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Copies Of Primary 4 Exam Questions 21780 Primary School Teachers Failed In Kaduna State

copies of primary 4 exam questions teachers failed kaduna

Oct 11, 2017 – Primary School Teachers Fail Primary 4 Exam Questions In Kaduna State [SEE COPIES]

Copies Of Primary 4 Exam Questions 21780 Primary School Teachers Failed In Kaduna State

Several primary school teachers in Kaduna state have been fired after they failed to pass the exam they set for their 6-year-old pupils.

According to the State Governor, 21780 teachers in the state failed the exams they set for their primary 4 pupils.

El Rufai who announced the mass sack promises to hire 25000 qualified teachers to replace the sacked ones.

See copies of the exams 75% of the primary school teachers in Kaduna failed.

This can only happen when untrained teachers are hired to occupy classrooms.

Lord have mercy!!!!



  1. ajala niyi

    October 11, 2017 at 3:30 PM

    am sure this can only happen in the north,am a teacher,I know my worth and what I have upstair and I am bold to say I can never fail this

  2. Glorypraise

    October 11, 2017 at 3:33 PM

    Let us fear God o.
    1) This type of questions can never be set for 6 year old pupil
    2) This is not the way to set comprehension questions.
    3) These questions are simple and direct.
    So let us know the people that marked the scripts & see the marked scripts & let the teachers identify & confirm their scripts. Nobody can fool us. This is how they nailed Jonathan & everyone of us hate him & voted in APC because of different lies against him. Enough of evil propaganda.

    • Jilo

      October 12, 2017 at 5:07 PM

      Glorypraise, stop bringing politics into this scenario. There are some not well trained teachers who can fail this kind of test woefully. The test may be as simple and direct to you but not to everybody. What do you expect from a teacher who only bribed his/her way out throughout tertiary institution. You cannot give what you don’t have. Our educational system in this Country is nothing but trash.
      The only people who really benefited from western education were those who have direct training under white people i.e people existing pre-independence and 15 years post-independence. The moment we started taking control of our institutions, the quality of our education started eroded. I’m not sorry to say this, black race is entire failure. We can not govern ourselves, we cannot manage ourselves, we only know how to bring more hardship upon ourselves. We cannot maintain the infrastructures that white people left for us yet we can be proud of being rich with nothing to show for it.

      At the entrance gate of a university in South Africa the following message was posted for contemplation:

      *”Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long range missiles. _It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the students._”*

      Patients die at the hands of such doctors.

      Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.

      Money is lost at the hands of such economists & accountants.

      Humanity dies at the hands of such religious scholars.

      Justice is lost at the hands of such judges…

      *”The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation.”*

      • Glorypraise

        October 12, 2017 at 6:46 PM

        This is where the problem lies, Nigerians don’t appreciate what they have. We keep condemning one another, when many Nigerians are excelling & prospering in their various fields outside the country. Let us appreciate what we have. Teachers are not good/ qualified, yet many are still studying in Nigeria & excelling.
        If the Gov wants to reduce work force, he should come out straight.

  3. Everyevety

    October 11, 2017 at 9:10 PM

    You’ve said it all glorypraise, let say no to evil propaganda that Apc is good at

  4. ade

    October 11, 2017 at 10:53 PM

    Stack illiterates what do you expect before. That is why the rate of illiteracy is so high in the north. Stupid people.

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