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Ibinabo Fiberesima’s BBM Friend Akanni Balogun: The Day She Hugged Me In front Of Late Arakangudu

akanni ola balogun ibinabo

April 6, 2016 – Ibinabo Fiberesima’s BBM Friend Akanni Ola Balogun: The Day She Gave Me A Deep Romantic Hug In front Of Late Arakangudu

Open Letter by the legendary Akanni Ola Balogun on Ibinabo Fiberesima’s ordeal

We met in a BBM group and since then, we have become more like brother and sister.

This time last year, she invited me to one event she organised, that was the first time we physically met, though I have been seeing her in movies since I was a boy.

“Akanni, I want to invite you to an event at Eko Hotel, I don’t know if you’ll be able to come pick your IV at my office or I should just keep it for you till the day”, she said.

“Oh, what an honour. Thanks very much my sister. Abeg, help me keep it, i’ll collect it that day”

On that day, I made sure I left my house very early so as to beat the hold ups. I got there earlier so I was waiting for her to come. Immediately she came, I tried to bypass her bodyguards so that I can talk to her. I finally got through so I introduced myself. (Remember we are meeting for the first time.)

“My name is Akanni Ola Balogun”. Despite the fact that she was attending to lot of people, she paused, turned towards me and shouted “AKANNI!!! Chai! I am finally meeting my ijogbon brother”.

She left everything she was doing, hugged me so tight that I could feel her heart beat. (you know dat kain hug na). We chatted for couple of minutes, she then gave me my VIP invitation.

Everybody there were surprised, even her bodyguards that has been blocking me from seeing her. As omo igboro, I changed scope! Me sef raised shoulder, readjusted my blazer suit an walk ‘bossly’ to my corner.

Before I met her, I was standing with Egbon Sikiru Adeshina(Late Arakangudu), Egbon Layewu, Alhaji Rasak(Coperate pictures) and some guys.

“Ola, come o, where do you know Madam President that she gave you such respect?”, Arakangudu asked. “Ha! She is my sure sisters o”, I responded in my igberaga voice.

In summary, to those who do not know Aunty Ibinabo Fiberesima , she is a down to heart person, kind hearted and loving. She has never at anytime looked down on me, and she has always been listening to advises.

Admitably, she erred. But who on earth will leave his/her house looking for who to kill with his/her car?

I plead with every well meaning Nigerians, and the family involved, the families of Dr. Giwa, to please find a place in their heart to forgive Aunty Ibinabo.

Please ‪#‎PardonIbinabo‬



  1. betty

    April 6, 2016 at 5:08 AM

    I pray for u i.b God is with u

  2. Metu Nyetu

    April 6, 2016 at 5:20 AM

    I hate when people are foolishly sentimental, and most human beings are like that. Writer, people like you are the reason why the 2nd World War was fought, because Adolph Hitler appealed to the sentiments of his people instead of their reason. He even once said, and I quote: “I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.” That is how he got people dedicated to his wicked cause; that is how 6million Jews lost their lives in a single day; that is how, writer, you want to pull a cloud over the eyes of justice so that it would have a skewed, slanted vision.

    That Ibinabo hugged you so tight that your soldier between your crotch stood at attention is not a reason for her to evade justice. For your info, even the devil has many people he is good to. He hugs them like that everyday.

    In fact, writer, I know your plan: you just wanted it on record that you joined the sea of people who sympathised with her. Congrats, for your goal is achieved! I, too, sympathise with her. But the heart to rule the head is doom, and so I reject to be foolishly sentimental.

    Your “hugger” knocked down a man inadvertently. Fleeing the scene after removing her number plates instead of rushing the dying man to a hospital, Gawd!, that is too bad to imagin.

    We may forgiv her, but justice does not forgive.

    • Amuche

      April 6, 2016 at 6:24 AM

      I always pray to come across any comment you dropped. They keep on making sense to me.

      • Metu Nyetu

        April 7, 2016 at 12:43 PM

        Thanks @ Amuche.*blushing like a little girl*

  3. D Hunter

    April 6, 2016 at 5:20 AM

    Mcheew… Medicine after death. Now, let me just say… That is your own version of a story, do you think that Mrs. Giwa has similar story to tell about your much idolized Ibinabo?

    She was kind and DOWN-right to earth to you and was UP-right cruel, unrepentant, proud and unremorseful to a peaceful family she had so much caused an irrepearable loss they will never forget in their life time.

    The fact about Ibinabo is, she herself is not even asking for any forgiveness about what she did to the Giwas. In fact, as I see it, if she had her way, she will engage the Giwas in a tough legal battle upon the injury she already caused them. Hence her move to appeal to the Supreme Court that was denied. A move that any remorseful person with a heart of repentance will never make.
    Lets see what 5years does to her ego.

    My strolling continues….

  4. sola olaniyi

    April 6, 2016 at 7:28 AM

    how i wish they can forgive this woman..

  5. fifelomo

    April 6, 2016 at 8:32 AM

    Just short of words. How much were you paid to seek for public attention?

  6. Stepehen

    April 6, 2016 at 10:21 AM

    it a pity all this is happening to both Ibinabo and Giwa family…

  7. Maryf

    April 6, 2016 at 10:39 AM

    The problem Ibinabo is facing right now was caused by her friends. Though, they were not there when the accident occurred, but the reaction and things she did by not showing remorse to the family as needed which led to her present situation was engineered by her friends who failed to advice her on the right thing to do. Nobody is saying, she’s not down to earth person to people she wants to be down with.

  8. Victoria A

    April 6, 2016 at 11:38 AM

    Mr writer your story what is it all about? Because your story doesn’t make any sense at all, u need to find something meaningful to do with ur time.

  9. ammy

    April 6, 2016 at 5:18 PM

    Yes what said abt her is correct she is down to earth I ve met her too in mtn office at gariki lagos street.d way and manners she behave I never expected somebody of her carlibar will coordinate herself like dat.ever since I fell in love will God d almighty see her tru her ordeals

  10. ammy

    April 6, 2016 at 7:15 PM

    Sory at garki lagos street Abuja

  11. Amazon

    April 6, 2016 at 7:41 PM

    Everybody & their own epistle about ibinabo but all I know is that that won’t stop her from spending her 5yrs in kirikiri

  12. mae

    April 6, 2016 at 8:39 PM

    Bros,let her experience her life in jail 1st… The hug she gave to you,can’t change people’s mind…

  13. Olanrewaju

    April 7, 2016 at 5:32 AM

    Story story, you people should let ibinabo. Let her serve her punishment. God will be always be with her. Stories about “Ibinabo kiss me”, How I met ibinabo” is becoming boring,pls let her be

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