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Would You Vote President Jonathan For Second Term In 2015 Presidential Election?

president jonathan 2015 reelection vote

Sept 12, 2013 – Would You Vote President Goodluck Jonathan For Reelection In 2015 Presidential Election?

Nigerians Have Mixed On President Jonathan’s Re-Election In 2015

According to a research conducted on our official Facebook page on Thursday, President Goodluck Jonathan‘s plan to contest for reelection in the upcoming 2015 Presidential election has sparked mixed feelings among Nigerians.

In our survey, almost half of the participants said they wouldn’t vote President Jonathan in for second term… View more result of the survey here.

An official Facebook page for President Jonathan’s reelection has attracted less fans.

Since last year, the page had only 115 fans.

In a recent campaign message, President Jonathan said:

I call on you my friends on this page and all Nigerians to give me your support and prayers that together we can liberate our country from the confines and self–inflicted wounds and limitations of the past

Would you vote President Jonathan for second term in 2015?

Have your say, Join the talk at NaijaGists Facebook page



  1. kas

    September 13, 2013 at 6:12 PM

    yes oo i will vote but untill gud/badluck is dead 18 fit

  2. denden

    September 13, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    Say wetin happen. So that jonathan can vote 10 billion naira for african lady peace mission or patience foundation.

  3. Baba T

    September 13, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    we the youth of this country should wake up because, enough is enough for these old criminals defrauding our country and making life hard for us. i am a graduate and i served with federal government parastatus but still i was not retain, because i dont have a senator or minister to recomend me. i was chased away to the labour market.
    the truth is that the rich will continue to get rich and the poor will get poorer. this country should break up for the sake of the future of our children… let every body start afresh again… we have learnt lessen i believe we will not make this mistake again.

  4. oma

    September 13, 2013 at 10:42 PM

    To outset, what is criticism? Commendation,judgement,then recommendation; y be sey nobody dey talk d gud tyns wey d man do? Jex his lapses? Even ur p’man 4 houz of lets sey 12 @ most no get flaws??? Talk more of a man who rules over 100million stubborn black heads. Whateva ill Nigeria is facing today (asuu,asup or whateva strike,boko haram, et al) is a tool being used by opposition parties to paint Jonathan’s administration black; all is politics- its a dirty game here in Nigeria. God fathers are vexing coz dey dont get a fair share anymore,,all need their share of the national cake-Obj,Atiku,and co. Wisen up everybody. If i were to vote come 2015,GEJ all the way,but this year,em nat gonna cue under d sun wifout a credit alert ‘from abuja’,lol

  5. Okoiprince

    September 14, 2013 at 6:07 AM

    The best solution to this insolency is for Nigeria to quench the growing rule of PDP. How can a party system take over the whole country for Over 30years now, no other party system, this issue will ruin our democracy. Let’s have a rethink.

  6. Queen Meenat

    September 14, 2013 at 8:24 AM

    May God deliver nigeria, no state worse in democracy like Adamawa, no good road, no light no any achievement God punish Nyako.

  7. victor

    September 14, 2013 at 7:20 PM

    he is tu curruct i we never vote for jonathan but i luv him shan !!

  8. silas

    September 15, 2013 at 9:59 PM

    yes! i will vote him again. to be honest, this is the best president Nigeria had ever had.

  9. Denkovie

    September 15, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    I will vote 4 him if he choose to com out because it is clear 2 me d@ d man is ready 2 revolutionize d country but some unscrupulous elements are using boko haram (buharism), ASUU, new PDP, amaechism, to ensure d@ ds man never perform up 2 standard yet he has failed them. ASUU SHUD GO N HUG TRANSFORMER BECAUSE DEY ARE NOT THE ONLY ‘THIEVES’ WHO IN EVERY YR GO ON INCESSANT STRIKES 4 GREED SAKE. WT 130 BILLION NAIRA, I THINK ASUU SHUD CALL OFF D STRIKE BECAUSE govt HAV OTHER SECTORS D@ EQUALLY NEED DEVELOPMENT N OVERHAULING. 4 d govt to b ready to giv d@ amount @ d@ early hour shows d@ it is a sincere one n lov nigerian students. ASUU IS D PROBLEM OF NIGERIAN STUDENTS D EARLIER DEY REALISE IT D BETTER 4 THEM. I REST MY CASE.

  10. Jo

    September 16, 2013 at 6:20 AM

    that fool is not an igbo man,I don’t kw where he picked that name ppl its been close to 2yrs,we re still buying fuel above n100..this yeye man said that everything will be fine in 6months.if that man remains in that seat come 2015that means we don’t ve ppl in Nigeria.Worst president.

  11. Ben

    September 19, 2013 at 8:15 AM

    I will vote jonathan 2015

  12. Skyman

    September 21, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Well, if you ppl say that you cant vote jona for second term you are right but, know that all happen in this country is an hausa abition to make ppl of the nation to hate goodluck in other to die in power,…… They say only them can make nigeria better, the most currupt tribe is hausa man, they hav already poluted the country… Soo. Let’s give goodlurck suport to rescue this country for us brother and sisters.

  13. Anguscity

    November 27, 2013 at 12:24 AM

    Honestly speakly, nothing Nigerians has accomplish to write Mr president name wth a golden pen. look hw he tricks us in subsidy aspect, engaging de pple in total struggle n poverty also nothing to view frm our educational sector tinz deteriorating day by day. Mr president, why nt allow de miks n honey to flow round to evry Nigerians n aleviate der suffering. if dis pains n sufferings continue b4 2015, i don’t tink i will vote 4 u n less put one tin into consideration dat de power, positions n money clamouring 4 we shall die n live them all one day.

  14. James

    April 27, 2014 at 2:33 PM

    Me my family and all my friends old and young will vote for GEJ come 2015

  15. Hon hamzy

    June 23, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    Vote my ass………layelaye I won’t vote him, I wil rather stay @ home if I ve no alternative

  16. Prince

    July 11, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    I am d Pesido, Gov, Chairman of myself. am not benefitting anytin from dem, so no vote for anybdy but myself and me alone.

    Surely God will take control of dis country soonest.

  17. Majek

    September 25, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Capital No,2015 is End of the road for GEJ.

  18. John

    October 14, 2014 at 8:41 PM

    Yes a million time

  19. wilson

    October 18, 2014 at 10:20 PM

    we should re-elect President Goodluck ebele Jonathan… for second term in office because he is a good person…!!!

  20. AYO

    November 13, 2014 at 9:52 AM


  21. Jajere

    January 15, 2015 at 2:41 PM

    I hv voted for GEJ in 2011 but he has disappointed Nigerians, i thought he is capable of leading our great country to better, but he has failed. He engaged in increasing fuel price, releasing corrupt culprits, unable to tackle corruptions, devaluating our currency, poor infrastructures, no concern to education and lots more….I will try Buhari based on his passed records.

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