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Hungry Man Arrested For Stealing Food From Neighbour In Mushin Lagos

hungry man steals neighbours food

Nov 18, 2015 – Hungry Poor Man Arrested For Stealing Neighbours Food In Mushin Lagos

A 42-year old hungry jobless man has been arrested and charged before Isolo Magistrates court for allegedly stealing his neighbours food items in Lagos State western Nigeria.

The man Noah Daniel allegedly sneaked into the apartment of two neighbours and carted away food items worth N20,000.

The incident happened at their resident at Mushin road, Itire Lagos.

The items Daniel allegedly stole include, half bag of rice, groundnut oil, sugar, eggs, plantain chips, can malt drink and others.

The items belonged to Christian Offia and Emmanuel Orji.

We gathered that Daniel was caught after the owners of food started looking for them and wondered how those items disappeared from their apartments.

It was then that another neighbour revealed that she saw Daniel when he went into their apartment but was not sure what he went to do there.

Daniel was interrogated and a search was conducted in his apartment and the food items were found there.

But he insisted that he bought the items but could not explain where he got the money to buy them from.
According to the neighbours, he claimed he borrowed money that morning because he had no job at present.

The matter was reported to the police at Itire division and he was charged to court for stealing under the Criminal code.

[Reported By Cyriacus Izuekwe, PM News]



  1. Lola O

    November 18, 2015 at 6:24 PM

    I beg, leave the poor guy o’jare. Afterall, na only food im steal, he no rob anybody. The Police should go after the real robbers who brutally rob, maim and kill people, not someone desperate to feed his hungry stomach. We need to be more compassionate towards the needs of others. The neighbor has all that food and their neighbor is so hungry and desperate enough to go steal some of theirs? Haba! We should be our neighbor’s keeper. Save him his dignity and further humiliation and drop the yeye case. God punish all your leaders who robbed Nigeria of the wealth we all should be enjoying, thereby letting citizens suffer hunger and disgrace.

  2. princewill

    November 18, 2015 at 6:29 PM

    He is a lazy man, but any way if am in the position of the George i will let him go

  3. faihi

    November 18, 2015 at 7:23 PM

    Ahhhh Egbami oooooo,biko what’s d difference BTW stealing and robbery????,maybe na my eyes dey read double on lola’s comment abi?,so after stealing food item worth about 20k,u say it’s robbery!!!hmmmm let me stop there before I vex talk another thing.

  4. faihi

    November 18, 2015 at 7:29 PM

    She don let me see double now go write another thing,i meant how wud Lola say d guy didn’t rob,it stealing he did and not robbery??

  5. Lola O

    November 18, 2015 at 8:22 PM

    So every unemployed man or woman is lazy in Nigeria? Where are the jobs and what of those who have been working for months without getting salaries? I don’t justify stealing, but we need to show more compassion towards the predicament of others? A man once stole rice boiling in the yard from his neighbor, his kids were hungry, the banks were on strike and their mother had gone out the whole day to try to borrow money somewhere to buy food. How do you explain to your children that you didn’t get paid in 3 months, so no money to buy food?

    • Debbie

      November 19, 2015 at 11:31 AM

      What about the neighbor he stole from? How are you sure he didn’t borrow money to buy the foodstuffs to feed his family? What justifiable reason does he have, to break into someone’s house in the first place? I think we should all condemn the crime and let the thief face the consequences of his action.

  6. Chinazamekpere

    November 19, 2015 at 8:55 AM

    U bought them but u don’t know how u got the money! A sharp lazy lying thief.

  7. chic

    November 19, 2015 at 10:49 AM

    I know things are quite hard,but he would have asked instead of stealing.

  8. faihi

    November 19, 2015 at 4:09 PM

    Lola d man is worst than an armed robber,take it or u rest on the matter,okay u said he’s was hungry,then why didn’t he just take like some cups of rice,why did he take d whole rice? Then also why did he deny stealing and also lied that he bought d rice????,pls answer this questions ma,maybe I might open my eyes wide and look at the sun to begin to see it from your point of view. to be compassionate is different from being ********!!!.and NOT every unemployed person is lazy,its only d lazy ones that steals,and use being unemployed as a clumsy excuse.

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