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Chika Ike Goes Semi Naked In Bathtub To Promote African Diva TV Show[VIDEO&PHOTO]
August 23, 2017 – Chika Ike’s Semi-Naked Bathtub Photo Gets Fans Talking
Chika Ike Goes Semi Naked In Bathtub To Promote African Diva TV Show
The actress currently getting ready for the season 3 of her reality TV show, African Diva has released the promo video for the show.
Chika Ike who celebrated her divorce in style last year took to the social media earlier this week to share video from her recent promo shoot for the upcoming show.
She was seen looking seductive in a man-made bath tub as she showed fans her secret body agents.
The advert aimed at promoting her show has been viewed over 28,000 times.
Come to think of it, who is she doing this for? Is she saying African ladies have to go naked to show their beauty.
Chika Ike is a woman many see as their mentor. Is she telling them that is ok to promote nudity as Africans?
This show is Afrocentric for crying out loud, why westernize it?.

Keep it real
August 23, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Did i just waste my few minutes watching this without seeing any eye candy?
August 24, 2017 at 2:30 PM
thats her life and is no bodys busines after all she is not under any man now called husband. b4 african women used tn naked wear singlet /hot mini skirt with gidida so is african culture te te.