Coronavirus Covid 19 Latest News Around The World
Coronavirus And Vision 2020
Is this not year 2020 we’ve been waiting forever for? Maybe it is, or maybe it’s not. Yes the calendars claim we are in 2020. If the calendars are correct, this is the year when half the world expected dreams to find reality without much ado. Just when we were dotting our small i(s) and crossing our capital T(s) and seemed to be getting it right with our drive, suddenly the earthquake called Coronavirus hit us at a Richter scale beyond measurements any one has ever seen.
Except you did not have your vision 2020, you can as well excuse yourself from the pain others are experiencing knowing that 2020 may just not be the year when that much anticipated shift will happen.
I feel for you who wrote all that big ambitions on that to-achieve list. I feel your frustrations waking up to that list on the wall and realizing how helpless you now find yourself because your castles just collapsed. I am in your shoe.
What is it with coronavirus that it should arrive with such vehement force in the year when expectations was high about the best things happening? Since year 2000, no year had carried sufficient expectation vibes like 2020. But Coronavirus came along singing discordant tunes and forcing the world to dance.
Yeah, you may feel bad about yourself, how this pandemic reminds you how far from the comfortable life you are. You got sacked one week into a lockdown in a job you expected so much from. Perhaps all your contracts got terminated or postponed because the economy is shrinking and business owners are trying to keep body and soul. It’s okay.
I hate to think this way, but I’m forced to because I see every day ambitious people full with dreams who had faith for 2020 to happen for them but it seems their one moment of opportunity would have to wait till coronavirus either gets a cure or a vaccine.
I understand if government and employers of labour carry this corona thing on their heads. Who won’t when business isn’t as usual, debts have to be serviced and lives have to be saved? One will be scared of taking major financial business decisions because there seems to be no picture of this Corona thing ending soonest, not with the way it is been handled by government. Except of course a miracle happens.
Corona don spoil show. I know that musician who is supposed to be hitting world stages at the moment because his songs just became hit around this time. But corona won’t let it happen. He only hears that his songs are topping the charts but no fame and money in the bank like his cronies before now.
How about the pastor whose grace just got enlarged? There is no crowd to try the possibilities of his new found grace. He just has to wait.
You can imagine the frustrations of just been two weeks before your final degree exams and you now have to wait till a time in forever when Corona will end. And you made plans already to travel to the United States by July once you are done with your exams. I understand.
All the good plans may be falling apart not because we didn’t try our best. Now at least you know you are not to blame for the downtime. It seems the perfect excuse to give for 2020 not going as planned.
We thought things were going to run very fast in 2020. That rat race would have been the fastest and fiercest ever, there would have been multiple booms everywhere if half the world’s population got it right like their 2020 vision said they would. The 2019 statistics had showed what year 2020 would be but things have fallen apart against all predictions.
I am trying to imagine that on watch night service, we shouted halleluiah to all the pretty predictions of our men of God. They told us it would be well, they said we would enter into expansive possibilities. They were not actually wrong. They didn’t have to sound negative else we would have no reason to push our 2020 goals. Imagine coronavirus hitting us without that enthusiasm. The little hope we have for this year is because of the much hope our pastors helped us build. If your pastor said you’d get into expansive possibilities, he meant it.
Things have not just slowed down a bit. The world’s system just had to stop else at the anticipated speed that people were driving their 2020 vision at, the system would have crashed with disastrous implications.. Imagine that someone’s 2020 vision was to cause world war three and to ensure some of those deadly nooks were used. We should probably be thanking God its Coronavirus we have today.
Don’t blame me for this mental assertion; I am also trying to reason out why God would allow Coronavirus in the first place. I had to make some movements in January because I was anticipating a better 2020 with my vision in sight. And then boom! I’m at home doing nothing but waiting for students to get back to school.
Maybe coronavirus is showing us how weak and unfortunate our visions are. Our visions are susceptible and need some tweaking or a redefinition.
We don’t have to think too much about why the virus in the first place, else we’d drive our minds into overdrive and our frustrations will escalate knowing that no matter how much we try, the virus won’t suddenly disappear and the world won’t return to how it was before the pandemic immediately. It’s going to take some time.
I am thinking that our brains should have a research unit. That corner that develops ideas for the worst possible scenarios and coronavirus has shown how worse things can get. Maybe if we planned our visions around surviving during a lockdown, we’d not have had problems pushing it.
Don’t blame yourself anyway. No one saw coronavirus coming. We thought our immunity was a strong defense system, but this particular coronavirus nuke is ballistic and hypersonic. It just breaks every kind of body defense system down.
Everyone’s stockpiling food as much as they can gather. The last thing on your mind may be your vision 2020. You are perhaps in a thought over how you’d survive. I understand the plight.
I think that coronavirus is a screening process for real visions to poke their heads. There will be new opportunities for real visions, but this will only arrive if during this dark tunnel, the visionary are working out their visions so that light brings a new array of hope, because certainly, at the end of this pandemic will rise a new generation of visionary.
About the author: Ekekere Samuel Ufot is a writer and author of several books including the best seller “Starting All Over After a Lockdown”. +2347939702747 [email protected]

July 8, 2020 at 1:30 PM
Certainly, Coronavirus has affected us in a bad way and we must be willing to take the lessons that arrives with it to make our lives better after this lockdown.