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Olajumoke Orisaguna & Ayodele Dada Story: It Is Shameful To Celebrate Agege Bread Over 5.0 CGPA

ayodele dada jumoke orisaguna

March 6, 2016 – Olajumoke Orisaguna & Ayodele Dada Case Study: It Is Shameful To Celebrate Agege Bread Over UNILAG First Class Graduate


“Some people insist that ‘mediocre’ is better than ‘best.’ They delight in clipping wings because they themselves can’t fly. They despise brains because they have none.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein

Until the news of Ese Oruru ‘abduction’ came into the cyberspace, the nation especially the Facebooking and Tweeting activist children were falling over themselves on who can make the most motivational post and tweet concerning Olajumoke Orisaguna, the Agege Bread seller turned celebrity overnight, courtesy of her photobombing a photo session by celebrated photographer and songstress, TY Bello.

Olajumoke story typifies the fairy tale story of sudden grass to grace, an amazing Cinderella fiction that was happening before our very eyes. No matter how critics tried to dismiss it as a planned work by TY Bello, many of us refused to believe them. We called them envious children of Lucifer who see nothing good in sudden success of people. To us, they wanted to spoil the fun of our posts and pour sand into Olajumoke garri.

Just type ‘Agege’ on the search engine and the name of Olajumoke spring up. That is how popular she has become. As we speak, many brands including a bank that will not even employ her while she was in the street has made her their brand, with many others following suit. Success is truly a friend of everyone.

Few weeks later, a more brilliant news hit the social media, but no one really cared. The news was such that a record that may never be matched in a century was made and the only word Nigerians could mutter was “congrats”, and they moved on. Yes, Ayodele Dada, a student of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) did not only emerge as the best graduating student of the school but came out with 5.0 cumulative grade, a record never set in the history of Nigerian tertiary institution.

Rather than celebrate this national genius and talent, we have become ethnic with it calling on the governor of Ekiti State, Ayodele Fayose to come to his aid, since he hails from there. What manner of people are we? Did Dada tell us that he is in need of aid or help? We are the one in need of help and aid. We are the one that needs Dada and not him needing us. We are the one that needs his raw intelligence to help us move forward as a country, not him begging us to come to his aid.

Are we truly a cursed nation that celebrates mediocrity above merit and hard work? For heaven sake, Olajumoke never worked hard to get brands falling over her. Olajumoke never did anything that is worth honor. Olajumoke never gave us motivation to strive harder, even though most of us have tried to create motivations out of her, an act I am also guilty of. She cannot pass as a role model for anyone, yet Stanbic IBTC bank begged her to be their face. What an irony of misplaced priority.

Let no one say or insinuate that I am hating Olajumoke here, for I don’t. Anyone in doubt should visit Fejiro Oliver Facebook timeline and see where I invented reasons why Olajumoke should be celebrated and encouraged. This is beyond emotional sentiments, but retracing our values as a nation and a people.

We do not even need to campaign before Dada is given his place of pride in the nation, for what we could not do, he has done it. Wait, he didn’t achieve it in splendor but worked his way towards it by doing menial jobs and selling to see himself through school. Now that is what is called Excellence, not some lucky chap who was fortunate by photobombing and turned a model. Dada is our national symbol that even in the midst of pains and anguish we face, we have people who preserve and are resilience in whatever they do. Dada is our national conscience that despite that bad education we are face with; there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel, if only we ignore everything facing us and focus on the task at hand.

Agreed that MTN has done something, but that is a lazy and non idealistic way of celebrating such academic excellence. What is a personalize phone number, latest Samsung Phone and airtime for 2016, that Dada cannot afford. As I write, he is about to be evicted from his house, and if tomorrow he decides to travel abroad where his brain will be appreciated, we will have to pay million to invite him just to be a consultants. We will be the one crying brain drain when we do not celebrate our very best.

