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Ombatse Cultists Killed 60 Nigerian Policemen In Lafia, Nasarawa; 2 Officers Arrested For Their Death

nigerian policemen killed by cultists

May 11, 2013 – Ombatse Cultists Killed Over 60 Nigerian Policemen In Lafia, Nasarawa; 2 Corporals Arrested For Their Death

On Tuesday the 7th of May, 2013, 17 out of 90 Nigerian Policemen who went on a mission to arrest the leader of a notorious secret cult called Ombatse in Lafia Nassarawa returned.

Following a tip off from 2 corporals, the cultists attacked the police officers on duty killing over 50 of them instantly.

According to Nasarawa state Police commissioner, here is why they embarked on  the mission to arrest the priest of the notorious Ombatse cult.

“The militia group called Ombatse was going about in mosques and churches forcing all people of Eggon extraction in and out of Lafia to drink a particular concoction prepared from herbs and anyone who failed to comply was beaten up and harassed.  It was agreed at the state security meeting that the Ombatse Shrine priest be arrested to stop such activities.

2 Police corporal who allegedly leaked their secret mission to the cultists namely Corporal Enugu and Haruna Joseph who hailed from Eggon have been arrested by Nasarawa state police command.

What a world we live… brothers killing brothers.

May the souls of the innocent officers rest in peace.



  1. awoje muhammad

    May 11, 2013 at 7:15 PM

    may thire soul rast in parfitpece and those officers should be brogth to book of justice

  2. Onwevadu Charles

    May 11, 2013 at 7:46 PM

    Bible have already said the critical time had to hear,men will lover of themselves,lover of money,haughty having no natural affection,fierce.2 timothy 3:1-5

  3. BIG BEN

    May 11, 2013 at 7:49 PM

    May d souls of d innocent and peace fighter police officers rest in peace with d Lord AMEN! As of d case of those two corporal that leanked the secret of dis mission, they should b kill and b burned to ashes like those police were killed by d ombatse so that others planning such evil will learn from dis lesson

  4. Luka joe jerry

    May 11, 2013 at 10:35 PM

    May d soul of d departd once rest in peace.

  5. Roy

    May 12, 2013 at 5:06 AM

    How secure is this country, when our security men are being butchered like chickens while on duty?

    God help us!

  6. BECKY

    May 12, 2013 at 5:33 AM

    Obamtse group did not force any body or going to churchs / mosque get your fact right okey.the police commissioner and the gorvernor are to be blaim,may the souls of the departed rest in peace.

  7. BECKY

    May 12, 2013 at 6:01 AM

    real fact,117 police men,12 police patrol van went for the ride, no history of crises or violence in the village,only 17 policemen return home with various degree of injurys alive,100 police officers all perish, 9 menbers of the group die.

  8. steve

    May 12, 2013 at 7:05 AM

    This is the end time

  9. obembe olusola

    May 12, 2013 at 8:42 AM

    What a wicked world , may their souls rest in peace

  10. Becky

    May 12, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    May deir souls rest in peace.

  11. Love

    May 12, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    If anyone rejects Jesus Christ, Jesus also will reject them.

    If any soul was not saved even if boko haram, or ombatse kill the person, he will go to hell.

    Let everyone of you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior period

    And no prayers after death will ever work.

  12. Aren

    May 12, 2013 at 2:14 PM

    @BEKKY tell them wat dey don’t know. Our government in collabo wit security agents wuld fabricate lies and d media wuld greatfully distribute it. U guys shuld learn to authenticate whatever u re told even if it is 4rm d president himself.

    Thank God ur 1st related post said “Fulanis Attacked Nasarawa Villagers: Several Farmers Incl. Women & Children Killed; 20 Policemen Killed”. Dat was d eggon people dat were attacked.

    Incase u neva know, the ombatse group helped in retaliating n chasing d “trouble hungry” fulanis ALL away! out of their communities, there is no eggon community dat u ll go now and find a fulani man (not even passing by), and i bliv dis is wat evry nigerian community suffering 4rm fulani attacks are yearning 4.
    Gov Suswam went 2 d vp 2 report his state fulani attacks but gov Almakura never took any action against dis attack u guys reported too but rather rehabilitated dem in his village wen they were chased out, and as a common feature of d fulanis, dey ll always strike back (wich dey did in Aridi, Barkin Abdullahi, etc 4rm HIS OWN VILLAGE). And nothing was done 2 dem o. (investigate n c)

    So d ombatse using spiritual powers 4rm d Gods of d land, were prepared 2 always defend n protect deir land against any external attack bcos d security are always not there (and dat is 1 main aim of ombatse existence).

    The whole ethnic group accepted it since it is a sure way of safety of deir lands.

