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Jobless Windscreen Cleaner Rejects Sponsor’ Offer To Learn Tailoring, Lagos Stylist Uche Nnaji Speaks

windscreen washer rejects uche nnaji offer

June 18, 2016 – Unemployed Windscreen Washer Rejects Sponsor’s Offer To Learn Tailoring, Lekki Lagos Stylist Uche Nnaji Laments

The unemployed man spotted cleaning windscreen in Abeokuta and Lagos few weeks ago has cut off all communications with his sponsor.

His sponsor, Uche Nnaji offered to teach him tailoring and use him at his shop in exchange for sponsorship of his education at the National Open University of Nigeria but sadly, he has turned down the offer.

See what Uche Nnaji said:

“Sometime last month I saw an online image of a well-dressed young man cleaning windshields in traffic. I was touched by this, and then I felt the urge to ASSIST, with the HOPE that I can positively IMPACT him in my own little way
. .
We met and discussed on way forward. During our discussion I observed his SKILL was limited to SqueeGee. This gave me great concern, as it may not offer him anything above the JOB of an Office Assistant, then I felt it won’t be the best for him. . .

We (The photographer Daniel Sync and myself) talked with him and also decided he must go get his transcript from UniIlorin so we can eventually get him into the Open University in Lagos to enable him complete his education while Getting TRAINED with me. .

We were all excited as he walked into my office just last Monday (5days ago) with the ADMISSION forms from the OPEN UNIVERSITY. That same Monday the official TRAINING began with him in my Lekki office.

The week ahead I had started by giving his Wardrobe Sartorial Healing for a Change and I made sure NO PICTURES were taken while giving him these items of clothing ( the Red polo he was wearing in the video I posted 3 days ago of him working with me last Friday and the white shirt he chose to wear back to the traffic yesterday all came from my PERSONAL collection) As I felt that wasn’t necessary since my concern was to start a paradigm shift for this young man who needs to see the better side of life.

But I guess, people always want what they want. During our class session on same day (Monday) it dawned on me that he was unable to GRASP what He was being taught. But I still didn’t give up on him, hoping that time will make things right for necessary adjustment.

The aim was to TEACH him how to FISH by EMPOWERING him with necessary skill from some industry fashion professionals which certainly comes with more benefits after wards. After his class on Monday where we reached an agreement that he would LEARN various skills including tailoring, Abdulai went off the radar only to be sighted yesterday cleaning.”

May be tailoring is not his thing. Perhaps Mr Nnaji can help him out without using him as an apprentice to enrich himself.



  1. Ladi Omo Oyo

    June 18, 2016 at 9:45 PM

    Must Nnaji use him before helping him, this is why i don’t deal with *** businessmen. He want to turn the poor boy into his servant
    Pls don’t accept this shit find something better doing

  2. Cutie

    June 18, 2016 at 10:16 PM

    Those people (if I write the tribe now, NG will censor it) are always looking for ways to exploit people. They cant’t render help for God’s sake. It has to be in exchange for something. That something must be monetary.
    Now, imagine if one of them had found Olajumoke?
    They’d have milked the poor girl dry of her fortune.
    Nnaji is trying to portray the guy as: “There’s no way you can wash a pig clean, it’ll still want to play in the mud…”
    But I don’t buy his narration.
    NG please present Olatoyan’s side of the matter. Thanks.

  3. Truce

    June 18, 2016 at 11:08 PM

    That is not were his dream nor passion lies, period.

  4. Earring

    June 19, 2016 at 5:03 AM

    Yes. I agree with @Truce. The guy does not want to be a tailor. Period. Haba! How come Nnaji wanted him to know it all at their 1st learning encounter? Mr Nnaji, just help pay his tuition if your intention solely was to help? Shikena!!!

  5. fifelomo

    June 19, 2016 at 9:28 AM

    Truce , well delivered comment.

  6. Metu Nyetu

    June 19, 2016 at 11:13 AM

    @Cutie and Ladi Omo, I hate to respond to the many cases of tribal unreasonableness in this forum, and I am only doing this now because you, Cutie, are involved. Maybe this is the first time that I am reading a disappointing comment like this from you. I guess whatever tribe that you two represent are 100% saintly humanitarians, and that you don’t have utilitarians who only associate with you based on your value to them.

    I keep wondering why people are inordinately incensed whenever an Igboman does what people of every other tribe do. If you don’t know the implication, just hear it: you are telling every Igboman that they are spiritually superior to you people, just the same way we react when a pastor commits a crime

  7. Maryf

    June 19, 2016 at 1:20 PM

    Must Uche Nnaji use him while helping him? Tailoring is not his dream

  8. sola olaniyi

    June 20, 2016 at 9:22 AM

    Tailoring is not his

  9. Lady

    June 20, 2016 at 1:36 PM

    Since he is not interested in Tailoring, then sponsor his Education afterall he is already in sch..if want to help tho its not by force..U werent the only person that read the article that day.
    @Metu Nyetu..some peeps dont think outside the box…many sentiment

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