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Actress Bose Alao Stabbed By Broke Footballer Husband….Rasaq Omotoyosi Wanted By Police

bose alao stabbed by husband

October 15, 2017 – Nollywood Actress Bose Alao Beaten To Stupor By Broke Footballer Husband, Rasaq Omotoyosi Wanted By Police

Broke Nigerian Footballer Rasaq Omotoyosi Allegedly Attacks Wife With Broken Bottle

Another Nollywood actress who opted for a super wealthy man has been battered by her footballer husband.

Bose Alao is currently recovering at the hospital after a serious domestic violence attack that almost sent her to an early grave.

According to a family source, Bose was invited to a show at Sky9TV on the day she was attacked but her husband who had earlier consented to her going to the event later flipped and told her not to go out.

She obeyed and stayed back but the two later had slight argument. Rasaq reportedly lost his cool and began to beat her.

rasaq omotoyosi beat wife

Bose had to run to a nearby home of a friend for her own safety.

Rasaq reportedly trailed her to her friend’s place where the domestic violence attack continued.

At a point he allegedly broke a bottle and stabbed her in multiple places from where he fled to an unknown location.

Police are currently on his trail as his wife who bled from multiple injuries she sustained during the attack is currently on admission.

This attack is coming months after insiders alleged that Bose Alao’s bestfriend, Bidemi Kosoko was sleeping with her husband.



  1. mulikat

    October 16, 2017 at 6:01 AM

    divorce immedately ,no going back,kids or no ,next time is death,hope they get the the idoit ,and put him prison for 20 ys.

  2. fifelomo

    October 16, 2017 at 6:45 AM

    Bidemi kosoko again! Hmmm, this is too much to bear. Thank God you are still alive.

  3. DB

    October 16, 2017 at 11:14 AM

    This is called celebrity battering! Death wey no kill u but comot ur cap…….GIVE YOURSELF BRAIN!

  4. Danti

    October 16, 2017 at 2:13 PM

    Domestic violence does not mean there is absence of love, but lack of understanding on both sides. Temptations are designed by the devil, we humans can’t tell him how or what we want to be tested on. Compared to others, this is nothing! We must continue to pray every time because of the ever-present demonic energy around us. For those who jump into hasty conclusions, stop it! Ask yourself do I get all the facts?

  5. Dee

    October 16, 2017 at 5:56 PM

    Domestic abuse is wrong; there’s no excuse for it regardless of the “facts”; no one has the right to put their hands on you ; decent human beings dont settle disputes with fists and weapons; it takes a split second to transcend from life to death and for many victims , it is often too late to escape ; survivors need to think twice ; the wife or husband beater will not change unless he or she has a brain transplant or they are able to let Jesus in ; domestic abuse is about control and power and nothing to do with love. She should get out now as the next time she will be taken out in a body bag .

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