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What A Woman Should Look For In A Man Before Accepting Marriage Proposal – Comrade Maxwell

what women look for men

Oct 13, 2016 – What A Woman Should Look For In A Man Before Accepting Marriage Proposal – Comrade Maxwell


(1) The book of genesis made us to understand that God created man and put him in the garden of Eden. The word Eden stands for the presence of God. As a woman, you must meet him in the presence of God not you dragging him from the bush to the presence of God

(2)WORK : Genesis 2:15, God ordered Adam to till the garden of Eden. As a man you need a job before thinking of settling down with a woman.

My dear sister, if a guy is jobless, God’s hand is not in the relationship.


To my brothers you cannot see the perfect woman you want in your life because such doesn’t exist. The only place you can make this happen is your brain. All you need to do is to mold her and design her into your taste.

Don’t be fooled ladies you need to be furnished, you need someone that will maximize the potential in you, to bring out the best in you. You need a man that will make everything fruitful for you.

(4)THE GARDEN  PROTECTOR : Woman you need a man that can protect you not a man that will abuse you because you are very fragile. That is why God gave men strong muscle, if you don’t feel protected around him, please quit.


Woman you need a man that will teach you the word , someone that will simplify the word of God for you. The word was only given to Adam. God says Adam do not touch the tree so it is your duty and task to teach, mentor and put your woman through the word God gave you.

Finally beloved sisters, if you can’t find all of the above in a man, it is better you leave the man alone and to my brothers you must be truthful to yourself at this point…. If most or some of the above is missing, you need to get yourself ready for the task before proposing marriage to a woman.

God bless you.

About the author:  founder YEP(youth emancipation for progress)
CEO(Royal place hint)
Comrade Maxwell ADEYERI DAMILOLA(preacher,motivation speaker )



  1. fifelomo

    October 13, 2016 at 5:58 AM

    Is there any problem, if you drag from wife from the bush to the presence of God? Hmmm nice article comrade.

  2. Metu Nyetu

    October 13, 2016 at 6:02 AM

    FROM 3 TO 5 IS simply wonderful, but I vigourously shake my head at your 1 and 2, especially that 2. A man must not have a steady job before he thinks of a relationship. You may, however, advice him not to take it to the next level. But to rule him completely out just because of his job status is very impractical. And don’t you speak about God when you are not in His mind! How could you say God is not in the relationship? You harsh o!

    OR SHOULD men be equally encouraged to marry only ladies who have steady income? The world would be full of opportunists if we are to adopt these recommendations. May God forbid! Ask Pastor David Oyedepo what he was when he met his wife, then come back and rewrite this, for your score so far is 6/10.

  3. Ayanfe T.S.

    October 13, 2016 at 11:27 AM

    These rules are nice but not always applicable. If it’s all about rules, then marriages would be more successful then we have it today.

  4. Ayanfe T. S.

    October 13, 2016 at 11:31 AM

    These rules are nice but not always applicable. If it’s all about rules, then marriages would be more successful then we have it today.

  5. Cynthia

    October 13, 2016 at 11:59 AM

    @metu he is nt saying in relationship he means b4 u think of settling down dat is b4 u think of marriage der shld be a job..and dat is so true

  6. chuks

    October 13, 2016 at 1:04 PM

    my there sister,you better wake up from this dream of yours and stop deceiving young ones who are ready for marriage.You said if a man is jobless he should not think about getting married .Are you God?.Don’t you know that whom does not have today might become a great person tomorrow.The love for money might ruin your life if not careful.I am very sorry for your husband that is if you have one because he is very close to his grave.Please stop your so called teaching for it is deceitful.Be guided.

  7. betty

    October 13, 2016 at 1:05 PM

    nice writer totally agree with ur points.

  8. Ogunrinade Joshua

    October 13, 2016 at 9:21 PM

    In support also..,ice one Mazy

  9. In Love With God

    October 14, 2016 at 9:41 AM

    I am in total agreement with you dear Publisher,A man that is ready for marriage and to have a family should have a job or Handy work/ Talent to enable him Take care of his family before meeting/ marrying his help mate(Wife). Even God our Father and created does not like idle or Lazy men he calls the Infidels, that is why he gave Adam a job(Genesis 2:15) before (Genesis 2:18-22)Giving him his help mate.Only the lazy man will no he is not capable and still want to get married to frustrate the woman making her take over his place(Bread winner/ Head of Home) and still when the woman ignores the flaws, gets married to the guy he will still cheat even with her money.In addition Please don’t marry a drunkard with the thought that you can change him or Marry a man when you know he has so much flaws and think you can change him, No Dear only the Holy spirit can do that.Don’t also Marry a guy for his possession’s or status Dear Sister’s,
    Sorry for the Long post but wait and seek God’s face for the right Man (Isaiah 34:16) No matter who you are, how you look, How old you are God will give you YOUR own husband.

    • In Love With God

      October 14, 2016 at 9:43 AM

      Creator i meant.

  10. In Love With God

    October 14, 2016 at 9:44 AM

    Please Pardon my error’s readers typed in a haste on duty. God bless you Publisher and Reader’s.

  11. sola olaniyi

    October 14, 2016 at 10:41 AM

    well written article..

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