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Chika Ike Divorces Husband After Marriage Crashed – “I’m Getting A Divorce”
Jan 14, 2013 – Chika Ike Divorced Husband After Marriage Crashed – “I’m Getting A Divorce”
Nigerian actress Chika Ike who got married in 2006 to her husband Mr Ebirebi has revealed that her once rosy marriage has finally crashed. naijagists.com
The actress who claimed to have made up her mind about moving on said she has started a divorce proceeding to formally separate from her husband of over 7 years.
In a recent interview, the actress who was rumoured to be in a secret romance with Senator David Mark claims her marital problem started long ago and that she is trying to take it slow in order to prevent divorce in the future.
Below is an excerpt from the interview she granted:
I understand this is a sensitive topic but could we talk about your marriage. How long were you married for?
I was married for about five years.
The end of your marriage brought up a lot of speculation with people insinuating different reasons in the media but up till date you haven’t really come out to say what went wrong. Why are you quiet about it?
I’m a very private person and I keep my private issues to myself. As an actress, there are some things I don’t want to let out. My marriage is a very sensitive topic and I don’t really like to speak about what I went through.
The major rumored reason was domestic violence and this is something a lot of women face in their marriages. A popular blogger once advised that you tell your story so that other women can learn from your experience.
Maybe when the right time comes, I’d talk about it. There is something I’ve been avoiding saying but I’d tell you.
I’m separated and I’m working on my divorce and very soon I’d get a divorce. Even if it’s so hard to believe, I’ve decided to let bygones be bygones and move on without him in my life. Both of us are still on talking terms and I’ve also learnt to forgive him. Maybe when I’m done with my divorce, I would be able to talk about it. I’m going through a lot of emotions right now and it’s still very fresh.
I quite understand. Do you think getting married at a young age was a disadvantage or had anything to do with the way it ended?
I think it has to do with so many reasons, one of them might be being young. Some people get married that young and have been able to make their marriages work. But if you’re young, you’re young. There are some things you’ve not experienced. You might not be able to stay calm when you’re supposed to stay calm, understand when you’re supposed to understand or leave what you’re supposed to leave.
Also, I think these days, a lot of people are not happy in their marriages. I have a lot of friends who would have left their marriages but because of the African society, their in-laws, what people will say or other factors, they stay. We’ve heard of a lot of deaths caused by bad marriages and before the death, there would have been signs, things that have been happening leading up to that. I think it has to do with age and so many other things like compatibility and not being true to yourself in the marriage.
Everybody has a limit. There are some things in marriage that you might not be able to stand. Some people’s limit might not be my limit; my limit might be somebody’s starting point.
Have you moved on and are you willing to try again?
I’ve moved on but marriage right now is not at the top of my list. I’m still trying to get myself together. I don’t want to make the same mistake twice. I have to understand the person I’m going to be with. There are so many things involved.
Question Of Day:
How come some Nollywood stars find it hard to hold their marriage?

January 14, 2013 at 11:05 PM
Am a very big fan of Nollywood cos i want 2 be dere some day, but d problem 2 their marriage is lack of trust dat all.
Anyiam Ajomiwe
January 14, 2013 at 11:21 PM
She is completely honest.She needs her freedom.
January 14, 2013 at 11:40 PM
after you don chop all his money now you want a divorce,who send you to marry an old man like that in the first place
Rick Mae
January 15, 2013 at 12:06 AM
Wetin u dey do 4 film,u dn carry am cum real life? Na wa ooo
January 15, 2013 at 2:56 AM
Dnt judge her. Its a free world, she is free 2 marry who she wants, and who told u she married him cos of his money? Gush, nigerian mentality!
Naturenate Noble O.
January 15, 2013 at 4:47 AM
Nollywood actress and their marrage pattern is noting to write home about, Hate to marry an actress cos am afraid of div………….. *Gosh!
January 15, 2013 at 7:16 AM
Tot she showed us her waec result a while back claiming she was just 27years old.is she trying to tell me dat in d above wedding picture,she is 20/21 yrs?this lie is too much o.meanwhile,i noticed dat d men in nollywood tend to have stable marriages but dat cant be said of the women.i tink its just d way our society looks down on women.
