouraged her to formally lodge a complaint with the higher authority in the institution. Following the advice, the student played along and called the lecturer that she could only raise N100, 000, which she was promptly directed to pay into a certain account given her by the lecturer.

Luck, however, ran against the lecturer when he called the girl’s mobile phone, asking her to discontinue the bank arrangement and instead, to bring the money to him in his office, just when she was going to pay the money into the bank account earlier given to her. Sources told Daily Sun that no sooner that the female student delivered the marked money to the lecturer than the alerted personnel from the security unit swooped on the unsuspecting lecturer and handed him over to the police.

A search in the lecturer’s office by the university security personnel was said to have led to the discovery of a list of 18 students, including the female student who paid the N100, 000.00. When contacted, the Public Relations Officer of the university, Mr Harrison Osarenren, confirmed the report, saying “with the arrest, we will try and rid the system of bad eggs.”

[DailySun Report]



  1. its 5

    January 9, 2013 at 2:50 AM

    Good. And i pray dey get others who use deir position 2 threaten and humiliate students.

  2. Beauty

    January 9, 2013 at 7:00 AM

    Na God catch her

  3. henry

    January 9, 2013 at 7:12 AM

    The good the bad and the ugly ,your colleague Prof Ibeh discovered cure for HIV and AIDS you are busy extorting the students …you are a disgrace to federal universities.For a student whose parent are tax payers Nigerian to get a course.of his /her choice to pay N150,000 is wickednes .The student from poor home who desire to read a choice course can simply not,can you see how these university lecturers are contributing largely to corruption in this country?shortly now they will go on strike to welcome the nation to year 2013 because it is an annual rituals.

  4. henry

    January 9, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    The good the bad and the ugly ,your colleague Prof Ibeh discovered cure for HIV and AIDS you are busy extorting the students …you are a disgrace to federal universities.For a student whose parent are tax payers Nigerian to get a course.of his /her choice to pay N150,000 is wickednes .The student from poor home who desire to read a choice course can simply not,can you see how these university lecturers are contributing largely to corruption in this country?shortly now they will go on strike to welcome the nation to year 2013 because it is an annual rituals. Bad i mean too bad.they. are very many some hand out,some sex,some cultisim ,these are the thing they wanted to be doing till age 70 years.I weep for my country.

  5. henry

    January 9, 2013 at 7:26 AM

    Bad i mean too bad.they are very many some hand out,some sex,some cultisim ,these are the things they wanted to be doing till age 70 years.hence the fight for increase in retirement age.I weep for my country.

  6. Adeoye priscilia

    January 9, 2013 at 8:04 AM

    Good atleast this will teach other lecturals a lesson…even in the areas of collectin bribe to pass students

  7. Nne

    January 9, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    God tank u,finally bad eggs in uniben wud b cut up one by one

  8. chinny

    January 9, 2013 at 3:55 PM

    To God be the glory! Everyday for a thief, one day for the owner of the house o!

  9. Joy

    January 10, 2013 at 7:19 AM

    I studied in Uniben,Faculty of Law precisely and we are embarrassed by this news but we know that whatever a man sows,that he will reap.May God publicly disgrace all of them one by one for what they have turned our educational system to and for the hell they have put students through. They believe they are untouchable and make themselves out as small god.God will publicly punish them one by one. We are watching out for who is next!

  10. Olalekan

    January 10, 2013 at 11:08 AM

    Na G̶̲̅Ό̲̣̣̣̥D G̶̲̥̅̊☹ catch any other lecturer that a̶̲̥̅я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ doing such…

  11. Beky

    January 10, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    Tnk God,all oda lecturer dt is doing dt kind of tins,God wil reveal their secret.

  12. oseni photos

    January 11, 2013 at 10:02 PM

    that lecturer go shop he eyes

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