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Man Commits Suicide By Hanging Himself Inside Anglican Church In Malawi Over Rape Allegation

Man Commits Suicide By Hanging Self Inside St Peter’s Anglican Church In Malawi Over Rape Allegation

A man who was accused of rape in Malawi took his own life in the most tragic way yesterday.

The deceased identified as Kennedy Malikita, a native of Chamba village in Mkumpha was accused of raping a child on Sunday and on Monday morning, his lifeless body was found dangling from the roof of St Peter’s Anglican church.

His autopsy result indicates he died by suffocation.

Police later established the suspect was reported for a defilement case the day before he took his own life.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Keep it real

    November 14, 2018 at 7:35 AM

    it may be a false accusation against him but definitely not a good way to prove to God that you are innocent of the rape accusation..

    don’t know if I should say RIP but anyways RIP GOD knows if you did it or not.

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