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Nigerians In Spain Condemn Spanish Police Shooting Of 200 African Migrants In Morocco

police shoot african migrants morocco

Feb 18, 2014 – Nigerians In Spain Condemn Spanish Police Shooting Of 200 African Migrants In Morocco


By Uche Precious Onuoha

It was a day that has generated global uproar when on Thursday the 6thof February 2014, the Spanish local border police opened fire on some 200 sub-Sahara African immigrants who were calling for rescue as they were attempting to cross the high sea from Morocco into the Spanish border town of Ceuta. So far, reports show that not less than 14 bodies have been recovered from the water and each of them with bullet wounds.

Describing the action as grave ‘inhumanity’, the Northern Observatory for Human Rights condemned the shooting as an action that ‘‘violates the international conventions on human rights”.

On the part of the Nigerian Community in Madrid and Spain, the action has been condemned in the clearest of terms. In a press release after an emergency meeting of the Leaders of the Nigerian Communities in Madridat the instance of the Nigerian Nationals Association, the President of the Association Comrade Lamptay Oriakhi described the action as a ‘premeditated act of wickedness’. He added his voice to the Socialist Party’s call for the resignation of all those directly and indirectly responsible for such inhuman act. He informed that while effort is being made by the Association to determine the number of Nigerians involved, the Association has begun a process of calling the African immigrant community together for a nationwide wide protest. Meanwhile, the secretary of the Association Honorable Precious Onuoha affirmed that a letter has officially been written to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Nigerian Community’s disapproval and call for international justice.

While expressing dismay at the actions of the Spanish police, a cross section of the leaders of the Nigerian communities under the aegis of the Nigerian Communities Leadership Interactive Forum Madrid expressed concern over the high state of corruption in Nigeria as a major factor denying Nigerians employment thereby forcing many into such deadly risk.

The President Comrade Lamptay Oriakhi and the Secretary Honourable Prescious Onuoha used the medium to call on all Nigerian and African communities, high commissions and governments to respond to this act of inhumanity and support its condemnation.



  1. Gad

    February 18, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    How come there is no single comment onthis sad incident at least condemningthe action of d spanish police. Everyone is waiting for news on nollywood STAR

    • Raymond

      February 18, 2014 at 7:57 PM

      Mr. Gad, I did not see your comment as well, why? Whether there is a comment or not, it cant change the fact.. what the Spanish police did is crime against humanity..

    • Nedu

      February 18, 2014 at 10:27 PM

      @Gad…u didn’t make any comment either, all u did was to make a comment on your observation. #justpassingby#

  2. prince kokumo

    February 18, 2014 at 4:57 PM

    Jungle justice caused by d hatred for black race by racist in uniform

  3. Raymond

    February 18, 2014 at 7:44 PM

    This is crime against humanity..and should be treated as such

  4. Lekan Lawal

    February 18, 2014 at 11:03 PM

    That’s racism

  5. ifeanyi

    February 18, 2014 at 11:07 PM

    This is an act of ungodly people,they are pure racist(haters of black nations).

  6. Larry Ifeanyi

    February 19, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    Spain is corrupt like africa countries that hv made their police in active. They went to spain in illegally n spanish police believed they re for War or Terrors

  7. uchenna O

    February 19, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    Those spanish policemen are wicked, when is this racism going to stop? the whitemen claim that anti-gay is against human right, they accepted what God condemn from the beginning to be right, i want to ask if RACISM is not against human right?

  8. ogbodo chukwuma bigman

    August 16, 2015 at 10:58 PM

    This is a result of bad government we can be like them if there is kw corruption in nigeria

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