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Bayero University Law Student Who Stabbed Husband Confesses “My Mother Forced Me To Marry Him”

buk law student stabs husband

Bayero University Kano Law Student Stabs Husband For Speaking With Other Women

BUK Law Student Who Stabbed Husband Confesses “I Don’t Love My Husband, My Mother Forced Me To Marry Him”

An undergraduate of Bayero University Kano has been arrested for attempted murder

21-year-old Fatima Musa allegedly stabbed her husband in the abdomen over a misunderstanding.

The law student on Friday night at about 1.30a.m. at their home at Ungwar Mai Kalwa, Naibawa quarters in Kumbotso Local Government Area of Kano State reportedly stabbed her husband, Saheed Husaini, because she suspected him of communicating with some women on phone.

According to a witness, it was the cry for help from the husband that woke some neighbors.

On getting to their apartment, the witness said they saw the husband holding on to his stomach and bleeding profusely.

Husaini, a staff of Federal University, Gusau, was later rushed to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital by neighbours, where he is receiving treatment. But, he was still unconscious as at the time of filing this report.

wife stabs husband in kano

According to investigation, the seven months’ loveless marriage had been embroiled in problem as Fatima had said on many occasions that she did not love her husband, but for the insistence of her mother.

wife stabs husband kano



  1. Joshua

    June 24, 2019 at 2:40 PM

    If you don’t love him you should have left instead of killing him.

  2. Ama

    June 24, 2019 at 5:26 PM

    First of all if you don’t love him, why don’t you end the marriage instead of stabbing him. Secondly, you said you don’t love him, but when he is speaking to other women you become jealous. There is no sense in what you did.
    Thirdly, to parents, please don’t let us force our children to marry people they dont love. It creates a lot of tension, problems and difficulties. I know sometimes parents know who will be a good husband or wife, and they might not mean any harm, unless they have their own agenda. There need to be a lot of communication between parents and children. If we do not do that we as parents end up losing our children in one way or the other. Now a law student, has lost her education and sanity.

  3. DB

    June 24, 2019 at 6:32 PM

    If you dont love him why are you bothered about him talking to other women. As a law student you ahould have known the meaning of divorce or what rubbish are you talking? You better start praying he doesnt die because that mother you are accusing wont help you serve your sentence

  4. Fifelomo

    June 25, 2019 at 5:32 AM

    Why would some parents force their child to marry someone in particular? Anyways, thank God the husband is alive.

  5. Lola O

    June 25, 2019 at 2:11 PM

    I hope some parents will stop destroying their children’s lives by forcing them to marry persons they don’t want. Of what use is her daughter if convicted of attempted murder or murder? Remember that only the two persons in the marriage will live together, so respect your children’s choice and stop messing up their lives by joining them by force in marriage. In some cultures, divorce is not permissible and the girl could be murdered, even by her own family members, as done in Pakistan. Please leave your children alone, we can guide and advise them but can’t live their lives for them

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