Anambra State News
Nigerian Pastor Slaps, Beat Up Sick Church Members During Deliverance To Make Them To Fall Under Anointing
Prophet Chuwuemeka Ohanemere Under Fire For Slapping & Beating Sick Church Members During Deliverance In Onitsha Anambra State To Make Them Fall Under His Anointing
Check out the viral video of a weird Nigerian Pastor who slaps and hits his church members during his forced deliverance session.
The controversial Pastor identified as Chukwuemeka Ohanemere, the founder of a popular church in Onitsha Anambra in one of his deliverance sessions was seeing hitting and slapping his confused church members in an attempt to get them to fall under his “anointing”.
The fake end time prophet is the founder of Mountain of Holy Ghost Deliverance centre in Onitsha.
What is more disturbing is the viral video of a young girl who is seeing crying in the forced deliverance as the self-acclaimed prophet shakes her legs vigorously.
His church members who refused to fall down under his anointing were dragged down by the ushers.
The video of the bizarre deliverance session has gone viral with many criticizing Ohanemere for his violent deliverance style.
Lord have mercy!!!.

Jaburata Noni
July 20, 2018 at 8:21 PM
I don’t blame him, I blame those gullible Nigerians that falls for anything and everything.
Can u imagine a psycho slapping you in church. That is abuse right there
He should be arrested
July 21, 2018 at 3:06 AM
No one can deceive GOD…
July 21, 2018 at 3:08 AM
Almost everything in Nigeria now is fake. These pastors who use the name of God to deceive people will see the wrath of God unless they repent and ask God for forgiveness.
July 21, 2018 at 6:57 AM
All these prophets are fake.Africans we are so gullible indeed.
July 21, 2018 at 11:16 AM
They should slap him back so he can fall under his own anointing