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Why Do Most Christ Embassy Pastors Perm Their Hair To Look Like Chris Oyakhilome?

christ embassy pastors perm hair

June 9, 2013 – Why Do Most Christ Embassy Pastors Perm Their Hair To Look Like Pastor Chris Oyakhilome?

Christ Embassy is one of the well attended churches in all the continent.  Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the founding pastor of the ministry which he started back in the 80s and has taken the church to a greater height.  He is a mentor to a lot of people and most especially his followers.  He has a retinue of pastors who are very close to him and pastor his major churches across the continent.  One synonymous thing about these pastors is that they have been with Pastor Chris for over 2 decades and now do whatever he does as part of mentorship.

Mentorship from pastor Chris helps to support and encourage then to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potentials, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.  They are very stylish and very handsome.  They took after their pastor in terms of their look, the way they talk and also how they preach.  Their dressing epitomizes that of Pastor Chris and they also teach his doctrines the way he led them.

They are key players in the church and have contributed immensely to the growth of the ministry.  They are Pastor Chris’ favorites’ and well loved by many members of their congregation.  They operate at the higher level in the church and are Pastor Chris’ right hand men.  These men of God have very infectious personality.  You cannot come in contact with them without getting a whiff of what or who Pastor Chris is.

See few photos of some of these great Christ Embassy Pastors who look like Pastor Chris Oyakhilome below;

Question From A Curious Mind

One synonymous thing about these pastors is that they have been with Pastor Chris for over 2 decades and now do whatever he does as part of mentorship.

Most of them have relaxed their hair like women in order to look like their leader.

Why can’t they just be themselves?

Question from a curious mind who have come in contact with most of these men.



  1. Anthony Prince

    October 22, 2015 at 5:54 PM

    See guys it all depends on your level of faith, I use 2 judge Chris by his appearance until i found out that it does not matter how you look, I can confidently tell you that Paul’s manner of teaching, dressing & appearance could be seen in most areas of Timothy’s life…. abt de perming of hair, well i don’t see anytin wrong with it as God created us with hair, since He created Us with Hair then why do we cut it low & why do some refuse to cut??

    you see itz a choice…!!
    and plsss never speak bad of a Man of God, cause when you do so you ‘re questioning God..

  2. Favour Godwin

    December 30, 2015 at 6:03 PM

    Ok u think God does nt luk at ur dresin who in d bible dat was a gud servant nd even prophet of GOD perm their hair. Wear only pant nd go 2 church so dat u wil tel d pastor dat God luks at ur heart only nd d pastor wil b laughin at ur foolishness. The bible said b nt of d world bt of He dat create u. Who in d bible perm hair as a priest y do u think deeper life wear clothe dat covers all dere body u think dey are fools no dey re nt,dat z y d bible say keep ur body Holy bcos ur body z d temple of God nt devil,wich place in d bible did God,Jesus,prophets,priest or even apostle told u 2 dress naked 2 church. In 1CORINTHIAN6:13 says food z meant 4 d stomach nd d stomach 4 food nd God wil destroy both 1 nd d other.d body z nt meant 4 immorality,bt 4 d Lord,nd Lord 4 d body.nd verse 15 says “DO U NT KNW DAT UR BODIES RE MEMBERS OF CHRIST?SHALL I DERE4 TAKE D MEMBERS OF CHRIST ND MAKE DEM MEMBERS OF A PROSTITUTE?NEVER.d imoral man sins against his own body, u re nt ur own u were bought with a price so glorify GOD in ur body.GO ND READ 1CORINTHIAN6:1-20

  3. Favour Godwin

    December 30, 2015 at 6:07 PM

    Ok u think God does nt luk at ur dresin who in d bible dat was a gud servant nd even prophet of GOD perm their hair. Wear only pant nd go 2 church so dat u wil tel d pastor dat God luks at ur heart only nd d pastor wil b laughin at ur foolishness. The bible said b nt of d world bt of He dat create u. Who in d bible perm hair as a priest y do u think deeper life wear clothe dat covers all dere body u think dey are fools no dey re nt,dat z y d bible say keep ur body Holy bcos ur body z d temple of God nt devil,wich place in d bible did God,Jesus,prophets,priest or even apostle told u 2 dress naked 2 church. In 1CORINTHIAN6:13 says food z meant 4 d stomach nd d stomach 4 food nd God wil destroy both 1 nd d other.d body z nt meant 4 immorality,bt 4 d Lord,nd Lord 4 d body.nd verse 15 says “DO U NT KNW DAT UR BODIES RE MEMBERS OF CHRIST?SHALL I DERE4 TAKE D MEMBERS OF CHRIST ND MAKE DEM MEMBERS OF A PROSTITUTE?NEVER.d imoral man sins against his own body, u re nt ur own u were bought with a price so glorify GOD in ur body.GO ND READ 1CORINTHIAN6:1-20

  4. Favour Godwin

    December 30, 2015 at 6:08 PM

    Read 1corinthian6:1-20

  5. Sheena

    July 26, 2016 at 9:26 PM

    You people are jealous nawawooo.If you are really bothered, why not perm your own hair..ah..

  6. fifelomo

    July 26, 2016 at 11:04 PM

    That’s their business?

  7. Segun Adebayo

    June 16, 2017 at 2:03 PM

    So, that is their biz.


    August 26, 2017 at 2:17 PM

    You are all busy doing nothing. The so called pastors or churches you try to write articles about don’t even have time to read them. If dressing up like pastor Chris is now sin, then dressing like any man of God is sin. But is that the way the Bible define sin? My brother we all will be judged. Dress modestly the Bible say not like african. There are pastors out there dressing like real Africans but what is happening within them and their churches is even worse. There is no perfect church in the world. Both defenders and acusers consider your own ways. Pls note I’m not a christ embassy member. Please Wait O is this how Muslims write about their Islam? People who don’t know what to do with the life God has offered them. Spend it doing this. Is this the gospel?

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