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Mercy Aigbe Named Bad Role Model For Exposing Breasts Indecently To Fans

mercy aigbe exposes boobs

Mercy Aigbe Named Bad Role Model For Exposing Breasts Indecently To Fans

For those looking up to Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe as a role model, you may want to have a rethink as the single mother of two has suddenly embraced seduction for publicity stunt.

The actress who many fans look up to as a role model was looking good as ever in a set of photos she uploaded online early this morning only that a fair amount of her breast was left opened to get her fans talking.

Her action didn’t go well with fans who see her as a role model.

While the male folks hailed her for the unnecessary exposure, the female folks called her out for indecent dressing!.

mercy aigbe boobs
mercy aigbe exposes breasts
mercy aigbe

See their comments below

mercy aigbe boobs



  1. Joshau Ignettu

    November 5, 2018 at 2:48 PM

    I think she is desperately looking for a man. Mercy Aigbe is living an empty life.
    All these shows offs are sign that her life is empty

  2. Kinky Majori

    November 5, 2018 at 2:50 PM

    A woman with positive self image will not dress like dis

  3. Funsho Williams

    November 5, 2018 at 2:52 PM

    Omo Japo. Customer dada awa o..
    Oniranu osi. Ode pe ara ni mama.Iyan oran mosun o. MOtakaosidanu

  4. Odaro Jeffrey

    November 5, 2018 at 6:15 PM

    Slay queen celeb, keep it up

  5. Lara

    November 5, 2018 at 6:58 PM

    There is nothing wrong with the way she is dressed. Nigerians need to stop with the hypocrisy. Many Nigerians like to pretend like they don’t even have sex but somehow the population keeps growing. The same people you see judging others and going to church many times a week are the same ones having premarital sex and engaging in all kinds of “sins”. You all are a bunch of Bible thumping liars.

    • Doro Mayal

      November 5, 2018 at 7:00 PM

      You are a disgrace to womanhood if you believe every woman should exposed her breast like Mercy just did.

      • Joy

        November 5, 2018 at 7:11 PM

        If call this exposed, then what do have to said about Kardashian family with their fake bodies naked pictures.

        • Rach

          November 6, 2018 at 1:10 AM

          That is kardashian. We are not Americans. Stop copying them cos they would never copy u. We have our own culture and we should be proud of it.

          • Dare

            November 6, 2018 at 2:08 AM

            Thank you @Rach. When you see a well cultured Nigerian, you will notice it in their write.
            God bless you for telling Joy the truth.
            I believe Joy is Mercy Aigbe disguise. Shame on YOu Joy for encouraging immorality.

            • Joy

              November 6, 2018 at 12:37 PM

              Dare dear, you know nothing about me. Please don’t compare me with someone based on my own opinions about things. Don’t be so quick to judge me. I know we’re good in hinging people names when we don’t agreed with one’s opinion. Do have a pleasant weeks ahead. It’s a free world. Take it easy oo?

          • Joy

            November 6, 2018 at 11:48 AM

            We play culture when it suit us. Nigerians copied and pasted western world lifestyle. Sorry from my view we don’t have any identity or culture left.

    • Joy

      November 6, 2018 at 12:01 PM

      Well said!

  6. Joy

    November 5, 2018 at 7:05 PM

    I am not a fan to any celebrity, but all these people condemning her wear. Will be same people who watch and like page of Kardashian family, Beyonce, Rihanna and others showbiz who goes full naked and say nothing. One should examine oneself before thinking of condemning others.

    • Lara

      November 5, 2018 at 10:57 PM

      Thank you o, my sister. Nigerians love anything foreigners do but when it is our own, they start forming holier than thou!

  7. uzoma

    November 6, 2018 at 2:48 AM

    There is nothing wrong with the way Mercy looks. She looks more sexy.

  8. Mon

    November 6, 2018 at 4:28 AM

    I can’t even see any breast except padded bra…

  9. Lola O

    November 6, 2018 at 4:41 AM

    Sexy indeed for a supposedly married (albeit separated) mother of two children, one of whom is teenage girl. Mothers are role models for their children. Besides, at 40 years you should know better. A fool @ 40 is a fool forever, as the saying goes. What product are you advertising? I sincerely hope you are not suffering from depression, by the look on your face. There’s a level of decency a woman of class must abide by. I wonder if this is part of the reason your yeye husband Lanre Gentry keeps calling you a prostitute.

    • Joy

      November 6, 2018 at 11:59 AM

      Celebrities are human beings with their own imperfections. I don’t believe celebrity should be a role models. Parents are to be role models to their own children. People stop idolize celebrity.
      They all have different mind set just like us.

  10. Bridget

    November 6, 2018 at 6:26 AM

    People you must be grateful that the church of God is still on earth if not people were going to be naked here and see nothing wrong. After the rapture am telling you will experience more serious problems than this because this one is just a minor, what am trying to say repent if you want to and become the disciple of Jesus. Anyway its not by force.

  11. Joy

    November 6, 2018 at 12:37 PM

    Dare dear, you know nothing about me. Please don’t compare me with someone based on my own opinions about things. Don’t be so quick to judge me. I know we’re good in hinging people names when we don’t agreed with one’s opinion. Do have a pleasant weeks ahead. It’s a free world. Take it easy oo?

  12. Mercy

    November 6, 2018 at 1:01 PM

    I don’t see anything wrong with her dressing. All those condemning her are just being jealouse cuz they don’t have a sexy body like hers to put on such..I love u just the way u are

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