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Why Tonto Dikeh’s & Olakunle Churchill Marriage Crashed – Insider Reveals Messy Details

why tonto dikeh marriage crashed

The Truth Behind Tonto Dikeh’s & Olakunle Churchill Messy Marriage Crash

Months after the beef between Tonto Dikeh and Olakunle Churchill died down, a close source to the estranged couple has revealed the messy details that led the final crash of the troubled marriage.

Here is what the close relative who arranged their traditional wedding said:

“They are all lies. If Churchill had ever laid hands on Tonto, she would have photo evidence, that’s the kind of person she is. She would have taken photos. She was the violent one. She set fire to his clothes and destroyed property worth millions in their home.

“She claimed he never bought her all those gifts but she returned the Lexus jeep he bought for her and kept the Prado. She drives a Prado, can she afford to buy one herself? She just became bitter. And she was always threatening him, saying she would go online and release lies about him and ruin his life and career because for some reason, she thinks she made him.

“Olakunle is not perfect but he’s not the devil she’s painting him. This is a man who bought a G-Wagon for her dad. “She was still using drugs and Olakunle was seeking help for her as he was committed to their relationship.“

Tonto Dikeh is now dedicating her time to grow her foundation as she solicits funds from fans.



  1. Olaizo

    August 29, 2018 at 4:49 PM

    I don’t know why u guys celebrate the girl so,
    Ordinary secondary school girl better pass this girl nah,
    Se bcoz say she dey do film be say she get right to dey form say her head dey there?
    She get luck say she meet cool Yoruba guy, if not she for no get lips to take dey talk those rubbish

  2. DB

    August 29, 2018 at 9:45 PM

    Is this a human face or a manequinn?

  3. Mon

    August 30, 2018 at 1:34 AM

    If the foundation is not yielding enough money, she will then venture fully to Church ministry for tithe to be pouring in…. She is still practicing as her show with Bushiri wasn’t perfect enough to start her own Church, Bushiri is still grooming her on how to perfect in connecting with people for cash to be flowing in the name of Church, though one of her hindrances at the moment is weed .
    it’s all about money.

  4. fifelomo

    August 30, 2018 at 5:32 AM

    Too artificial.

  5. Ogechi

    August 30, 2018 at 7:32 AM

    are we still here, these two don tire me finish,…….. can someone borrow me a nokia charger

  6. shasha

    August 30, 2018 at 2:43 PM

    True DB ,She looks MJ like she has spoil her natural god gift beauty

  7. idoko philip

    August 30, 2018 at 7:56 PM

    truely she mess up i rlly dnt kn wht is wrong with dos celebreties of nawaday gosh

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