Nneka Enwelum
January 15, 2013 at 7:33 AM
Chika, please continue being yourself and move on with your life. You are a marriage material & any man that marries you should thank his God. You need love and peace of mind in marriage, I pray God will grant you your heart desires so keep praying, babe!
January 15, 2013 at 7:50 AM
this is why igbo men are rejecting to marry there sister called actress tha’t why they went and marry to hausa, yoruba, asia and europ because all of them know there secrete. non of them has a good character. they are using igbo tallents children they suppose to give we igbomens here and born them to other part of the world, please igbo actress try to have a good character so that your brothers will marry your people so that this tallents will remain permanant in igboland, do not go and born our future tallents children outside. stop it.
May 9, 2013 at 8:29 AM
Ur so so crazy.ur own mentality is very very bad.
Princess olaife
January 15, 2013 at 8:27 AM
God knws d best o,chika my advice 4 u is 2 do wat ur mind is telin u.best f luck dear.ur fans
January 15, 2013 at 8:45 AM
Hi dear,u are biutiful woman and u deserve a handsome man, so go for wat you desire bt notwitstandin i stil ave to blame you, lyk an adage wil say’appearance shows the manner’wat really is it u r lookin for wit an oldman lyk dis?is it money or wat?wel God knows d best….if divorce is wat wil make you happy I guess you go for it cos u deserve to be happy…..a good fan of U
nneka egondu ibekwe
January 15, 2013 at 9:18 AM
very silly question of the day I must say….who finds it easy to hold their marriage? It is a general problem world-wide
miss Glo
January 15, 2013 at 10:03 AM
The problem with nollywood celerity marriage comes this way. It is either they get married to the wrong man because of money or to bear a title. Imagine some of them who wants to be wife of oyibo today are divorcing. A lot. marry for no giuine reason but for the love of God, also pray and seek God’s will before getting married to any man. By this mean, i bet you,you will have no cause for regret how much more divorce. some jump into marriage when they see all the material things they desire forgetting to seek God’s presence.” in his presence there is fullness of joy. Pray hard before concluding to tight knot with any one especially in this evil days.
Opeyemi roselyn
January 15, 2013 at 10:45 AM
Chioma Anyanwu
January 15, 2013 at 10:47 AM
Chika I dont know your reason of doing this,you are the last person I could belief will divorce her husband because of your character. All the same suit yourself.
January 15, 2013 at 10:51 AM
my dear be ur self and free from anytin dt will bring u down. bt make sure ur doing the right tin. i wish u good luck.
January 15, 2013 at 11:51 AM
As usual, actors and actresses marriages dont last, guys if u want marriage that last dont marry a celebrity
January 15, 2013 at 12:32 PM
chika marriage is 4 beta nd 4 worse.God does nt suport divorce nd so do i.i dnt no wat u re goin tru but i beliv God does.nd if its abt appearances u can make ur man look like wat u wnt n oda men.remb no man is 100percent gud.remb d gud u saw n him b4 marriage.God hs ur streng
January 15, 2013 at 1:26 PM
To aunty chike,dnt ever think of divorce is nt d best solution for now.go bk to ur husbad,call urselves 2 order.find out d origin of ur disputes nd mak amendment.u need to trust each other,dnt allow ur movies act get into ur head.Love ur husbnd,respect him nomatter wht may happen,learn to make correction wen u are wrong.hav a heart of forgiveness. pls, God hate divorce.d nt allow ur status as big public figure to get in to head. please. do d reunion bk again. God wi grant u strength. Tnk
Prince neto
January 15, 2013 at 5:37 PM
Chika, nawa 4 u o, una movies de kome 2ru 4 life o, u dn chop dat man money u wnt run leave so dat de man go die bkus of ur tinking, dnt wory god go gv u young man 2 reduce de bar 4rm u, dis shld be a leson 2 u men, make una no cary una money go mary any actress o, all of dem na desame o, chika do ur ting joor.
