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My Wife Had 18 Miscarriages – Gani Adams

gani adams baby boyThe miracle baby and parent

April 14, 2012 – My wife had 18 Miscarriages – Gani Adams

Mr Gani Adams the national coordinator of Oodua Peoples Congress(OPC) whose wife gave birth to a miracle baby boy after 9 solid years of marriage has revealed that his wife, Mr Mojisola Adams has suffered 18 miscarriages in the past 9 years.

Mojisola-Adams-with-her-baby-boyMojisola Adams and her baby boy

Below is what the excited father of one said;

“my wife was never barren. She had about 18 miscarriages during the trying period.”

 “those days were days of pains and agony but with my belief in God, I knew that one day, my wife will have the fruit of the womb.”

I am now fulfilled as a man, because I have a baby that I can call mine. It will be a double celebration during my birthday

The baby boy was delivered on the 7th of April 2012.

Babies are always a gift from God no matter how long they come.

Congrats to the happy couple



  1. ekelink

    April 14, 2012 at 12:49 PM

    Thank you jesus for answering there prayer amen

  2. Alonge israel

    April 15, 2012 at 8:17 AM

    Thank God 4 d couple,Gani Adams a house hold name in nigeria without a baby 4 9yrs?a new leader has been born again.congrat my Gani Adams ,my leader

  3. biatrice

    April 15, 2012 at 3:17 PM

    GOD IS faithful hapy for u may D LORD keep an bless d baby (ameen).May he also do 2 all trusting and waiting.

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