The young man should be celebrated not just by brands but the nation. This is where serious products who truly know what excellence means should invest in and not into bread and butter. I expected big multinational companies to begin to bid and fall over themselves just to grab the young chap, and come out with creative adverts like “…BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT YOU, WE PICK THE BEST”, “ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD FOR YOU…”, “…THE TOP OR NOTHING” etc. I can bet that in less than a week of any company doing such, they will see the result never seen in one year. I can stake my Secret

Reporters News brand name that in less than a month of getting Dada into their company and making him the face of their products, they would recoup all the millions and more spent in getting him on board.

But who will do this? They will rather go for a reality show where girls go naked, have wild sex with some unknown guys from another country. They will prefer to go for those who will sing for few years and fade away, jettisoning academic brilliance that will be passed from generation to generation. How shortsighted are we as a nation.

If this was a sane country where normal people live, we do not need a prompting, hashtags or write ups to celebrate Dada. In a country where they think of the future, Dada will not be the one telling us that five firms are after him; rather firms will be the ones holding press briefings on how they have snatched away the genius from other bidders. Wise politicians who know what they are doing ought to have seen this as a venture to encourage education, citing Dada as a reference point and even make him their brand for academic scholarship.

Celebrating Dada is beyond Ekiti State. He is the hope of the future and to celebrate him we must. Let the challenge begin.

These little things matter…

[Article by Fejiro Oliver…@fejirooliver86.]



  1. Jayeoba

    March 6, 2016 at 5:12 AM

    The sad reality is that we live in a country where mediocrity thrives

  2. D Hunter

    March 6, 2016 at 6:28 AM

    These are two different kinds of people with success stories.
    1) Jumoke the Agege breadseller that became a celeb BY Divine intervention and providence.

    2) we have Dada, the Genius who mocked at all the Academics hurdles and difficulties sailing smoothly to island of success, though, through strive and hardwork which culminated in a historic breakthrough and success.

    Nigeria being what they are tends to give great attention and accolades to the former.
    An act that shamefully exposed our sense of reasoning.

    If I have my way, that Dada of a guy really deserve a National honour for his Academic achievements in order to really encourage others that are ALREADY looking up to him as their role model.
    May God help Us in this country and also connect Dada to the right people that will bring about his liftings.

    I think right now, the next best for me is to….


  3. Ade

    March 6, 2016 at 8:04 AM

    True talk

  4. brie

    March 6, 2016 at 9:35 AM

    No!!! Please don’t tag our country tag the world in general this happens every where on earth for instance take a footballer and a doctors salary in the uk per week a footballer of medium grade collect 80000per week and doctors collect highest 86000 per year in one word we are in a world whereby entertainment is fancied than education

  5. Metu Nyetu

    March 6, 2016 at 9:39 AM

    Writer, ten gunshots! I have been quietly asking myself a similar question, to wit: why is it that authors are not used as brand ambassadors? The whole attention is on musicians/actors/actresses/comedians. And as wondered, I could not help but realise that the world is all about glitz and glamour. That is the plainest truth. Your star is hardly appreciated except it is showlike. Look at those artistes used as brand ambassadors today, how many of them have made a meaningful mark as Chimamanda Adichie, for eg? Yet this highly talented lady is still in obscurity compared to even Terry G.

    This is evil. This is why every child today wants to be a musician, whether they have the talent or not; whether they have a message or just a meaningless noise to make. This is equally why so many young brains who could have made best-selling authors channel their energy into fleeting entertainment.

    The saddest reality about it all is that this abberant culture that has somehow gained acceptance will remain like that. This is the world we live in.

  6. Maryf

    March 6, 2016 at 10:20 AM

    Wahala, all these is happening in our country.

  7. Olanrewaju

    March 6, 2016 at 10:49 AM

    Everybody is destine to be great,but our time is different. Olajumoke time has come,let her enjoy it. Ayodele time is nearest he should be patient

  8. Olanrewaju

    March 6, 2016 at 10:51 AM

    Everybody is destine to be great,but our time is different. Olajumoke time has come,le her enjoy it. Ayodele time is near he should have patient

  9. precious

    March 6, 2016 at 1:26 PM

    What is all this about

  10. Olanrewaju

    March 6, 2016 at 1:58 PM

    Everybody is destine to be great. Olajumoke’s time is here, ayodele’s time is near

  11. Eugene

    March 6, 2016 at 2:11 PM

    Let’s celebrate our nation’s pride Today, for greater tomorrow!