January 15, 2013 at 9:10 PM
once married is married for lyf ok but if u want to keep to d standard of God den if u divorce,u hav to wait for him to die before u remarry if not den u ar out of d track judt on ur own,so if u can’t keep to d standard of God dont divorce atall.u guys dat said u ar actors and actress should cortel ur act ok is getting out of hands,if u ar in dis man’s shoe u wil stil behave lykwise ok daz just it so take note.
chris ngwu
January 15, 2013 at 9:29 PM
am not surprised at all…how can she ever stay in marriage…the norm with them is always: move in today, move out tomorrow…just a normal thing…
chris ngwu
January 15, 2013 at 9:33 PM
it’s no shocker at all…their style is: move in today, move out tomorrow…so, it’s no news.
Hussaini saidu kamba
January 15, 2013 at 10:33 PM
4 me if chika wil marr me.i wil love her unconditionl.bcs i lov her wt all my lify
January 17, 2013 at 9:57 PM
We all have ryt 2 everything so if ur not getin d trust u should get 4rm ur husband then its better u divource him
Oluchi Dike
January 16, 2013 at 7:34 AM
Woteva d issue maybe y nt go to God in prayer instead proceeding divorce to ur husband, evry woman has only one husband n nt two, so be wise n shine ur eye
January 16, 2013 at 9:40 AM
Dear chika, yes u re stil young bt age is nt in ur side…marriage is not a bed of roses its 4 better 4worse..1 fact is dat ur marriage lacks Trust, lov nd understandin…
January 16, 2013 at 10:42 AM
I think both partners cannot meet at point. Marriage is not a do or die affair.To avoid more damages…her decision is ok by me.Life goes on.
January 16, 2013 at 1:59 PM
Ben, hope you are not a christain. why make a vow that in sickness and in health? is God her mate? people dnt know wat they are doing. All these peop le divorcing and remarrying think dnt know what they are doing. you h6ave to be ready before you marry. if4 you dint love the person eh6y get married to the person? why lie in church?
January 19, 2013 at 5:40 PM
quoting 4m d Bible(Matt 5:32), which says “No man should divorce his wife for any reason, and that any man that get married to a divorced woman commits Adultery with her.” Pls couple be careful 4 what u wish for, u just might get it.
January 20, 2013 at 3:19 PM
Chika pls seek God’s wisdom to avoid regret no marriage is perfect my dear
January 20, 2013 at 5:02 PM
pls chika you happend to be my best actress and wish the very best for you,, pls dont divorce i beg of you, no human being is perfect, just tink twice and seek the face of God. pls my lovely chika
January 20, 2013 at 5:08 PM
Chika, u know some people are very aware of wen dis relationship started. dat u about dat age wen u got married is true buh u were an adult solely responsible 4 ur decisions as well as T. I paticularly buot ur films 4 ur husband B4 d marriage & he adored u irrespective of ur proud behaviours 2wards him am not sayin he doesn’t av his own fault, most of it if not all u saw b4 d wedding. u would av grown 2 to love his person buh had anoda thing in mind wen u got their & also wen u thot u av ARRIVED u took to the advice dat wasn’t profitable @ll. The mistake many ladies make is dat accordin to the bible it is only a wise & virtuos woman that build her home buh a FOOLISH woman destroys it. I pray u still find love b4 Jesus comes so dat u won’t be miserable now dat u ve gotten the money u want,remember wen he married u he was d 1 wit d money & not u or ur family. And to T as we fondly call him dis will teach him a lesson cos der are many oda u loved him & he neglected them.
jeniffer ezigbo
January 28, 2013 at 9:50 AM
my dear lif dey say is nt easy.pls u hav to forgiv him i beg of u.no human being on earth is perfect.chika i lov d way u act in ur movies.dnt divorce ur husband.forgiv him. iluv u gil
ada adizuo
February 26, 2013 at 11:27 AM
do u no wat is was passing true, dot take becuse say u done enter in to marriage even due the man na fire u go still remain there in the name of marriage, go away before somebody will kill u ,pls live her alone, she no wats she was passing true.