    Now individuals must b initiated b4 they can b recognised by d spirits 2 benefit 4rm d spiritual powers and there are rules membas MUST OBEY n wen u infrige any, the gods catch u (u can’t escape it). These rules are now what help in keepin d society clean bcos dey must be obeyed. Now d males all love d benefits n how it wuld help solve our problems n are prepared 2 obey d rules (no sleepin wit ur brodas wife, no drinking, u cannot join witchcraft etc).

    Evry1 is clamouring 2 b a memba n their parents or wifes or relatives will fully support dem bcos dey knw d transformation obeying d rules wuld bring about in their children or husbands.

    Now i went home dis past easter n christmas too, and wit d level of acceptance i notice about ombatse (reason has been stated above), i wuld say d statement the state CP made that “The militia group called Ombatse was going about in mosques and churches forcing all people of Eggon extraction inand out of Lafia to drink a particular concoction prepared from herbs and anyone who failed to comply was beaten up and harassed.” is A KOMPLETE LIE! and i repeat, A KOMPLETE LIE!! Rada pple do visit d spiritual fada 2 join.

    Jus reason dis, i am not a memba of d group which if what d CP said is true, i n my fellow eggon brodas within n in diaspora wuld hav supported d police action n claims bt d truth is, they are helping d gov n our enemies fight our own solution wit false reasons.

    Infact last december, d people i saw passing tru my village, goin 2 join d group, jubilatin bcos dey re eager 2 av confidence in demselves against external attacks is enuf 2 disagree wit dis statement and it is a prove of how weak the police intelligence are or how dey re remote controlled by sum1 wit a selfish reason. Ask dem 2 prove their claims, they will neva.
    It is really painful how ova 100 police officers perished because of fabricated facts. They are deceived by wicked politicians (n d gov himself) wit lies to find reasons 2 destroy an “always at alert” group built on d foundation of resistance against enemy tribes attacks ONLY.
    Ombatse 2 my full knowlege was NEVER OUT as a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT as seen by d public. Infact no1 eva bliv d name ombatse wuld cross d borders of Nassarawa but d gov hu is remote controlling security men want 2 now elevate dem 2 such status.

    Investigate dis nasarawa issue keenly and help d country by telling d truth.

    R.I.P to d slain hereos. Their blood wuld 4reva b on almakura’s head. Gbam!!!

  13. omobolanle

    May 12, 2013 at 2:29 PM

    Lafia has always been a peaceful state, wen dis all dis start? May d souls of all dos dt died rest in peace

  14. princeak

    May 12, 2013 at 9:18 PM

    Ombatse ll nver attack people, untll u fne their trouble…police are misse informed, was there crisis in lakyo dat ALMAKURA snd innocent mopol to die..plz dnt be carry away by false informatn by governor almakura, mke ur personal investigation about de group ombatse their re nt culties plz

  15. omoni lucky

    May 13, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    that community should be wiped out of the earth. They are not worth being nigerians

  16. aren

    May 13, 2013 at 7:37 PM

    I am RILLI NOT HAPPY wit d HEADING of one of ur post which says “Ombatse Cult Group In Eggon Land Didn’t Kill Police, They Fight The Fulanis- Eggon Indigene” n my comment was quoted as its content.

    Wit d 1st comment i posted here, i DID NOT exonerate d ombatse militia 4 killing d policemen (did I?). I wuld only b deceivin maself if i say so bcos there re facts dat d group killed d policemen.

    All i was tryin 2 drive home is y ombatse is in existence n wat it has done in eggon land dat made d people accept it and how d government re now opposin dem (wit false facts) 4 fears of assumed political danger wich eventually lead 2d death of d policemen n I FULLY CONDEM d killings.

    Please i am really not happy wit d heading of dat post! and i wuld NOT ASSOCIATE MYSELF wit dat heading bcos dat is not what i mean (or wrote)!

    All i am sayin is dat d policemen were just victims of politicians pursuing their selfish interest, simple comprehension!

  17. kotso

    May 16, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    I felt the death of my comrade police men who lost their lives in the cost of their duty. govenor, cp and other security leaders are to be blame. NO security threats in that village or any form of crises. Ombatse was a traditional belief of Eggon people before the missionary overshadow their culture for donkeys years. The people eyes now open to see the truth way of their gods to be follow why gov should stop them after fulanis attacking them no security help untill the people decided to defend themself and be able to repals and defeated the agwais, its’ now became a threat to the socall almakura, using arms police to fight on his behalf. Eggon people are loving people and they are the one vote for him to be there. Issue of Alago/Eggon crises in Assakio town is because Alago people thinks Eggon people are fools like before to farm for them as slaves. We tell the whole world the truth of the matter.

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