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Is Omotola Jalade Pregnant Or Adding Weight??

omotola jalade pregnant

June 18, 2015 – Is Omotola Jalade Pregnant? ? Fans Say Omosexy Is Gaining Weight, Blast Her Stylist

This is Omotola’s look to a film festival that held in Congo few days ago.

Her fans are divided over her new look.

Most of her IG fans blamed her stylist while others told her to watch her weight.

Read what fans are saying about Omosexy’s dress and weight gain:

  • titanmalikk@realomosexy you’ve gained a bit of weight, but still looks fab.
  • alohansarah — Her weight is luvly as an African woman nt like others lookin skinny as shit
  • titanmalikk@tayrat84 lol sorry dear I didn’t mean that in a bad way. But you know we are use to seeing @realomosexy always keeping the weight right. Maybe she didnt even gain weight, it might be the dress that made her looked like she gained something.
  • toniaroyalty – She is a little heavy this period…. Its has started showing on her face…@realomosexy ….still looks nice tho
  • buttylaw – She has added weight. I hope she is doing something about it already. Fat is bad.

jossynmeSome pple with their defensive attitude! You should knw @realomosexy fans love her. It’s ok to make honest comments abt their star as long as they r not bn rude or offensive. We love her n thats y even when we see a scratch on her, we want to know if we’re killing anybody d next second. Lol. So chill. D honest comments n constructive criticism r out of love!!!

itspaulaustin@zinkata1 and @gonzelgreen this dress tho! She looks bigger. Very unflattering.. No pon intended but please stepitup.

pklamour – Added too much weight
linddy_ohams – Try and reduce OK? U hv added a lot of weight
mjizzle20 – Just be happy omotola because none of these people knows what it feels like to be you.

hesign – All these people saying fat really have eyesight issues the dress is the issue. Dress Xo Unflattering an Epic Failure To Her Body Type.

nike_shantel@realomosexy –  I’m sorry I don’t like the dress on you
sandrae_defafa – Dear the dress is so cute but makes look fat… Still beautiful tho

oluwadamilolaogundare – Just watch your weight madam

bunmitonia – You need to watch your weight.
ugo9jagirlI went and clicked on people saying she is “fat” and you are all UGLY!! Mind your business. Maybe go have surgery to change your faces? Lol #loveyouomosexy

queencrezOMG the hate is real… Some of you ladies don’t have kids and u are heavenly ugly/shapeless as fuck. This woman is everything I watched her growing up as a kid… Omg how time flies, with her banging body, u are still my favorite lady. I wanna age like you sweety. I LOVE YOU MOMMY . FYI she has kids reading hate comments #dust

rhedahhAm so shocked and shaking my head at these comments, she’s not my favorite person but damn y’all need that chill button. Whoever told y’all it’s ok to talk about someone’s weight and a woman for that matter. You guys need to be ashamed of yourselves for calling out on how she looks! Some of you need to stay out of social media! Typical example of cyber bully! She’s beautiful however she looks and wants to be,that’s the true definition of self confidence ! Let her breathe and haters stay out people’s business especially their personal appearance! You go girl. @realomosexy

hesign – You are one of my favourite actresses but this dress didn’t just go with you. It didn’t accentuate your figure at all. The stylist really did an epic fail. In Late Joan Rivers Voice “Looks Like You Wrapped A Towel Around You”. The Colour Is A Go but You Are Too Fabulous 4 This Dress…. The Dress Is A Zero.

timmybwilliams – I don’t care what people say…..I like your new personality once you cool with yourself I’m cool with you that’s all that matters not how some fool present you…Good wife mother sis,aunt and friend

darklarah – You re sexy but that dress makes you look fat

omotola jalade pregnant

She looks beautifully pregnant in the above photo… What do you think?



  1. Lexxy

    June 18, 2015 at 5:38 AM

    I will not rule out pregnancy because of her swollen legs

  2. mrs ohio alias mrs ERANKO

    June 18, 2015 at 9:56 PM


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