ruth richman
March 1, 2013 at 8:18 AM
Chika chika chika welcum 2 freedom, thank God say u no kill d man 4 him parent, sucking blood, make ona change o God dey watch ona frm heaven, are dey pity all dis men wa dey marry ona self,
Sulaiman Dakola kamara
March 21, 2013 at 11:50 PM
Trust u are my best actress …….. But looking at u age without a husband it not fear in site of d almighty God .so if dat be d case try to found one or u return to d old one
March 26, 2013 at 12:59 AM
Chicka u have done well what an ugly old man chose 2 marry.All the same u did very well.
steven nworie
March 26, 2013 at 1:13 PM
all d noollywood actresses neva see any tin,dey run into marrege witout tinkin,estead of me marryin a man or a lady becos of money is beta i marry a poor guy or gal.all our actresses is ntin but a disgrace to a motherhood.many divorces is stil comin,if u pple refus to repent.chika wat do u see in him dat attract u to marry him,nw u no he is old,u beta stick to ur husband.i dont blame u ladis cours our politicians is d coures dat stole our moni nd spend it to u gals.
April 2, 2013 at 5:06 PM
Chika Ike i love your movies, but sometime you play movies for people.
how are marriage why don’t and how marriage people they have to be,my andover to was women to women talking this is i am marriage to women just like you
April 18, 2013 at 7:08 PM
People kept talking about the man’s age, look, and money. Nobody talks about his character. Only this lady knows what she has went through in the house of this man. The man is not too old for her anyway ‘cos in those days Ibo guys/men don’t marry people of their age. A 40 years old man will be seen with a 15 or 16 years old girl. so, this is not new among the Ibos. The reality is the man is not good to her. No woman will ever want to leave her husband if the husband treats her with respect and as an angel.Everybody’s knows what is good for him or her. If you know that marriage is for better for worst, stay there until depression kills you. To the men, if you want your marriage to last, treat your wife the way you want her to treat you or better said, the way you want to be treated by her.
Nweke Daniel
April 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM
my Love, anytime i see u on my screen your pretty makes me loose control. I must confess that i trully loves u and i will always do.
May 4, 2013 at 5:44 PM
one thing i know for sure is that it takes a good man to make a good wife. so if u are complaining about your wife, u are at fault too. another advice for you Chika is that there is no perfect man out there for you, incase you are looking for mr perfect to marry again, i bet you you wont see him.he might at first pretend to be one, but when the real marriage pronounces itself, u will see his, maybe then you will start comparing the first n second marriage. then you may be measerable for the rest of your life. if its not a life threatening challanges u are experiencing, i advice you stay. there is no perfect marriage i must add. every home has its flaws.
May 6, 2013 at 8:40 PM
Only God will help our naija actress with their marriage crashing everyday.bcos of greed and lack of trust.(Me sef wan date celeb b4 u no yawa don gas hmmmmmmmm E go beta sha.
May 13, 2013 at 8:01 AM
In life,no man is perfect,i dnt no d reason of u divorcin ur husband bt wateva it is, pls my darlin princess tread wit caution,do nt b deceived!!!
May 19, 2013 at 11:17 PM
Life does not end in marriage.
July 30, 2013 at 11:25 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmActress becarfull,u guys find it difficult to stay in ur marriage.u ladies should try and be summsive to ur hubby.he is the man of the house
August 26, 2013 at 4:04 PM
i like chika so much, infact how are wish all my brothers is not married, i would have love any of them to get married to her, if only character will be okay. because i know she not divorce him. please you actress should stop all this divorce divorce biko oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Queen omalicha
February 17, 2014 at 6:51 PM
chika ike go back to your husband and apologize please.
March 28, 2014 at 4:18 PM
oluchi and fibian, do u think this lady know God at all,a lady dat life don enter her brain instead of word of God.just a xtian by month.any evil arrow fashioned into ur marriage shuold receive fire,die and backfire on d sender.
Anyiam Ajomiwe
August 5, 2015 at 4:19 AM
Nollywood actors and actresses divorce because of large crowds and friends that hang around them. In addition to this fact is that they are paid lots of money as returns from movies acted. Other factors are influences from rich fans,politicians and movie directors. Actresses are constantly under pressure from money bags who wants to satisfy their libido and ego. Most actresses that fall into this trap are those who came from poor background. Their poor past keep haunting them that they cannot resist temptations that comes up from time to time.