  12. Mark

    March 6, 2016 at 2:20 PM

    People shine in their own way, don’t be stupid you don’t have to be a graduate to inspire others, only in Nigeria if you are not a graduate you are consider less of a human being, the people that invented one of the greatest things we all enjoy today on earth those people are not graduate. It make no sense to write this article, this is just pure jealousy.

  13. Amazon

    March 6, 2016 at 2:59 PM

    That’s the kind of country we live in, the country that will rather celebrate someone who is not learned just because he gained fame to someone who really worked towards excellence. Dumb country!

  14. Marcus Garvey ll

    March 6, 2016 at 4:59 PM

    Well-said and you deserve credit for having challenged the media-based propaganda sweeping the Western World. I do hope this is a trend which will help to enlighten millions, who have become victims of propaganda bent on making billions from foolishness and mediocrity. In addition to religion, greedy capitalists have added sports, music, fashion and other media-based measures to their portfolio, to dominate the financial world at the expense of the dull and ignorant. It is time for Nigerians and the rest of the world to celebrate hard work and sensible means to uplift the nation and the world.

  15. femi ojo

    March 6, 2016 at 5:37 PM

    As regards the bread seller and ayodele, some point need to be noted. We all cannot be scholars, not everyone will be able to afford going to school…is that to say we don’t deserve to be happy, celebrated or have a life. Olajumoke in her own world is a hard working and honest Nigerian who is equally working hard just like Dada to make ends meet and to better her future as well as that of her family. Only that the ways and manner in which they channel their hard work differs. It is only in this part of the world that honest and hardworking Nigerians ain’t respected cos they don’t have tertiary education and that is what is killing this country and our economy. How many graduate are being chun out every academic year with no hope of securing a good job. Students should be encouraged to learn acraft or go Iinto any form of trade to make ends meet, instead of hopelessly waiting for the government to get a white collar job, cos considering the amount of graduate we have in this country (qualified or otherwise)we all cannot get a white collar job.
    However, this is not to say Dada doesn’t deserve to be celebrated. The point here is that the bread seller isn’t less of ah a human being just cos she isn’t educated. If luck and fate smiles on her in the cos of discharging her duty please let her enjoy it. In her own little world she is a hardworking mother, wife and daughter who chose hardwork and dedication over selling her body as a result of poverty and is well deserving of a “5.0” if hard work is being graded.

    • T

      March 7, 2016 at 3:49 AM

      Femi Ojo, you said it all, because she is not fortune to go to school doesn’t mean it’s the end of her life.if God say’s yes no one can say, and when God say’s it’s my turn, no one can stop me.

  16. Jilo

    March 6, 2016 at 5:57 PM

    Dear Brother Oliver, I quite understand how you feel about celebrating non academic achiever and academic genius but the issue you are now raising has been there since. We have been battling this problem since after our 2nd republic. It is more of our social problem and one of the problems that brought this Country to its kneel. Please do not blame that lady for turning to celebrity overnight instead blame those in the leadership position. What happened to Jumoke only happens to one in Million 1/1000000 it is just a luck and we should not even bring up the topic. It doesn’t necessary mean people are celebrating bread seller over an academic sharp. There are some people who won millions of dollars in lottery that doesn’t change them of whom they are but academic is quite different. I understand where this writer was coming from but that problem has been existing in our society for a long time. Gone are the days in Nigeria when a graduates were offered jobs from different companies with 3 bedroom flat, an official car and other benefits but now our stakeholders have changed the face of our moral standard. Instead of comparing Jumoke with this academician, why cant you take your campaign to the authority? meanwhile lets continue to felicitate with Jumoke for being so lucky and let also celebrate our future professor Wole Shoyinka. Thanks.

