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Why AGN Didn’t Help Aisha Abimbola – Dayo Amusa

agn aisha abimbola

Nollywood actress Dayo Amusa, the current Vice President of the Lagos Chapter of Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN over the weekend revealed to Potpourri why recently deceased actress Aisha Abimbola didn’t get any help from the guild.

In the wake of the death of actress, Aishat Abimbola to breast cancer, Dayo Amusa talks on the role her guild plays in ensuring the health of its members.

“We have partnered and are still in partnership with so many private health sectors that deal with health insurance and our members are beneficiaries of this. But some individuals tend to keep their private lives from the public and we can’t address what we know nothing about.

In Aishat Abimbola’s case, it wasn’t that she needed fund to get anything done; it was just a situation that was beyond everybody, and I pray that God gives everyone of us the grace to live long” .



  1. Japhettoo

    May 28, 2018 at 4:18 AM

    I agree you people can’t help her if she doesn’t want u to know. Her case is a forgotten

  2. Damola Oniru

    May 28, 2018 at 5:05 AM

    It is too late to cry when the head is already off

  3. fifelomo

    May 28, 2018 at 6:42 AM

    Too late… Ayisat.

  4. DB

    May 28, 2018 at 12:51 PM

    I dont think lack of funds killed her. Cancer kills even the richest of people. Early detection is the only solution. Cancer is a disease that shames money. She did well by keeping her private life private because if she had announced it, the media would have killed her before she died. She lived her life without any unwarranted publicity

  5. BIMBO

    May 28, 2018 at 2:11 PM

    you are right DB

    • Jojo

      May 28, 2018 at 2:29 PM

      @DB , thank you cos I still don’t understand this thing about the woman hiding it from the public as if announcement is another cure for cancer. Ignorance is just the problem some people have and I hope they can allow this woman to rest in peace.

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