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Action Against Girl Child Marriage In Nigeria: GNext Crew Organizes Girl Power Concert In Lagos

child bride girl marriage in nigeria

August 1st, 2013 – Action Against Girl Child Marriage In Nigeria: GNext Crew Organizes Girl Power Concert In Lagos

The latest and greatest shock of shame rocking the Nigerian nation is the fact that Senator and former Governor Ahmed Sani, the Yerima Bakura, has finally had their way.

The Nigerian Senate has bowed to Yerima’s will and agreed to be silent about the age that young girls can get married in Nigeria.

What this means once it is followed through and en-shrined in our laws and Constitution is that girls that are as young as nine years old, provided they are deemed as having been
”physically developed enough” by their suitors, could be law fully bedded and married in our country.

As youth Advocates and young Nigerians with a conscience, GNEXT CREW NG will not fold its arms and watch this shameful ACT by the Senate and what they seeks to do in the future.

GNEXT CREW NG a non profit making youth based organization in Lagos, is set to kick off a campaign across the nation.

Speaking through its President JOHN NSIKAK HAMILTON in Lagos yesterday, described as sad and retrogressive the annulment of constitutionally recognized age for adulthood by the Senate saying this would further debase woman hood in Nigeria.

Hamilton said that Gnext crew will be Organizing a concert tagged ‘GIRL POWER CONCERT‘ a program we intend to put together in collaborations with the Lagos state ministry of youths and sports, is aimed at empowering the girl child to ‘SAYING NO TO EARLY AND CHILD MARRIAGE’ we choose Music as a tool of our campaign based on it power to draw attention captivating the mind of its listeners.

Expected to be Part of our Lead facilitators for this planned campaign is Mrs ONYEKA ONWENU (music icon and a true mother per excellence),Barrister OLUFUNMILADE ADEYEMI Esq (Author,Think wealth,Think Africa), Hon sir, DAOBU HARVEST HARRY (Dir. Sports,Rivers State) Rev. DAVID OLATUNDE ADEOYE (snr. Pst. Royalty christian center,Lagos) Honorable commissioner for Women affairs, Lagos.

The campaign which is expected to kick start in the premises of the women development center in Agege,Lagos. Will be going round to the rest of the states of the federation.

For further inquiries, please  contact John Nsikak Hamilton (President, GNEXT CREW NG) on 08022267547 or [email protected]



  1. Charles

    August 1, 2013 at 3:15 AM

    Excellent move. Empower women and the country improves.. Education is the key, if those little girls can be sent to school, they will discover that sky is their limit and no man can deprive them of attaining any height… Doctors, lawyers, teachers, Presidents. Won’t u be happy to have one in your home? That is if those old men will let them be.
    I read someone writing about the set age of marriage for different states in the United States .. Those are conditional, pending parental consent in the setting of pregnancy… How many early marriages have u researched occurring without those conditional situation in the US.
    Another disgusting thing written by same writer is that early marriage prevents breast cancer… Seriously .. That was the dumbest thing even written…. No study ever documented that.. Don’t spread false news to ignorant people… Instead studies have documented cervical cancer from early sex and multiple sexual partners.
    Same writer had the impetus to write that the child-mother heals better after child birth; how many of your own children are mothers…. Tell me where are they? – (I mean your children).
    VVF (vesico vaginal Fistula) is commonly associated with prolonged obstructed labour.. Such as seen with underdeveloped pelvis ( with our child-mothers) with the fetal (baby)head. Although other causes of VVF do exist, early child-mother birth is the documented cause in northern Nigeria .
    Please my people enough is enough !! Give voice to these young ones .. Their soul cries out!

  2. chi...

    August 1, 2013 at 6:18 AM

    wat a total disgrace!!!!!!!!! from our senators.wat have they done to solve the problem of bokoharam n d country?.i usuali say that people representin us onli paz heed to things dat dosnt mata,things that re worthles.i wonda aw we cud allow such senators still be on d seats afta exposing their low educational level.those kind of people sud be jailed realy bcos dey ddnt meet d requirement of ruling for d GNext crew,God will bless u ppl as u carry on with ur empowerment.for saving d lives of our children,u re also keepin our country safe.God bless u guys as u achieve ur goals..

  3. Victory

    August 1, 2013 at 8:54 AM

    Pls make sure the campaign goes round the whole state! We have had enough of all this buhaha, we voted this people so they can plan on how this country can move forward,but reverse is the case, all they desire is how to put an infant in the family way,since this leaders have prove to Nigerians that they are incompetence, we are only left with two option,they should be forced to resign or their huge salaries should be divided into three, we have had enough rubbish in this country,pls Nigerians open ur eyes in 2015!

  4. Idris

    August 2, 2013 at 9:32 PM


  5. awoyemi

    August 2, 2013 at 10:08 PM

    I wish we had more bold minds like HAMILTON n GNEXT CREW….. ..kip it up guys…nice1

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