  17. Stoney

    March 6, 2016 at 7:10 PM

    The brilliant ones are no one in this nation called Nigeria… It’s sad

  18. Cutie

    March 6, 2016 at 7:19 PM

    Oh please…spare me the boring lecture, Mr Fejiro. Every dog has its day. It’s Jumoke’s “day” today. Tomorrow might be Dada’s. If you want to canvass support for Dada or draw the attention of the public to his plight, please do so without casting aspersions on the humble reputation of Olajumoke, making a mockery of the glory of God upon her life or using her story as a reference point for your emotional outburst. I’m sure Olajumoke neither chose to be a bread seller, nor be in the limelight-fate thrust it upon her.
    The commentator above @Jayeoba wrote: “…we live in a country where mediocrity thrives” Hello? So only university graduates with 5.0 CGPA are distinguished, remarkable and peculiar? Then the likes of Gates, Jobs, Dangote, Adenuga etc are commonplace and mediocre?
    I think that’s unfair. Being a bread seller does not make one mediocre. On the contrary, she should be commended for her diligence and honesty. She wasn’t into something shady and dishonest at the point of being discovered. Every honest person, I think, is worth being celebrated.
    Is Dada the first person to graduate with a First Class? You and I know that the certificates from the University of Lagos, especially the First Class and Second Class Upper Division ones are suspect. It’s not about graduating with a 5.0 CGPA but about applying practically what you’ve learnt theoretically, something many Nigerian graduates can not do today. Many of the scientists and technologists, who invented the many “wonders” we are enjoying today, never had a 5.0 CGPA but their names are forever imprinted in the sands of time.
    I’ll advise Mr Fejiro to advise Mr Dada to do something remarkable with his knowledge. Then, people like Mr Fejiro wouldn’t need to canvass support for him, it will come naturally, for the Bible says: “Seeest thou a man diligent in his works, he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”

    • Tfk

      March 7, 2016 at 7:13 AM

      Nice1, I love Dat..

  19. Femi

    March 6, 2016 at 7:27 PM

    The bible says ” l will use the foolish things of this world to confirm the wise” . That is what u are seeing .

    • Jojo

      March 6, 2016 at 9:13 PM

      @ Femi this is my favourite portion in the bible, God can bless anybody He choses to bless so let us let sleeping dogs lie.

  20. precious

    March 6, 2016 at 7:29 PM

    this is the situation in Nigeria. He is indeed a person to b celebrated in the country, but

  21. Omokehinde

    March 6, 2016 at 7:58 PM

    Nigeria is fast becoming a nation where immorality, stupidity,and things that doesn’t matter are greatly celebrated. For example, majority of our giant companies in Nigeria like MTN,GLO, Airlines, Coca Cola,AIRTEL just to mention a few are now celebrating and sign advertising deals with Nollywood actors and actresses, and those Nigerians that have quietly achieved great things like Ayodele Dada are no longer relevant nor appreciated. The popular thing now is that majority of our state governors are now appointing Nollywood stars as their special advisers in state affairs. Nobody remembered to celebrate our wounded and dead soldiers in their long battle against Boko Haram terrorists; no one remembered a great Nigerian woman who found millions of naira and quietly returned the back to the owner at Murtala International Airport in Lagos, nobody celebrated Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu who gave up about $2 millions annual salary as ExxonMobil Director for West Africa to serve his fatherland for peanut. One will think that all these dumb companies will sign advert. dealS with our great professors at our colleges and universities, cut deals with doctors and nurses saving lives in our substandard hospitals, cut deals with exceptional students like Ayodele Dada at our various institutions, cut deals with owners of some orphanage homes in the country catering for the weak and voiceless children of God, and cut deals with some family members of those killed and displaced by Boko Haram in the Northeast region. Nigeria has turned into a nation where corruption, immorality, stupidity,and things that doesn’t matter are greatly appreciated and celebrated. May God deliver us from ourselves. Amen.

  22. my lady

    March 6, 2016 at 9:23 PM

    its a pity though!

  23. Sunny

    March 6, 2016 at 10:07 PM

    Itz turn by turn, just discover were u are good, and u shall b celebrated. Thatz d secret success

  24. fifelomo

    March 6, 2016 at 10:59 PM

    There’s time for everything.

