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Oko Town’s Monarch, Igwe Laz Ekwueme Flees As Subjects Burned Down Palace

April 21, 2014 – Oko Kingdom’s Traditional Ruler, Igwe Laz Ekwueme Flees As Subjects Burned Down Palace After Security Officers Killed Masquerade

Popular Nollywood actor and musicologist, Igwe Laz Ekwueme is going through some tough times right now as his palace has been set ablazed by his subjects and some angry residents of Oko town.

The monarch of Oko Kingdom in Anambra state has been forced to run for his life after residents and subjects burned down his palace.

Trouble started last Saturday after a masquerade was gunned down in Oko by security officers. The Igwe had earlier banned masquerades from being paraded publicly during the Oko Okposi festival after a masquerade flogged a female student to death.

On the the eve of the Okposi Oko festival, last Saturday, some indigenes of Oko flouted the Igwe’s order and publicly paraded a masquerade. According to reports, the Igwe invited security officers to disband the masquerade procession. Unfortunately one of the security officers shot dead a masquerade in the process. Following the death of the masquerade, angry residents of Oko besieged the Igwe’s palace and set it ablaze, destroying a lot of valuable property along the way.

Sources from Anambra state disclosed that the whereabouts of the monarch is still unknown.

See more photos from the protest below:



  1. Mugabe

    April 21, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    Is there any place in this World as bad as Nigeria?. Someone should tell me. I think the Hell often talked about in the bible is actually Nigeria.
    Arguably, the worse country in the World.
    GLJ. the weakest Post independence president in the World. Sack him and hang his band of thieves called ministers and senators. and safe Nigeria from Armageddon

  2. Omosewa

    April 21, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    This is an indication that u’re not meant for that place

  3. Mormah Olawale

    April 21, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    What is wrong in killing a masquerade who flogged a student to death pls oko indigenes should wake up

    • McAngel

      April 30, 2014 at 12:25 AM

      There has never been any death of any student in Oko traced to a masquerade or Oko person pls. I don’t know where this talk about flogging a student to comes from. This kind of rumor showed as the cause of 2012 students riots in Oko and an inquiry conducted by a panel set up by Prof Onu it was found that no student was hurt talkless of dying. Ignorance is never a virtue to be celebrated. Let us talk about what we know.

  4. akinstell

    April 21, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    LaZ Ekueme pls sir don’t u know that the witches and wizard in Oko town will not change. They need more innocent blood and u are preventing them from eating and drinking on easter day for that matter. But wait oO! I thought masqurades are heavenly been! Why him con die na. Na wahh oooo -idiots. God will give u the strength to destroy those evil beings

  5. nil

    April 21, 2014 at 4:32 PM

    It was bound to happen..tradition!

  6. red

    April 22, 2014 at 2:24 AM

    Another hand work of unemployment.I pity those Oko masquerades and their village boys.You killed a female student,someone’s daughter and wife or wife to be and still went against the igwe’s order which led to more dead and destruction of properties.Don’t forget that more than half the people in Oko are students both mad and normal people,some with guns.If the students start their own riot or mass destruction about the dead student Oko village will be level to a open football field in 3 hours or the former vice president laz’s brother send his boys from Abuja,Oko will become women’s village with all men in detention.bloody jobless fools.

  7. Otibe emmanuel otibe

    April 24, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Igwe is a traditional ruler he use his office as a traditonal ruler to stop the so-called masquerade for performing in other to avoid killing again is any thing wrong with that i was told that igbos don,t respect rulers the only respect titled bought with retuals money people of anambra wake up

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