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Nigerian School Girls Kidnapped By Boko Haram & The Case Of Missing Malaysian Airplane

April 30, 2014 – Nigerian School Girls Kidnapped By Boko Haram & The Case Of Missing Malaysian Airplane

It is so sadden and horrible when we Nigerian wake up and hear the spate of bombings in this country,to the extent we now take much delight in the military bombarding the insurgents(patriotism).

In this our current state of turmoil, which i believe is surmountable just as every true Nigerian would believe that “one day, terrorist activity would become the thing of the past”. The only and successful way to make this terror group know they can’t divide us is for them to know they fight not only against the military but also against ONE NIGERIA, the country has to be united towards insecurity in its whole.

The Story of our abducted missing girls (Federal Government Girls College, Chibok
in Borno State) would never end, their fate would never be compared to that of the missing Malaysian plane.

We shall all cross the Indian ocean with the parents of the children, because we are one Nigeria, and security should be a collective effort of us all. We would do aerial searches if the need be. The search for the missing Malaysian airline has seen unprecedented coming together of nations of the world in search of the missing airline, this should be a mirror for us Nigerian to stand, not criticising the President or the military because, this is a battle the Terror group are using to dislodge or break the country, so we shouldn’t continue with heavy criticism, instead we should put on a guard of watch.

[Article written by kokolodge]



  1. ubath

    April 30, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    Malaysian missing airplane ke?

  2. Dorothy

    April 30, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    beautiful piece pls let’s remember these girls in our prayers it could happen to anyone

  3. bitatruth

    April 30, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    i know am serving a living God, and by His special grace, all these night mares will become a thing of d past, and our chibok girls will b fred in JESUS NAME AMEN..

  4. lara

    April 30, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    Am nt dat sure

  5. kc4life

    April 30, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    lord lnterven in d life of dis girls

  6. Udyluv

    April 30, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    God i no u cn do it,u cn do anyting anytym anywere.we all ned u nw more dan eva b4

  7. topha

    April 30, 2014 at 7:59 PM

    na god go save us for naija o.

  8. topha

    April 30, 2014 at 8:03 PM

    god go save us naija o

  9. Bisola

    May 1, 2014 at 3:44 AM

    this is busheeeeeet in Nigeria.who dey folk is Boko Haram

  10. OmoKehinde

    May 1, 2014 at 3:19 PM

    It’s a pity that the writer of this article doesn’t address the root causes of terrorism by Boko Haram in Nigeria. The first terror of Nigerian people are our criminal and corrupt politicians who care less if Nigerians die or live as long as the looting continues. In a nation where no economic growth for common citizens to excel and earn their living doesn’t exist, any terrorist group can take advantage of lack of economic agenda by our various government and recruit great Nigerian citizens into their deadly group. We live in a country where very few are looting billion of dollars from sales of petroleum while over 170 millions of our people are living in abject poverty. This is a shame of a nation. No nation will see stability where economic injustice, mass looting of the national treasury by politicians, and gross corruption is the order of the day. This is the same reason why Boko Haram has taken over the northern part of our great nation. I refused to believe that Boko Haram activities is an lslamic agenda because more damaged have done to the north people and more Muslims have been killed than any other religious group. They are able to recruit our able but jobless youths in the northern Nigeria to cause Maximum Destruction And Great Setback To The Entire Northern Region of the country because of poor economy progress by our northern governors and lack of economic agenda by President Badluck Ebele Jonathan administration. We live in a country where very few politicians pay themselves over $2 millions annual salary while over 170 millions great Nigerians live less than a dollar per day. This is terrorism in a different way. We live in a nation govern by the most incompetent president in Nigerian history where more than 200 innocent children were kidnapped by terrorists and to-date, Jonathan ‘s administration has no idea where those girls are kept. We live in a nation where over 70 great Nigerian people are brutally murdered in the capital city – Abuja and that same day the president was dancing and campaigning in another state. These politicians don’t care what happen to ordinary Nigerians unless its their family members. We live in a nation where unemployment rate among our able youths is nothing to talk about. The security of lives and properties of our citizens can no longer be guarantee by this incompetent president. Any president who can not protect lives and properties of his/her citizens, visitors, and residents does not qualify for the highest position in any nation. We have seen worst of his Badluck in the past five years of Jonathan presidency, my great Nigerian people is time for a change come 2015. A word is more than enough for the wise. My people please shine your eyes.

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