  25. oluwa jacob

    March 7, 2016 at 9:02 AM

    the time she is sufferring in the street and you are in school enjoying yourself you dont said this, anywhere Dada you dont have luck, remember anything someone is doing in this life without luck and God you are doing in vain. here in oversea i am, some gruadate like you are doing phoneboot so dont be jelious pray to God to returned your luck it may be holding by the witches and wizasers and ask God for his mercy because some graduate today have shield the blood of innocent people now when they come out and looking for a better job there is no way. search yourself very well and ask God for his mercy.

  26. sola olaniyi

    March 7, 2016 at 9:29 AM

    @ Fejiro oliver, Olajumoke’s rise to fame is by Divine Intervention..This supersedes any human knowledge or intelligent.

    It furthers shows that when God wants to Bless you,he does not look at your qualification,intelligent or exposure.

    Ayodele achievement is truly commendable,BUT Olajumoke’s rise to fame (By Divine Intervention) outshine it and any other feat that will be achieved by human
    intelligent or effort.

  27. chyna

    March 7, 2016 at 10:01 AM

    please this country should try and celebrate academic success


    March 7, 2016 at 12:19 PM


  29. Metu Nyetu

    March 7, 2016 at 4:26 PM

    To all those who think the writer is jealous of Olajumoke’s success, maybe you need to read the write-up a second time. The writer is not angry that Olajumoke was hyped: he is angry, so to speak, that Dada’s feat, which should merit at least the same degree of publicity as Olajumoke, did not receive even as much as half.

    • femi ojo

      March 7, 2016 at 7:35 PM

      He shouldn’t have made such comparison. They ain’t interwoven

      • Metu Nyetu

        March 8, 2016 at 12:31 PM

        Femi Ojo, they are interwoven. Success is all we are talking here, and it is found in both cases.

  30. John Emeka

    March 7, 2016 at 6:04 PM

    In dis life two things re always involve, it’s either u work harder 2 achieve it as dada or u never work 4 it atall and make it as olajumoke…

  31. Oga Ade

    March 7, 2016 at 9:15 PM

    This is trend all over the world. People in showbiz always make more money and fame more than the intellectuals, so no need to make an issue out of this.

  32. Ladyflunky

    March 8, 2016 at 11:30 AM

    You guys have said it all..We just need to understand that God has a purpose for everything…They are both hardworking and expecting positive changes in their lives..but it might not come through the same channel.

  33. osayuki

    March 10, 2016 at 9:27 AM

    You couldn’t have said it better. An absolute truth that pierces the heart. Nigeria never seems to amaze me, we adore mediocrity more than anything in this world, we give side eyes to potential things that are of high significances just like in the case of Ayodele Dada and hey, i love your writing, its professional! ;-)

  34. Grace

    March 12, 2016 at 12:52 PM

    God works in a manner that no-one can understand. He doesn’t look at your qualifications to bless you.They say “Greatness is not in the beauty of one’s professional title”

  35. Grace

    March 12, 2016 at 12:57 PM

    God works in a manner that no-one can understand. He doesn’t look at your qualifications to bless you. They say “Greatness is not in the beauty of one’s professional title”.

  36. Grace

    March 12, 2016 at 12:59 PM

    God works in a manner that no-one can understand. He doesn’t look at your qualifications to bless you.They say “Greatness is not in the beauty of one’s professional title”

  37. Charles

    March 12, 2016 at 5:31 PM

    Who ever is responsible for this write up is the biggest**** I have ever seen. How dare commonize a hard working mother just because she sells bread?

  38. horlertunjiy herkhonho

    March 24, 2016 at 7:19 PM

    I have nothing to say for all has already been spoken…….but to ma own point of view, I think we should celebrate with(olajumoke) whom God has chosen or blessed…… while others (like mr Dada) should rather uphold their faith and keep praying for God is d most “wise” & “knowledgeable”…..”aduwhunii astejibulakum”(qur’an verse)..meaning(comparison)..”ask, and it shall be given”…..prayer and hard work changes one’s fate for d “betterment”….jazakum

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